
zhuī zōnɡ bào dào
  • follow-up report
  1. 我们的记者将对选举的公布结果作实况追踪报道。

    Our reporters will give a running commentary on the election results as they are announced .

  2. 有一家报纸在追踪报道此事。

    There was a newspaper on the trail of the story .

  3. 美国新闻媒体将对该审判进行追踪报道。

    The US news media will cover the trial closely .

  4. InfoQ将继续追踪报道GWT开源开发社区的最新进展。

    InfoQ will continue reporting new development among the GWT open source development community .

  5. NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨正在奥尔曼追踪报道谈判的进展。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon is in Oman following these negotiations .

  6. NPR新闻,斯科特·霍斯利追踪报道总统行程。

    Scott Horsley , NPR News , traveling with the president .

  7. NPR新闻的卡丽·约翰逊将带来追踪报道。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson has been following this case .

  8. NPR新闻,正在追踪报道总统行程的斯科特·霍斯利报道。

    Scott Horsley NPR News , travelling with the president .

  9. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗追踪报道罗姆尼选举。

    Ari Shapiro , NPR News , traveling with the Romney campaign .

  10. NPR新闻,斯科特·霍斯利追踪报道总统竞选行程。

    Scott Horsley , NPR News traveling with the President .

  11. 自周六事件发生以来,CNN记者AllanChernoff一直在追踪报道。

    CNN 's Allan Chernoff has been covering the story for us since it first broke Saturday evening .

  12. 据追踪报道总统行程的NPR新闻的斯科特·斯科利报道,有关这次交换行为的质疑在总统的整个欧洲之行中一直困扰着他。

    Travelling with the president , NPR Scott Horsley reports that questions about the exchange have dogged Obama throughout his trip to Europe .

  13. 国土安全记者JeanneMeserve将一直在丹佛为我们追踪报道该事件。这里我们需要理解的是,可能会有更多的指控,因为目前他们并没有面临必须的恐怖主义指控。

    Homeland Security correspondent Jeanne Meserve has been following this story for us from Denver and again , the part we 're trying to understand , maybe some more charges could come , because right now not necessarily terror charges that they 're facing .

  14. 那名记者认为那事件应该追踪报道。

    The reporter thought that the event was worth following up .

  15. 那样我就可以不再受你们的追踪报道了。

    That way I can get away from your running commentary .

  16. 我们将会给你带来追踪报道。

    We 'll continue to bring you up-to-the-minute coverage .

  17. 一些启示决定继续追踪报道。

    Some reporters decided to follow it up .

  18. 但是首先让我们来追踪报道一下美国的一些谈话。

    But we start things off with some trail talk right here in the U.S.

  19. 我们将追踪报道这次听证会,为您报道最新状况。

    We 're following that hearing and will bring you updates as they happen .

  20. 还要写个博客追踪报道

    and write a blog about it .

  21. 我们一直在追踪报道这次超过5亿枚鸡蛋的召回。

    We 've been talking about this recall of more than half a billion eggs .

  22. 追踪报道了纤毛虫小核体功能研究、密码子研究的最新进展。

    Further more , it reports the latest research results of somatic function and code prejudice .

  23. 追踪报道一篇文章或报导,用来给先前报道过的新闻提供进一步的信息。

    An article or a report giving further information on a previously reported item of news .

  24. 增强舆论氛围立足解决问题&浅议从追踪报道看舆论监督

    Strengthen Public Opinion to Solve Problems

  25. 这真的是令人难以置信的故事,我们此前已经追踪报道了一段时间。

    This is an incredible story , one that we 've been covering for a while .

  26. 我们今年追踪报道爆发的埃博拉病毒主要是在西非国家地区。

    The Ebola outbreak we 've been following this year has mostly been limited to West Africa .

  27. 当重大事件发生时,大量的相关新闻报道以及追踪报道便会涌现。

    When an important event occurs , a large number of news reports and follow-up reports will emerge .

  28. 利用新闻媒体的监督作用,加强对假球行为的追踪报道。

    The report to deceitful match of ball should be enhanced by the direct function of the news medium .

  29. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛今天早上我们要为您追踪报道的另外一件大事就是墨西哥湾大规模漏油事件。

    Another big story we 're following for you this morning , that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .

  30. 追踪报道近年来聚碳酸酯新生产技术&非光气法的进展及聚碳酸酯新产品新牌号的开发。

    This paper tracked the development of the PC non-phosgene process , new products and the forecast of the market remand .