
  • 网络Augite;Na,Ca
  1. 锥状岩席和BS火山岩包含有大量的上地幔岩石包体(橄榄岩类和辉石岩类)和高压矿物巨晶(歪长石、普通辉石和钛闪石)。

    A mass of pyrolite xenolith ( such as peridotite andpyroxenide ) and high-pressure mineral megacrysts ( such as anorthoclase , augite and kaersutite ) are found in cone sheets and BS volcanic rocks .

  2. 本区玄武岩还含有丰富的普通辉石巨晶和歪长石巨晶,而石榴石巨晶罕见。

    The basalts in this region also contain abundant megacrysts of augite and anorthoclase and rare megacrysts garnet .

  3. 巨晶普通辉石的M1位分裂

    M1 Site Splitting of Clinopyroxene Megacrysts

  4. 普通辉石结晶釉的研究硅锌钛结晶釉初探

    An Approach to Silico - Zinc - Titanic Crystalline Glaze

  5. Ⅱ组的普通辉石形成于约1000℃。含大量(≥20%)形态多样斜方辉石出溶片晶,且具有(110)出溶。

    Augites of Group ⅱ contain more than 20 % exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene of various shapes .

  6. 蓬莱玄武岩是一种碱性玄武岩,由磁铁矿、橄榄石、普通辉石和碱性长石组成。

    Penglai basalt , an alkali basalt , consists of magnetite and those silicate minerals suchas olivine , augite and alkali feldspar .

  7. 其他剖面和地区多为普通辉石,且具拉斑质岩系富钙辉石的成分和演化特点。

    The pyroxenes from the remaining sections and localities investigated are augites , whose chemical compositions show an evolutionary trend characteristic of calcium-rich clinopyroxenes in tholeiitic basalts .

  8. 旬邑茶叶末瓷属耀州窑系,其釉的熔剂含量较高,主晶相为普通辉石和钙长石。

    The Xunyi tea dust wares belonged to Yaozhou ware system , the flux in the glaze was fairly high , the main crystal phases were augite and anorthite .

  9. 工艺矿物学研究表明,该铜矿石中主要的矿物为黄铜矿、黄铁矿、白铁矿、石英、长石、普通辉石等组成。其中,有用矿物为黄铜矿。

    Process mineralogy research indicated that the main minerals are composed of chalcopyrite , pyrite , marcasite , quartz , ordinary pyroxene , of which the useful mineral is chalcopyrite .

  10. 玄武岩为蚀变玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩等,造岩矿物斜长石的成分多为拉长石和中长石,辉石多为普通辉石,橄榄石多已伊丁石化。

    The basalt is altered and olivine basalt . Plagioclase is mostly of labradorite and andesine , pyroxene mostly of augite , and olivine mostly replaced by iddingsite in rock-forming mineral .

  11. 其主晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石。晶粒尺寸在1~8μm范围内,其集合体呈球状、枝晶状和块状晶体。

    The main crystalline phase of the glass-ceramics are hedenbergite , while the subordinate crystalline phase is augite with dendrite , columnar crystal and bulk crystal existing in the aggregation , and the grain size is about 1-8 μ m.

  12. 基于主要重矿物,比如蛋白石、普通角闪石、紫苏辉石和普通辉石的定量综合分析,至少可将研究区的浊积砂岩划分为6种类型;

    The turbidite sandstones in the study area can be classified at least into six types based on the combination of the quantitatively major heavy minerals such as opaque minerals , hornblende , hypersthene , and augite .