
  • 网络P.O;Ordinary portland cement;portland cement
  1. 提高525号普通水泥质量的研究

    Study on Improving Quality of 525 Ordinary Portland Cement

  2. 普通水泥混凝土结构由于在外界自然环境和车辆荷载等多种因素影响下,其结构功能化下降、安全性和耐久性得不到保障,直接影响混凝土结构的使用寿命。

    The structure function , safety and durability of ordinary portland cement concrete structures can not be guaranteed due to external natural environment and vehicle load and other factors , leading to a decline of the service life of concrete structures .

  3. 本文研究了聚合物水泥砂浆(PCM)与普通水泥砂浆之间的粘接强度。

    The adhesion strength development between PCM and commen cement mortar has been studied in this test .

  4. 本文介绍邯郸水泥厂由生产525号普通水泥转为生产R型525号普通水泥所采取的措施及实施效果。

    The measures and their effects taken in the product transfer from 525 ~ # ordinary cement to R-type 525 ~ # ordinary cement in Handan Cement Works are summarized hereof .

  5. β-C2S的稳定性及防止其在普通水泥熟料中粉化的一些因素的探讨

    Discussion on the stability of β - c_2s and some factors preventing dusting from Portland cement clinker

  6. 研究了高C3S水泥系统和普通水泥系统的力学性能及干缩性能。

    The mechanics and drying shrinkage properties of high C3S cement and popular cement systems were studied .

  7. 计算发现:随着龄期的增加,聚合物改性砂浆的σITZ/σm的比值在最初3d内由5~9迅速降低到3左右,以后基本保持恒定,这与普通水泥砂浆的不同。

    The values of σ _ ( ITZ ) / σ _ ( m ) for polymer-modified mortars decreased rapidly from 5 & 9 to about 3 within the first 3 d and then stays almost constant , which are different from the ordinary cement mortars .

  8. 主要研究了采用普通水泥和高贝利特水泥(HBC)配制的混凝土及高性能混凝土的工作性、力学性能及抗裂性能。采用高贝利特水泥配制的混凝土坍落度损失远小于普通水泥混凝土;

    The workability , mechanical properties and cracking resistance of the high-belit cement concrete and high performance concrete and ordinary cement concrete were studied in this paper .

  9. 在普通水泥砂浆中加入硅丙乳液配制成聚合物改性水泥砂浆(PMC),并对其性能和微观结构进行了研究。

    Polymer modified cement mortar ( PMC ) was formed by adding siloxane / acrylate copolymeric emulsion in the Portland cement mortar . The mechanical properties and the micro structure of PMC were investigated .

  10. 普通水泥只有在很高的比表面积时,3d和28d强度才和高C3S水泥相当,但其干缩比高C3S水泥大得多。

    The strength of popular cement at 3d and 28d be equivalent to high C3S cement only when it had high specific surface area , but its drying shrinkages was more than that of high C3S cement at the same curing and drying condition .

  11. 结果表明:PCC-PMCC复合式路面可承受的累计轴载作用次数比普通水泥混凝土路面提高了55%以上,性价比增大幅度可以达到12%以上;

    The results show that the effect numbers of cumulative axle loading borne by PCC-PMCC composite pavement have improved 55 % than common concrete pavement and the performance-price ratio elevates above 12 % .

  12. 测试、分析了不同龄期、不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土的强度与粉煤灰含量的关系,并与普通水泥混凝土进行对比,提出了路用HFCC中粉煤灰的合理比例。

    The author analyzes the relation between the strength of the concrete of different curing age and proportion of fly ash , contrasts the concrete with the ordinary ones , and thus puts forward a reasonable proportion of fly ash in HFCC used in highway .

  13. 瓷砖对普通水泥的粘结强度测定法

    Testing method for bond strength of ceramic tile to portland cement

  14. 普通水泥早期凝固试验方法(砂浆法)

    Testing method for early stiffening of portland cement ( mortar method )

  15. 现在使用较多的是普通水泥。

    The binder usually used today is portland cement .

  16. 普通水泥水化热试验方法

    Testing method for heat of hydration of portland cement

  17. 普通水泥混凝土路面板断裂原因及其预防措施

    On reasons for cracks on common concrete pavement slab and its preventive measures

  18. 普通水泥:现在所用混凝土的代用品。

    Portland cement : Binding agent of present-day concrete .

  19. 浅析普通水泥混凝土配合比设计中砂率的确定

    Initial analysis on confirming of sand ratio in common cement concrete mixing ratio design

  20. 工业废料胶结剂加固土与普通水泥加固土的对比试验研究

    Test Study on Comparison between Industry-waste Cement and Ordinary Cement Used in Soil Strengthening

  21. 但当时,市场上能找到的贴瓷砖材料只有普通水泥。

    However , the only material available to apply the tiles was ordinary cement .

  22. 与普通水泥混凝土相比。

    Advantage over the ordinary cement concrete .

  23. 研究结果表明,露石混凝土路面具有许多优于普通水泥混凝土路面的优良特性。

    The results indicate that it has many excellent advantages over normal cement concrete pavement .

  24. 改善普通水泥耐久性的研究

    Improve Durability of Ordinary Cement

  25. 铁尾矿配料的普通水泥熟料形成及其节能效果

    Ordinary girl Effect of energy saving and formation of portland cement clinker using iron-tailings as raw materials

  26. 通过一系列实验对影响普通水泥和粉煤灰水泥导电性能的主要因素进行了探讨。

    The factors affacting the conductivity of the portland cement and the fly ash cement were studied .

  27. 不过,我很荣幸,你们让我在普通水泥上发言。

    But I 'm honored that you 've asked me here to speak at your common cement .

  28. 在干湿交替的硫酸盐侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土。

    In the alternation of wetting-dry sulfate corrosion environment , the Portland cement concrete is not suitably used .

  29. 一种粒径比普通水泥小的特种油井水泥是小颗粒水泥。

    Small particle size cement is a special oil-well cement which is smaller than conventional API cement in size .

  30. 试验结果还表明,核素在变质水泥和普通水泥中迁移(3年)规律未见明显差异。

    The tests also indicate that there is no significant difference of nuclide migration in ordinary and degraded cement .