
jīng tǐ guǎn
  • transistor;crystal valve
晶体管[jīng tǐ guǎn]
  1. 数百人挤在一台晶体管收音机周围收听公告。

    Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement

  2. 每个晶体管至少有三个电极。

    Every transistor has at least three electrodes .

  3. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。

    In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes .

  4. 用于一般精度的温度测量和在计量设备,晶体管电路中的温度补偿。

    It is used to normal precise measure and measure equipment , temperature compensation of transistor circuit .

  5. 我们常从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料。

    We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors .

  6. 变压器可在两个晶体管之间隔离直流偏压

    The transformer isolates the transistors with regard to d-c bias voltage .

  7. 你打开晶体管收音机,立刻就有声音,当你关掉它时,声音渐渐消失。

    When you turn on a transistorized radio , the sound comes on immediately ; when you turn off , it fades out gradually .

  8. 离子敏场效应晶体管PH电极

    ISFET solid - state pH electrode

  9. 超低h(FE)温度系数晶体管研制

    The fabrication of the silicon bipolar transistor with super low h_ ( fe ) temperature coefficient

  10. CMOS工艺中横向双极型晶体管的直流与交流电学特性

    DC and AC Characteristics of Lateral Bipolar Transistors Compatible with CMOS Technology

  11. 在双极型晶体管EM2模型参数中引入的基极电阻r'b是重要的也是较难测量的参数之一。

    The ohmic base resistance of bipolar transistor introduced in EM_2 Model is a very important parameter .

  12. 微波GaAs功率场效应晶体管稳态温度场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of steady state temperature field in microwave GaAs power FETs

  13. 基于Z参数的微波晶体管高频噪声网络分析方法

    Network Analysis of High Frequency Noise of Microwave Bipolar Transistors Based on Z Parameters

  14. 阻抗圆图法测量双极型晶体管EM2模型参数r′b,r′e及τF

    Measurement of em_2 parameters r '_b , r '_e and τ _f of bipolar transistor by circle diagram method

  15. 薄膜晶体管(ThinFilmTransistor英文缩写TFT)是有源矩阵液晶显示器的开关元件。

    Thin Film Transistor ( TFT ) is the switch device of Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display .

  16. P波段100W(CW)硅大功率平衡晶体管的设计

    Design of 100W ( CW ) P Band Si Power Balanced Transistor

  17. 半导体PN结与晶体管中载流子运动形式的讨论

    On Work Principle of Transistor and Movement Mode of Carrier in PN Junction

  18. 硅双栅MOS场效应晶体管的噪声特性

    The Characteristics of Noise of Silicon Dual-Gate MOS Field-Effect Transistor

  19. 多值逻辑理论和神经MOS晶体管是解决这些问题的有效方法。

    The multiple - valued logic and neuron - MOS transistor do .

  20. 用改进的EM模型研究数字集成晶体管中的寄生晶体管效应

    An improved EM model to study the effects of parasite transistors in digital integrated transistors

  21. 覆盖Si3N4层和栅氧化物氮化对晶体管的影响

    Effect of Capping Silicon Nitride Layer and Nitrided Gate Oxide on Hump of Transistors

  22. 电阻耦合型神经MOS晶体管及其差分四象限模拟乘法器

    The Resistance Coupling Neuron MOS Transistor and It 's Difference Four-quadrant Analogue Multiplier

  23. 基于互补型单电子晶体管(SET)逻辑门,提出了SET加法器、移位寄存器和ROM的单元电路。

    Based on logic gates of complementary single-electron transistor ( SET ), three units are proposed as follows : full adder , shift register and ROM.

  24. 异质结双极晶体管(heterojunctionbipolartransistor简称HBT)是异质结电子器件重要的一种。

    Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor ( HBT ) is one of important heterojunction electronics devices .

  25. 其次,对各种SOI横向双极晶体管的结构与性能进行了分析研究;

    Secondly , some kinds of SOI lateral biploar transistors were studied ; finally .

  26. 单电子晶体管I-V特性数值分析

    A numerical analysis of the I-V property of single electron transistors

  27. 重点对绝缘门双极晶体管(IGBT)的极限电流与极限功耗进行了研究。

    This paper emphasizes the research on IGBT limiting current and on state limiting power loss .

  28. RFLDMOS功率晶体管及其应用

    RF LDMOS power transistor and its applications

  29. Bi4Ti3O(12)栅Si基铁电场效应晶体管特性研究

    Studies on Characteristics of Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor with Bi_4Ti_3O_ ( 12 ) Gate on Si Substrates

  30. 用Volterra级数分析晶体管放大器的波形畸变

    Transistor distortion analysis using Volterra series representation