
  • 网络Gsp;Generalized System of Preferences;FORM-A
  1. 第二章就一般原产地规则在国际贸易中的影响进行分析。第三章论证了原产地规则普惠制(GSP)和区域一体化中的影响。

    Chapter Two examine the effects that general rules of origin take on international trade , Chapter Three examine the effects that rules of origin take on GSP and regional integration .

  2. 谈我国如何运用普惠制原产地规则

    On Practice of the Rules of Origin Under GSP in China

  3. 普惠制是WTO框架下发达国家对发展中国家提供贸易优惠的重要方式之一。

    Generalized System of Preference ( GSP ) is one of the important ways of the developed countries to provide trade preferences for the developing countries under the framework of the WTO .

  4. 欧盟新普惠制正式启动可能推迟至7月1日

    Effective date of EU 's new GSP possibly deferred to July 1

  5. 普惠制条件下跨国直接投资的发展研究

    Researches in the Development of Foreign Direct Investment Under the GSP Treatment

  6. 利用普惠制扩大我国的外贸出口

    Enlargement of Foreign Trade Export in Making Use of General System of Preferences

  7. 论普惠制对中国出口的影响

    On GSP 's Effect on China 's Export

  8. 普惠制的补贴方法和较低的补贴标准对农民增收杯水车薪。

    It is difficult for ways of general preferential system and low subsidies standards .

  9. 由授权机构签发的普惠制原产证表格A,一份正本,一份副本。

    Certificate of Origin GSP Form A issued in1 original and1 copy by competent authority .

  10. 普惠制农村金融组织,既包括正规农村金融机构,也包括非正规农村金融组织。

    Inclusive rural financial organization , including formal rural financial institutions and non-formal rural financial organizations .

  11. 联合国贸发会议是普惠制的发起者和倡导者。

    UNCTAD is the initiator and advocator of the Generalized System of Preferences ( GSP ) .

  12. 通过了申请办理一般产地证和普惠制产地证的资格考试。

    I passed the qualification test to handle GSP Certificate of Origin and Certificate of Origin .

  13. 在单边层面,欧盟通过普惠制加强了与发展中国家和地区的经贸联系(即影响力和控制力)。

    In unilateral level , EC provides GPS to developing countries which also mean influences and control .

  14. 欧盟优惠性原产地规则包括普惠制和优惠性贸易协定的相关安排,中国从欧盟享受的是普惠制待遇。

    The EU preferential origin rules comprise GSP and preferential trade agreements and China enjoys the former one .

  15. 普惠制原产地证明书

    Origin Certificate of GSP

  16. 中国是发展中国家之一,为28个发达国家给予的普惠制受益国之列。

    China is one of the developing countries and included in the list of GSP beneficiaries of28 developed countries .

  17. 加入综合区域经济集团成员国的区域性联盟,可得到普惠制的累积优惠额。

    A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits .

  18. 第二章对欧盟给予我国普惠制待遇的情况进行了详细的分析。

    Chapter two offer the situation of making treatment of general favor of our country to carry on detailed analysis to European Union .

  19. 本文的重点是对建立普惠制基础养老保险制度的经济可行性进行分析。

    The paper has put most attention on the economic feasible analysis of the establishment of the universal basic old age insurance system .

  20. 兹证明我局官员签发的这两份普惠制格式证书均是真实、可信的。

    This in certify that these two copies of GSP Certificates Form A issued by the official of our bureau are true and reliable .

  21. 当美国进口商品来自联盟成员国因出口原产地规则要求之目的视为从一个国家进口时,就发生普惠制累积优惠额。

    GSP cumulation benefit occurs when U.S.imports from association members are counted as if they were imported from one country for purposes of rule-of-origin requirements .

  22. 《美国-柬埔寨纺织品服装贸易协议》可称之为柬埔寨模式:政府主导、国际组织介入&普惠制之外的奖惩手段。

    That is a Cambodia model : a resort to rewards and sanctions that government played a leading role and international organization participated beyond GSP .

  23. 同时,指出欧盟东扩也带来了机遇,即贸易壁垒等问题迎刃而解以及从更多的国家获得普惠制待遇等。

    On the other hand , EU 's eastward expansion will bring an opportunity to settling readily trade barrier and gaining GSP treatment from more countries .

  24. 关税(包括约束幅度和范围、普惠制规定、适用于自由贸易区/关税同盟成员的税率、其他优惠)

    Tariffs ( including range and scope of bindings , GSP provisions , rates applied to members of free-trade areas / customs unions , other preferences )

  25. 普惠制格式A产地证明书&本年度中华公所分别推荐李伍惠莲和伍宝玲接受该崇高荣誉。

    Genetalised system of preference certificate of origin form " A " CCBA referred Wai-Lin Eng-Lee and Po Ling Ng to accept the honor this year .

  26. 欧盟的普惠制对中国此类产品进入欧盟市场反而将成为一种障碍。

    Make and enter European Union market and become a kind of obstacle to this kind of product in China instead in general favor of European Union .

  27. 在发达国家实施的普惠制度中,欧盟普惠制因其市场广阔,受惠国家多而最具有代表性。

    For its vast market and more countries benefited , the GSP of the EU is the most representative of the GSP system in the developed countries .

  28. 普惠制优惠额也发生在当进口商品是在二个或更多的联盟成员国生产,这时可免进口关税。

    A GSP cumulation benefit also occurs when an imported article that was produced in two or more eligible member countries of an association is accorded duty-free entry .

  29. 普惠制祝贺的国家和次国家级全世界各管辖区已采纳和实施强有力的无烟法律,或正计划在不久的将来。

    GSP congratulates the countries and sub-national jurisdictions worldwide that have adopted and enforced strong and effective smoke-free laws , or are planning to in the near future .

  30. 原产地规则旨在确保普惠制待遇仅限于真正在出口受惠国获取、收获、生产或制造的产品。

    Rules of Origin aim to ensure that the GSP treatment in confined to products genuinely taken from , harvested , produced or manufactured in the exporting preference-receiving countries .