
  • 网络PRESCOTT;William Hickling Prescott;Edward Prescott
  1. 普雷斯科特先生专注于对工党价值观进行经典的阐释。

    Mr Prescott concentrated on offering a classic restatement of Labour values .

  2. 他们经常在普雷斯科特山过圣诞节。

    They often spent Christmas at Prescott Hill

  3. 普雷斯科特先生的发言人昨天表明他对于自己被拒绝十分不满。

    A spokeswoman for Mr Prescott yesterday made it clear that he had been unhappy at his exclusion .

  4. 一个弱肉强食的,无情的社会,其中天真和纯真被证明是致命的(b彼得S.普雷斯科特)

    A predatory , insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal ( bPeter S.Prescott )

  5. 他们的商业投机从一开始就注定不幸;注定不幸的商业投机;注定不幸的恋情;那个不幸的囚犯又一次被套上了枷锁wh普雷斯科特。

    Their business venture was doomed from the start ; an ill-fated business venture ; an ill-starred romance ; the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons-w.h.prescott .

  6. 徜徉在英国牛津市中心2.5万平方英尺、有如迷宫般的布莱克韦尔书店时,戴维•普雷斯科特(DavidPrescott,见上图)总要压抑住自己想要重新排列书籍的冲动。

    Walking around the labyrinthine 25000 sq ft Blackwell 's bookshop in the heart of Oxford , David Prescott has to restrain himself from rearranging a display .

  7. 花岗岩山能人组所属亚利桑那州普雷斯科特。

    The Granite Mountain Hotshots based in Prescott , Arizona .

  8. 下面是7岁的米高?普雷斯科特朗读故事的一部分。

    Here is part of the story read by seven-year-old Miko prescott .

  9. 普雷斯科特也许是一个奉行实用主义的商人,但他却不是个俗人。

    Mr Prescott may be a business pragmatist , but he is not a philistine .

  10. 今天,亚利桑那州普雷斯科特社区吊唁19名遇难消防员。

    The Arizona community of Prescott is paying final respect today to 19 fallen firefighters .

  11. 普雷斯科特虽然在日记里写“讨厌的谐音”,可是他写文章的风格还是有点油腔滑调。

    Prescott 's style , though in his diary he wrote bother euphony , is euphonious .

  12. 普雷斯科特的社会地位可能要高一些。

    Preyscott probably rates higher socially .

  13. 在任何力量一耐力的比赛中,把宝押在耐力上。&普雷斯科特

    In any contest between power and patience , bet on patience . & W. H. Prescott

  14. 普雷斯科特认为牛津分店推出的圣诞节系列作家读书会是迄今最棒的创意。

    Mr Prescott cites the Oxford branch 's Christmas line-up of author readings as the best one yet .

  15. 在普雷斯科特,房地产经纪人推销具有美国农场风格、贴着光芒骑士海报的房屋。

    In Prescott , estate agents promote American Ranch-style homes with posters of backlit [ 10 ] horse riders .

  16. 蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。

    Ticknor directed Prescott 's early studies , Irving relinquished to him the theme of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes .

  17. 在整个地区包括能人组在内的消防队员们从位于30英里外的普雷斯科特7号站开始灭火行动。

    Fire fighters across the region including the Hotshots from Station 7 of Prescott , located 30 miles away jumped into action .

  18. 不过,普雷斯科特指出,只有当企业拥有了坚实的财务基础,这个远大目标才有可能实现。

    Yet this ambition could only be fulfilled , Mr Prescott points out , if the company was on a firm financial footing .

  19. 这曾经是一门非常简单的生意,两年多一点前才成为首席行政官的普雷斯科特表示。

    It used to be a very simple business , reflects Mr Prescott , who became chief executive just over two years ago .

  20. 普雷斯科特大学毕业后的第一份工作,就是在这家专业书籍连锁书店管理“货物陈列”——把书籍拆包并且按分类陈列。

    Mr Prescott 's first job after university was in " goods in " - unpacking books and cataloguing - at the chain of specialist booksellers .

  21. 当天晚些时候,雷暴越过普雷斯科特,狂风对这些消防员们180度转弯,阵风达到每小时40到50英里。

    Late in the day , a thunderstorm developed over Prescott , and the wind shifted 180 degrees on these firefighters and 40 to 50 mile per hour gusts .

  22. 默西赛德郡公民协会发言人乔纳森•布朗表示,“我们一直反对普雷斯科特的计划,经历了这么多年的抗争能取得胜利也算是大快人心。”

    Jonathan Brown , spokesman for the Merseyside Civic Society , said : " We fought against Prescott 's scheme and it 's great to have won all these years later .

  23. 然而,普雷斯科特表示,2015年将不会有盈利,因为他要把利润重新投入到企业经营上,特别是要投资于电子产品。

    There will be no profit in 2015 , however , according to Mr Prescott , as he is ploughing the money back into the company , investing particularly in digital products .

  24. 与此同时,亚利桑那的人员正在继续和烈风抗争,他们正努力抑制一场火,强制疏散凤凰城北部100公里附近的小镇普雷斯科特。

    Meantime , an Arizona crews are continuing to battle fierce winds as they struggle to contain a large blaze that forced evacuations near the town of Prescott , about 100 miles north of Phoenix .

  25. 墙上唯一的装饰物是一块企业标语相框,上面写着的企业共同价值观是一些极其简洁的大白话,用普雷斯科特的话来说就是丝毫“不像美国企业那样”故弄玄虚。

    The only decoration on the walls is a framed copy of the company 's shared values , which are strikingly simple and free of jargon , or " not American " as Mr Prescott puts it .

  26. 这个目标或许看似显而易见,但普雷斯科特称,在一家长期亏损的企业工作,面临的一项挑战是,你往往会用错误的方式想要让企业改善业绩。

    It may seem obvious , but Mr Prescott says that one of the challenges of being in a business that has been lossmaking for a long time is that you tend to run the company the wrong way up .