
chūn juǎn
  • spring roll;pancake roll
春卷 [chūn juǎn]
  • [spring roll] 食品,用薄面皮裹馅,卷成细长形,放在油里炸熟

春卷[chūn juǎn]
  1. 采购:冷冻鸡肉,春卷,包装用塑料袋。

    Buy : chicken frozen , spring roll , packing plastic .

  2. 为什么不试一下春卷呢,它很好吃。

    Why not try our spring roll ? It 's delicious .

  3. 我要两个春卷和一份广式肉粥。

    I 'll have two spring rolls and a portion of congee .

  4. 我喜欢酥脆的春卷。

    I like crispy spring rolls .

  5. B我们还可以点一些蔬菜春卷吗?

    B Can we also order some vegetable spring rolls ?

  6. 以HACCP的概念及原则,分析了速冻即食食品的关键控制点。列举了HACCP在速冻春卷流程工艺加工中的应用实例。

    The critical control points in the production of quick-frozen instant food , such as quick-frozen instant Spring Roll , were analyzed with HACCP principles .

  7. 她用的是叉子而且吃蛋皮春卷要蘸两次酱。

    She uses a fork and she doubledips her egg rolls .

  8. 你认为我们能吃这位仁兄做的春卷吗?

    Do you think we can eat this guy 's spring roll ?

  9. 这是有关寿司和春卷的问题!

    It 's a question of Sushi or Spring rolls !

  10. A咱们来共享一份春卷和撒拉吧。

    A How about sharing a plate of spring rolls and salad .

  11. 春卷是道开胃点心,既可以油炸也可以现吃。

    Spring rolls are an appetizer , eaten either fresh or fried .

  12. 猪肉,虾米,蔬菜春卷(油炸)

    Pork , shrimp and vegetable in crispy wonton wrap .

  13. 微波加热对春卷物理特性的影响

    The Effects of Microwave Heating on the Physical Properties of Spring Roll

  14. 微波春卷浸湿原因的探讨

    The Causes of the Soggy Spring Roll During Microwave Pre fried Process

  15. 还有越南风味的春卷和西式的糕点。

    There are also Vietnamese spring rolls and western-style cakes .

  16. 春卷中队该来点外卖了。

    Spring roll squad . Time for some takeout .

  17. 我们不点蛋皮春卷。

    Leonard : We don 't order egg rolls .

  18. 这是一种叫作“春卷”的中国点心。

    This is Chinese food called " harumaki " .

  19. 今天我们的外带食物只有春卷。

    We only have spring rolls today for take-out .

  20. 彼得:听起来不错。我想吃点春卷。

    Peter : sounds good ! I want to have some spring rolls .

  21. 正如你看到的,越南春卷,蔬菜的陷料。

    As you can see , It is Vietnamese spring rolls with vegetables stuffing .

  22. 艾丽斯,你认为呢?让我们吃一些春卷吧。

    What do you think , Alice ? Let 's have some spring rolls .

  23. 嗯,我每次去唐人街时都是点炸春卷。

    Well , I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown .

  24. 让我们吃一些春卷吧。

    Let 's have some spring rolls .

  25. “春卷”在搞什么?

    What 's spring roll up to ?

  26. 水饺和春卷是美味小吃,要准备好它们只需15到20分钟左右。

    Dumplings and roll-ups are tasty snacks that can be prepared in about 15-20 minutes .

  27. 侍者:您要了两个春卷,一份肉粥和咖啡。

    That 's two spring rolls , a portion of congee , and a decaffeinated coffee .

  28. 有谁想吃春卷?

    Anybody want any spring rolls ?

  29. 春卷以及赤壳〔红龟〕糕是清明时节的应景食品。

    Spring rolls and red rice cakes are the2 most common foods eaten on this festival .

  30. 还有,我非常想吃母亲做的八宝饭和春卷。

    By the way , I miss Mom 's eight-treasure rice pudding and spring roll very much !