
yì dú
  • readable
  1. 我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。

    My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script .

  2. 开发健壮的、易读的手工测试的Richtext编辑

    Rich text editing to develop robust , readable manual tests

  3. 该书妙趣横生轻松易读。

    The book is an enjoyable and undemanding read .

  4. 名著绝不引经据典,艰深难懂,而是通俗易读。它们不是专家为专业人员撰写的专业书籍

    Great Books are popular , not pedantic . They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists .

  5. GIS为电子政务提供清晰易读的可视化工具;

    GIS provides the visualization tools for electronic government ;

  6. Java程序对于代码维护员来说也易读易懂。

    Java programs can be read and understood by maintainers of its code .

  7. 一段代码被阅读的次数要远远超过编写的次数,Java语言为易读性而进行了优化。

    Code is read more often than it 's written , and the Java language is optimized for reading .

  8. 下面脚本中的BOLD中的各项仅仅是为脚本易读而使用的。

    The items in BOLD in the script below are for readability only .

  9. 从中可以看出,UML提供了灵活、易读且无二义性的表达模式。

    So it is clear that UML provided a nimble , legible and also non-ambiguous expression pattern .

  10. XML确实易读,但是在查看结果后可以得出结论,您需要解析标记之间的所有东西。

    XML is read easily enough , but after examining the result , you conclude that you need to parse everything between tags .

  11. 反之,如果以相同数量的LED来设计标志,则可大幅提升亮度,改善易读性和对比效果。

    Alternatively , signs can be designed with the same number of LEDs , providing substantially higher brightness levels for better readability and contrast .

  12. 它以一种易读的格式显示了页面的HTML源代码。

    It displays the HTML source code of the page in a format that is easy to read .

  13. 相对HTML,XML具有灵活简单、易读、良好的扩展性以及标准化等特点已经成为Web的重要技术之一。

    XML has become one of important technologies in Web because of its flexibility and simplification , readability , better expansibility , and standardization compared to HTML .

  14. 除了我们介绍的高易读性的代码,我们还介绍了一种简单的,类似于Rails视图中使用的碎片缓存的缓存技术。

    Beside readable code we introduced a simple caching similar to the fragment caching found in Rails views .

  15. 所有SQL语句都被编译成易读的、可以在SQLite虚拟机中执行的程序集。

    All SQL statements are compiled into easy-to-read assembly executed in the SQLite virtual machine .

  16. 高质量的地图符号是丰富地图内容、增强地图的易读性以及便于地图绘制的必要前提,因此地图符号在GIS中占有很重要的位置。

    High-quality map symbols are necessary precondition for content-rich of maps , enhancing map legibility and convenience mapping . So map symbols occupy very important position in GIS .

  17. Kindle和Reader同样使用电子墨水显示技术,拥有绝佳的易读性,并与其制造商旗下的通路紧密结合。

    Both products offer excellent readability using electronic ink display technology and are tied to stores controlled by their manufacturers .

  18. 两个其他特性有助于编写易读的Python程序,并且这两者都遵循前面所用的书的比喻。

    Two other features help you write easy-to-read programs in Python , and they both follow from the book analogy used earlier .

  19. Scala中的列表构造操作符使得这两种情况下的返回条件变得非常易读、易于理解。

    The list-construction operators in Scala make the return conditions for both cases quite readable and easy to understand .

  20. 正则表达式(regex)使用简明、易读的符号描述模式。

    A regular expression ( regex ) describes patterns in a concise , readable notation .

  21. 本节开始部分的问题可以这样回答,PHP为开发人员提供了以一种易读和易开发的形式生成动态内容的灵活性。

    In answer to the question at the top of this section , PHP gives developers the flexibility of producing dynamic content in an easy-to-read and easy-to-develop manner .

  22. 通过解析Twitterfeed,您知道需要首先用sed对它进行处理,以得到一个真正的、易读的结果。

    So , from parsing the Twitter feed , you know that you need to pipe it through sed first to get a real , legible result .

  23. CEPT阅读文本易读度分析及词汇检测工具的开发

    Readability Analysis on CEPT Reading Texts and the Development of Lexical Checker

  24. 在设计和实现FAI的时候,易读易修改的配置格式对我来说来说十分重要。

    What was important for me when designing and implementing FAI was a proper readable and writeable configuration format .

  25. 业务逻辑代码易读性高,因为XPath可准确地说明数据的本质及其与业务结构的关系。XPath2.0还提供进行搜索和导航的额外功能。

    Business logic code is easy to read because the XPath describes the exact nature of the data and its relationship to the business structure .

  26. 华莱士二人都出生于牧师家庭,最初杂志叫“littlemagazine”,“读者文摘”是副标题,他们对文章有一个明确的要求——简短易读,但要有激励人心或是让人愉悦的效果,

    The Wallaces , both children of church ministers , had a clearly defined formula for their " little magazine " as Reader 's Digest was originally subtitled . Articles were to be short , readable and uplifting .

  27. 如果您在编写PHP代码的过程中养成本文讨论的良好习惯,您将能够构建易读、易理解、易维护的代码。

    If you develop the good habits discussed in this article while developing your PHP code , you 'll build code that is easy to read , understand , and maintain .

  28. FFT的图形显示常表现为不同频段的振幅随时间的变化,提供被测声音信号清晰易读的,可视图形。

    The graphic representation of an FFT usually plots the amplitudes of the frequency bands over time , offering a highly readable and visual representation of the sound being examined .

  29. 用命令和POP3服务器通信相当简单并且易读。

    The communication with a POP3 server uses only few commands and is easily human readable .

  30. 相反,通过梳理代码,你可以使其更加易读便于理解,易于维护和扩展,便于发现和修正bug。

    On the contrary , by making code cleaner , you make it easier to read and comprehend , easier to maintain and expand , easier to detect and correct bugs .