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nì chēnɡ
  • nickname;pet name;term of endearment
昵称 [nì chēng]
  • [diminutive] 亲昵的称呼;爱称

  1. “亲爱的”是一种昵称。

    ‘ Darling ’ is a term of endearment .

  2. 他为自己儿子感到自豪真想知道那会是什么感觉…亲爱的谢利她都是这么叫他的谢利这是个昵称知道我妈给我取的什么昵称吗莱纳德我又离题了亲爱的谢利…

    She 's proud of him . I wonder what that feels like ... " Dear Shelly . " that 's what she calls him . Shelly it 's a pet name . You know what my mother 's pet name for me is ? Leonard . But I digress . " Dear Shelly ... "

  3. 她喜爱这个昵称——“铁娘子”。

    She delighted in the nickname , the ' iron lady ' .

  4. 第四种姓氏是昵称。

    The fourth kind of surname was nickname .

  5. 如果有人叫你pet、duck、sweetie、love、chicken、chuck、chucky-egg或sunshine,不要觉得奇怪,英国人喜欢用这些昵称来表达友好和喜爱之情。

    Don 't be confused if someone calls you pet , duck , sweetie , love , chicken , chuck , chucky-egg or sunshine . People in the UK often use these terms when they are addressing other people as a sign of friendliness2 and affection .

  6. 一千棵树被预先挑选出来,用于重建屋顶,屋顶因木椽数量之多而被昵称为“森林”。

    A thousand trees have been pre-selected to rebuild the roof , nicknamed ' the forest ' for its sheer number of rafters .

  7. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  8. 为supplier昵称定义类似的约束

    Define similar constraints for the supplier nicknames

  9. 它就是创建表格用户的昵称以及ID。

    This is the alias and the ID of the user who created the table .

  10. 添加类似的信息到usa.itemsupplied昵称中。

    Add similar information to the usa.item_supplied nickname .

  11. 可以使用类似的定义来定义usa.itemsupplied昵称上的外键约束。

    You can use similar definitions to define foreign key constraints on usa.item_supplied nickname .

  12. 因此,非故意的使用计算机用户昵称(computerscreenname)不是适用加重刑罚的充分基础条件。

    Accordingly , use of a computer screen name , without such intent , would not be a sufficient basis for application of the enhancement .

  13. 对于需要认证的服务器,请记得您的用户名现在是您的email地址,而不是您的昵称。

    For servers requiring authentication , remember your username is now your email address , not your nickname .

  14. 最著名的是一个昵称为Lucy的只剩部分骨骸的南方古猿。

    That species is best known by a partial skeleton nicknamed Lucy .

  15. 在进入该URL之后,就可以登录并获得昵称和远程密钥。

    After going to that URL , log in and get your nickname and remote key .

  16. 你知道,那个时候,Jack是John,Jacob,还有Jackson的昵称吗?

    Did you also know that Jack is also a nickname for John , Jacob and Jackson !

  17. DB2昵称中LOB列的插入/更新

    Insert / update of LOB columns in DB2 nicknames

  18. Oscar这个昵称还不够可爱么?

    Isn 't the nickname Oscar cute enough ?

  19. 在中国电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba),员工可以选择自己的昵称。

    At Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce group , employees can choose their own nicknames .

  20. 给items和suppliers的定远程表定义,便可以用以下语句声明相应昵称上的检查约束

    Given the remote table definitions for items and suppliers , you can declare check constraints on the corresponding nicknames with the following commands

  21. 洛杉矶的另外一个昵称是虚幻之地,取自Los和Angeles这两个单词的首字母。

    Another nickname for Los Angeles is La-La Land , using the first letters of Los and Angeles .

  22. 每一位参与婚礼的客人都带着一张写有昵称或QQ号的粉红色心形卡片。

    Each guest wore a pink heart card with nickname or QQ number .

  23. 联邦服务器运行的应用程序引用事务中使用的、两个后端DB2数据库服务器上的实际表的昵称。

    The federated server ran applications that referenced nicknames to the actual tables used in the transactions on both back-end DB2 database servers .

  24. 关于列定义、索引以及昵称统计信息的信息存储在DB2联邦数据库系统编目中。

    Information about the column definitions , index , and statistics for a nickname is stored in the DB2 federated database system catalogs .

  25. 或许,在纽约尼克斯夺取NBA总冠军的道路上,缺失的关键就是甜瓜(安东尼的昵称)。

    Maybe ' Melo 's mini-fro is the missing key to an NBA Championship for the New York Knicks .

  26. 在进行注册时,将创建一个IBMID和密码以及一个惟一的昵称,用来识别您在社区中的身份。

    When you register , you 'll create an IBM ID and password as well as a unique display name that identifies you to the community .

  27. 昵称的注册提供了位置透明性,因为昵称对于联邦服务器上的用户来说看上去就像一个本地DB2表。

    The registration of nicknames provides location transparency , since a nickname looks just like a local DB2 table to the users on the federated server .

  28. 找到的用户列表是通过搜索姓名、昵称、组名称和电子邮件地址,从Contact列表和聊天记录中获得的。

    The list of found users is taken from both your Contacts list and the chat history and by searching first and last names , nicknames , group names , and email addresses .

  29. 昵称不支持触发器,也不支持物化查询表(MaterializedQueryTable,MQT,有时用来缓存联邦数据)。

    Nicknames do not support triggers , nor do the Materialized Query Tables ( MQTs ) sometimes used to cache federated data .

  30. HOWARDGINSBURG,BRADLEY的父亲:他在兄弟会的昵称是Smiles。

    HOWARD GINSBURG , BRADLEY 'S FATHER : His nickname at the was Smiles .