
  1. 易居中国(E-houseChina)数据显示,5月份杭州存量住宅较上年同期增长超过30%。

    According to data provider E-house China , housing inventories rose more than 30 % in May in Hangzhou from a year earlier .

  2. 根据房地产研究机构上海易居中国(E-House)的数据,中国房价收入比曾在2009年达到8.1的峰值,但去年降至7.4,今年将会进一步下降。

    The price-to-income ratio for houses peaked at 8.1 in 2009 , but fell to 7.4 last year and will decline further this year , according to the Shanghai E-House real estate research institute .

  3. 易居研究院认为我国房价收入比保持在6-7属合理区间。

    According to the institute , a reasonable housing price to income ratio in China should be between 6 to 7 .

  4. 易居中国高级分析员杨红旭表示,他们预测明年房子成交量将有所减少。

    Yang Hongxu , senior analyst with E-house China , says they 're predicting housing sales are likely to decline next year .

  5. 易居(中国)控股分析师薛建雄表示,在2008年恒大和万科的内部管理和生产效率有所改善。

    Analyst Xue Jianxiong of E-House ( China ) Holdings said internal management and product efficiency at Evergrande and Vanke have improved immensely since the2008 market correction .

  6. 通过市场细分,对北京易居房地产经纪公司进行了目标客户定位、区域市场定位、商业模式定位。

    Subdivide through market , apt to occupy real estate manager Company carry on target consumer orientation , regional market orientation , commercial mode make a reservation to Beijing .

  7. 数据来自易居(中国)研发机构显示,在过去六个月,香港房地产开发商共售出18个住房项目,大多数是位于二线的中心城市。

    Data from E-house ( China ) R & D Institute shows a total of18 housing projects were sold to Hong Kong property developers during last six months , mostly located in the central of second-tier cities .

  8. 易居中国分析师严跃进说:销量上涨反应出购房需求的增加,许多投资者对波动上涨比较紧张,将其在股市中赚到的财富转移到房地产市场。预计6月份销量会更高,尤其是大城市。

    Uneased by rising volatility , many investors are transferring fortune they earned in the stock market to property market . It is expected sale in June will be at a high level , especially in largest cities , said Yan Yuejin , an analyst with E-house China RD Institute .

  9. 根据易居中国研发机构最新发布的数据,去年北京的房价收入比高达14.5,相比之下,内蒙古的房价收入比为4.4,在30个省(市、区)中排名垫底。

    According to new stats released by E-house China R & D Institute , the capital 's price-to-income ratio reached a high of 14.5 last year . In comparison , Inner Mongolia autonomous region 's ratio stood at 4.4 , placing it at the bottom of the chart of 30 provincial-level regions .