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qiān cí
  • self-depreciatory expression
谦辞 [qiān cí]
  • [self-depreciatory expression] 表示谦恭的言辞

谦辞[qiān cí]
  1. 当然,他这只是谦辞。

    He 's being modest , of course .

  2. 语言学界对谦虚的研究主要集中于:汉语敬谦词的语用分类;文化对比;敬谦辞的运作机制;特点;社会功能;运用原则及敬谦辞运用的制约因素等。

    The existing linguistic studies on modesty mainly focus on the pragmatic classification of Chinese terms of respect and modesty , cultural comparison in different languages , the operating mechanism and characteristics of Chinese terms of respect and modesty , social functions , application principles and restricting factors .