
  • 网络history of the late Ming Dynasty
  1. 从全球化的视野来观察晚明时期的中国,或许会与以往传统史著中的晚明史大异其趣,会给当今的中国人带来更多新的启示。

    To observe China from the perspective of globalization may give rise to some new views quite different from those about the history of the late Ming Dynasty in traditional history works as well as more new revelation to the Chinese people of today .

  2. 史学传统与晚明史研究

    Tradition of Historiography and the Research on the Late Ming History

  3. 《明书》是第一部明代全史,但于晚明史事多有缺略,于明清关系亦有所回避。

    Mingshu ( History of the Ming ) was the first comprehensive history of the entire Ming Dynasty , but there are many omissions in its coverage of the late-Ming period , and many taboos are observed in its description of Ming-Qing relations .