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xiǎn zhù
  • remarkable;notable;marked;outstanding;striking
显著 [xiǎn zhù]
  • [notable;striking;marked;outstanding;remarkable] 明显,引人注目

  • 在新颖独创方面很少有更显著的例子了

显著[xiǎn zhù]
  1. 根据这项研究,女性以牺牲男性的利益为代价而获得了显著的收益。

    According to this study , women have made notable gains at the expense of men .

  2. 太阳系具有下述两个显著特征。

    Two further aspects of the solar system are notable .

  3. 她指出新设计的几个显著特征。

    She pointed out the salient features of the new design .

  4. 在统计学的意义上,这两个样品没有显著的差异。

    The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant .

  5. 家庭纠葛是她小说的显著特点。

    Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels .

  6. 这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置。

    The story was given a prominent position on the front page .

  7. 阿司匹林药片治疗方法简便,效果却非常显著。

    Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment .

  8. 政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。

    Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture .

  9. 他们已在夺取冠军的征途上获得显著进展。

    They have claimed some impressive scalps in their bid for the championship .

  10. 维生素B6对于改善狗和马的皮毛有显著的作用。

    Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs ' and horses ' coats .

  11. 预示危机严重程度的一个最显著的迹象就是失业情况。

    The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment

  12. 航空安全自从20世纪70年代得到显著提高之后,至今再没有任何改善。

    Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s

  13. 此事未对生产造成显著影响。

    This has not had an appreciable effect on production .

  14. 慢性疲劳也是抑郁症的显著特点之一。

    Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression .

  15. 这种疾病的一个显著症状就是记忆逐渐丧失。

    One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory .

  16. 标题使用粗黑字体,显著的成就要用着重号标示。

    Use bold type for headings and bullet points for noteworthy achievements .

  17. 他说联合国在促使该地区非军事化的进程中已经取得了显著进展。

    He said the UN had made remarkable progress in demilitarizing the region

  18. 他的名字频繁地出现在各种小报社会专栏的显著位置上。

    His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers

  19. 两个酿酒地区之间有着显著的差别。

    There are obvious distinctions between the two wine-making areas

  20. 阿司匹林能显著地稀释血液、抑制血液凝结。

    Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting .

  21. 该河流域的地形自洪水以来发生了显著变化。

    The topography of the river 's basin has changed significantly since the floods .

  22. 我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种偏离劳动理论的显著变化。

    We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists

  23. 两位领导人似乎都期望取得显著的进展。

    Both leaders seemed to expect measurable progress .

  24. 西化最显著的标志之一就是赌场的骤增。

    The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation .

  25. 今后核武器在北约武器装备中所起的作用将不那么显著。

    Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO 's armoury in the future

  26. 已经有了显著的改进。

    There has already been a definite improvement

  27. 这份名单最显著的特点是上面没有女性。

    The most noteworthy feature of the list is that there are no women on it .

  28. 不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。

    The effectiveness of this class of drug has , however , led to their misuse .

  29. 这是日益显著的趋势。

    This is a growing trend .

  30. 据观察一年之内发病率显著上升。

    It was noted that within a year the incidence of illness had increased quite significantly .