
  • 网络Pura;Pra;BWP;Prada
  1. 由于热切希望富有,非法的矿工从加纳的普拉河里抓起大袋金矿石(石头钱)。

    Fevered by hopes of striking it rich , illegal miners claw sacks of " money stone " gold ore from the Pra River in Ghana .

  2. 普拉固对不稳定心绞痛患者C反应蛋白的影响

    The Influence of Pravastatin to the C-reactive protein ( CRP ) in Patients With Unstable Angina Pectoris

  3. 在印度版《蜘蛛侠》中,主人翁的名字由彼得•帕克(PeterParker)改成了帕维特•普拉哈卡(PavitrPrabhakar)。

    There , Spidey 's alter ego , Peter Parker , is known as Pavitr Prabhakar .

  4. 实验结果表明,活性纤维PAF对含普拉黄染料的废水的处理效果较好。

    The experiment shows , disposal of Polar Yellow - containing wastewater is satisfactory with PAF .

  5. 在新奥尔良以南的普拉克明县,大水漫过一座防洪堤,冲击了附近的居住区,美国国民警卫队(NationalGuard)对几十名未注意到疏散令的居民实施了营救。

    In Plaquemines parish , south of New Orleans , a levee was overtopped , flooding surrounding neighbourhoods and forcing the National Guard to rescue dozens of residents who had not heeded evacuation orders .

  6. 与模型组相比,补肾方药口服组、肾经外贴组、膀胱经外贴组、依普拉封口服组雌二醇、睾酮、骨密度均明显升高(P均<0.01)。

    Compared with the model group , the ED , Ts and bone density of the oral taken prescription group , kidney meridian sticking group , urinary bladder meridian sticking group , ipriflavone group were obviously increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 目的:比较雌激素与普拉睾酮(脱氢表雄酮,DHEA)对卵巢切除(OVX)的去势雌兔动脉粥样硬化形成的影响。

    Objective : To compare the effects between estrogen and Prasterone ( Dehydroepiandrosterone , DHEA ) on improving atherosclerosis of ovariectomized rabbits .

  8. 而后普拉继续问酒庄总经理邓思迪(StephenDeng):所有建筑是否能赶在今年9月份酒庄正式开张前完工。

    Prats then resumed his interrogation of Stephen Deng , the estate director , as to whether the buildings could really be ready in time for the scheduled opening in September .

  9. 目的研究非普拉宗(feprazone,Fep)对环氧酶1和环氧酶2活性的影响。

    AIM To study the effects of feprazone ( Fep ) on cyclooxygenase ( COX ) activities in vitro .

  10. 目的研究国产依普拉封片(ipriflavone)防治绝经后骨质疏松症疗效的生化学监测及疗效机制。

    OBJECTIVE To monitor the change of biochemistry in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis after intaking ipriflavone and discuss its action mechanism .

  11. 法庭文件显示,其中一人名叫普拉尚特??米尔普里(PrashantMirpuri),曾任瑞银“东南亚新兴市场无本金交割远期(NDF)交易员”;

    One , Prashant Mirpuri , was employed as an " emerging market southeast Asia non-deliverable forward trader , " according to court filings .

  12. 结论硫酸普拉睾酮钠诱导的雌性大鼠PCOS动物模型卵巢病理改变及血内分泌改变与PCOS病人相似,是较理想的PCOS动物模型。

    Conclusion : The morphologic and hormonal changes of the ovarian in the sodium prasterone sulfate induced rat PCOS model were similar to those of the patients with PCOS . It was proved to be an ideal PCOS animal model .

  13. 以5%SE-30/Chromosorb玻璃柱,正二十七烷为内标,采用气相色谱法于柱温250℃测定非普拉宗的含量。

    A GC method was used to determine feprazone in its tablets . utilizing column 5 % SE-30 / Chromosorb , column temperature 250 ℃, heptacosane as internal standard .

  14. 国产依普拉封片防治绝经后骨质疏松症生化监测

    Biochemistry monitoring in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis after ipriflavone intake

  15. 他们国家的货币叫做普拉,也叫雨点。

    The national currency is called the Pula or raindrop ...

  16. 普拉固和鱼油对高胆固醇血症患者血脂与心脑血管事件影响的比较

    Effects of Pravastatin on Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Hypercholesterinemia

  17. 普拉稀多不再喜欢我和你们打交道。

    Placido doesn 't like me to hang around shit-heads .

  18. 你知不知道道普拉稀多有枪?

    Do you know that Placido has a gun ?

  19. 警察:你在哪儿工作普拉:我在约翰逊公司工作。

    POLICEMAN : Where do you work PAULA : I work at Johnson 's.

  20. 目的:比较非普拉宗与萘普生止痛的疗效。

    AIM : To compare the effects of feprazone with naproxen on pain .

  21. 依普拉封治疗妇女围绝经期症状及骨质疏松的效果

    The curative effect of ipriflavone on the symptoms and osteoporosis in the climacteric women

  22. 普拉睾酮对老年大鼠的促智作用

    Cognition enhancing of dehydroepiandrosterone in the aged rats

  23. 硫酸普拉睾酮钠胶囊处方及工艺的研究

    Study on preparation of Sodium Prasterone Sulfate Capsules

  24. 普拉固对冠心病患者血清脂质成份的影响

    Influence of Pravastatin to the Serum Lipids for the patients with Coronary Heart Disease

  25. 普拉稀多说他会给你寄钱的。

    Placido said he was sending money .

  26. 硫酸普拉酮钠用于中期引产前软化宫颈效果观察

    Clinical observation on malacosis neck of uterus by Sodium Prasterone Sulfate before midtrimester induction of labor

  27. 硫酸普拉睾酮钠二水合物的合成

    Synthesis of Prasterone Sulfate Sodium Dihydrate

  28. 普拉那活动的位置和区域是从心到喉部。

    The seat and field of activity of Prana is from the heart to the throat .

  29. 目的:研究硫酸普拉酮钠促宫颈成熟作用的临床价值。

    Objective : To explore the cervical ripening effect of sodium prasterone sulfate ( SPS ) .

  30. 硫酸普拉酮钠用于足月妊娠促宫颈成熟的临床观察(附60例报告)

    Effect of Sodium Prasterone Sulfate on cervical ripening in term pregnancy ( report of 60 cases )