
  1. 据澎湃新闻报道,我国首个“分享冰箱”周日(10月9日)现身上海市普陀区长寿街道普雄馨苑社区。

    China 's first " share fridge " , or a community fridge with food available freely , appeared in Puxiongxinyuan residential1 community in Putuo District , Shanghai on Sunday .

  2. 上海市普陀区数字化X射线摄影所致受检者剂量

    Dosage of Subjects Exposed to Digital Radiography Examinations in Putuo District , Shanghai

  3. 普陀区宜川社区2001~2005年肺结核流行趋势分析

    Epidemiological Analyze on Tuberculosis from 2001 to 2005 in Yichuan Community

  4. 2005~2006年上海市普陀区医院感染情况分析

    Analysis on nosocomial infection in Putuo District of Shanghai from 2005-2006

  5. 行道树新树种在上海普陀区的示范应用

    Demonstrating Application of New Street Tree Breed in Putuo District Shanghai

  6. 2001~2004年上海市普陀区预防接种不良反应监测分析

    Surveillance of adverse events following immunization in Putuo District Shanghai , 2001-2004

  7. 上海市普陀区3436名妇女乳腺钼靶普查分析

    Mammography screening analysis of 3436 women in Putuo district Shanghai

  8. 我刚刚转到了普陀区的一所学校。

    I have just gone to a new school in Putuo District .

  9. 舟山普陀区湿地资源现状与保护措施探讨

    Discussion on Wetland Resources and Conservation Measures in Putuo District of Zhoushan

  10. 普陀区静态交通规划构想

    Conception of Static Traffic Plan for the Putuo District

  11. 普陀区农机维修网点的现状与管理体会

    The Actuality of Farm Machinery Repair Net Point in Putuo and Management Experience

  12. 上海市普陀区宜川社区居民医疗卫生服务需求分析

    Needs for Medical Service among Residents in Yi-chuan Community of Putuo District , Shanghai

  13. 1052例上海市普陀区外来儿童龋病调查

    Survey of Caries in 1052 Non-native Children Located in Putuo District of Shanghai City

  14. 甲型和乙型病毒性肝炎是普陀区常见的肝炎类型。

    Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B were common types of hepatitis in Putuo district .

  15. 上海市普陀区接苯员工职业卫生现状调查

    Status of Occupational Health Service in Industries Exposed to Benzene in Shanghai Putuo District

  16. 上海市普陀区医疗机构口腔门诊消毒效果分析

    Analysis on the effect of disinfection in dental clinics of Putuo District , Shanghai

  17. 上海中心城区区域绿地规划建设思路初探普陀区长寿绿地普陀春潮方案简介

    An Initial probe into the Greenland plan and Construction of Shanghai Central city Area

  18. 位于上海市普陀区。

    Located in Shanghai 's Putuo District .

  19. 舟山市普陀区房屋用途临时变更现象非常普遍,在老城区中尤甚。

    Temporary alteration of housing function is widespread phenomenon that exists in Zhoushan Putuo District .

  20. 上海市普陀区2007年居民营养与健康状况调查

    Survey on the nutrition and health status of residents in Putuo District of Shanghai in 2007

  21. 上海市普陀区女性乳腺癌的流行现状和趋势研究

    Study on Prevalence Status Quo and Trend of Women Breast Cancer in Putuo District , Shanghai

  22. 2006~2008年上海市普陀区突发公共卫生事件流行病学分析

    Epidemiology analysis of public health emergency in Putuo District of Shanghai City from 2006 to 2008

  23. 杨浦区和普陀区既是上海主要的居民住宅区,也是很多大学的所在地。

    Many universities in Shanghai are located in residential areas of Yangpu District and Putuo District .

  24. 普陀区外来儿童预防接种现状及影响因素研究种痘,行预防性接种

    Study on Immunization Status and Influential Factors of the Floating Children in Putuo District , Shanghai

  25. 上海市普陀区1996~2003年间原发结核分枝杆菌感染的耐药性分析

    Analysis of primary drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Shanghai Putuo district from 1996 to 2003 year

  26. 上海市普陀区自由职业人员参加医保的现况研究

    A research on the present situation of joining medical insurance for professionals in Putuo district of shanghai

  27. 上海市普陀区35年儿童青少年传染病分析

    Analysis to the Infections Disease of the Children in Putuo District of Shanghai During the Past 35 Years

  28. 目的了解上海市普陀区外来儿童的龋病发病情况。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of caries in non native children located in Putuo District of Shanghai .

  29. 流动人口居留意愿调查分析&以上海市普陀区和苏州市为例

    A Research on Floating Population 's Residing Preference : Taking Suzhou and District Putuo , Shanghai as Examples

  30. 在第一章中,简单介绍岳峰恶意诉讼案以及裁判结论&普陀区人民法院认定岳峰构成诈骗罪。

    The first chapter , simple introduced the case and the referee conclusion that Yue Feng constitute of fraud .