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  • 网络crystal size
  1. 为了获得不同条件下的RDX晶体粒度,本文通过溶析结晶法进行了研究。

    In order to obtain the crystal size of RDX at the different conditions , the drowning-out crystallization was used in the present work .

  2. 国内产品在纯度、晶体粒度及晶型等方面与国外同类产品存在较大的差距,因而在国际市场竞争中处于不利的地位。

    Because of visible qualitative shortages in purity , crystal size and morphology , domestic GMP products are at a disadvantage in international market competition .

  3. 而NaCl晶体粒度直接影响着晶体的纯度及流动性。

    The granularity of NaCl effects the purity and flowability of crystal .

  4. XRD图谱上无非金刚石物相衍射峰,提纯前后的晶体粒度根据X射线衍射理论,晶粒粒度变小引起衍射峰宽化,应用Scheer公式进行计算,晶体粒径变化不大;

    Based on the theory of the X-ray diffraction , crystal particles becoming little lead to wide diffraction peak ; and by Scheer formula , there is little change in particles size .

  5. 晶体粒度相关生长条件下等温混合悬浮排料结晶器稳定性分析

    Stability of Isothermal Mixed Suspension-Mixed Product Removal Crystallizer with Size-Dependent Crystal Growth Rate

  6. 晶体粒度增大,杂质含量增加,因此,晶体的粒度控制是整个工艺的关键。

    Therefore , controlling the powder size is the key factor of the technique .

  7. 转晶剂、晶种和分散剂对α半水石膏晶体粒度、形貌的影响

    Influence of Medium Crystal Agent , Seed Crystal Dispersing Agent on Crystal Granularity Morphology of Alpha-hemihydrate Gypsum

  8. 产品中杂质存在着极限值,并与晶体粒度有关。

    There exist limit value of impurity content in the product and the impurity content increase with the powder size increasing .

  9. 研究蔗糖结晶过程的晶体粒度分布对提高蔗糖质量和蔗糖连续结晶的实践具有明显的指导意义。

    It is very significant to study the crystal size distribution in the industrial sucrose crystallization for the quality of sucrose crystals and continuous sucrose crystallization .

  10. 实验结果表明在F~-离子存在的微酸性介质中合成的试样具有结晶度高、晶体粒度大、锗含量多等优点。

    Experimental results show that , in weak acid medium with F ~ - , synthesized samples feature high crystallinity , large grains in size , and richness in germanium .

  11. 结论复合转晶剂适当的比例和掺量、蒸压时间是控制α半水石膏晶体粒度、形貌及强度的关键因素。

    The important factors of controlling the crystal granularity , morphology and strength of the alpha hemihydrate gypsum are the proportion of composition medium crystal agent and quantity , autoclave time .

  12. 通过实验选择出了高价金属离子或阻垢剂,如三价铁离子或十二烷基苯磺酸钠,都能达到增大结晶界面能,改善晶体粒度的预期目的。

    The effective additives , high electrovalent metal ion , Fe 3 + , and retarded agent , dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt , were chosen to enlarge crystal size in the experiment .

  13. 结果表明其初期热分解不受晶体粒度、装填密度、分解气体产物等的影响,而与晶体完整性的关系很大,其完整性是用扫描电子显微镜观察的。

    Results show that the initial decomposition was unaffected by the crystal size , loading density and gaseous products of decomposition , but greatly influenced by its crystal perfection which was examined with scanning electron microscope .

  14. 较小离子半径的碱金属阳离子有利于铝物种进入沸石骨架,加入碱金属阳离子可以加快沸石的晶化速率,也会降低晶体粒度,进而导致产物结晶度低。

    Alkali metal cation has small ionic radius , it will not only be conducive for the aluminum to enter the zeolite skeleton , accelerate the crystal rate , but also reduce the crystal size , which lead to low crystallization .

  15. 由细晶辉锑矿和自生石英交替互层所显示的方向与辉锑矿的粒内变形作用以及晶体粒度变化所显示的方向一致,也与矿石和围岩的宏观-微观层理一致。

    The direction shown by the interbedded fine crystalline stibnite and authigenic quartz coincides with the direction shown by the intragranular deformation and change of grain size of stibnite . It is also in agreement with macroscopic and microscopic stratifications of ores and host rocks .

  16. 目的制备高纯度的医用α半水石膏并能进一步控制好晶体的粒度、形貌。

    Preparation of the high-purity medical alpha hemihydrate gypsum and further controlling of the crystal granularity , the appearance by using hydrothermal production process in pressure .

  17. 针对磁核(MgFe2O4、NiFe2O4和Fe3O4)的制备方法、晶体结构、粒度分布和磁学性能进行了研究。

    The synthesis method , crystal structure , particle distribution and magnetic properties for spinel ferrite ( MgFe_2O_4 , NiFe_2O_4 or Fe_3O_4 ) were studied .

  18. 采用阳极弧放电等离子体方法制备了高纯镍纳米粉,利用X射线衍射(XBD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)对粉末的形貌、晶体结构、粒度进行了表征。

    The pure nickel nano-particles are prepared by anodic arc discharging plasma method . The product is characterized by X - ray diffraction ( XRD ), transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) to determine the morphology , crystal microstrueture , particle size and size distribution .

  19. 根据四氯间苯二腈的结晶动力学特征,通过选择适宜的工艺操作条件,可以改善晶体产品的粒度分布。

    According to the character of CTL crystallization kinetics the crystal size distribution could be improved by choosing suitable operating conditions .

  20. 氢氧化铝粉体可用作塑料、橡胶等高聚物的填料,氢氧化铝的晶体结构、粒度、颗粒形状、表面性质等决定其填充性能。

    Aluminum hydroxide powder can be used as filler for plastics and rubber . Its crystal structure , particle size and shape , surface properties can effect the filling behavior .

  21. 硝酸硫胺晶体的生长是粒度相关的,生长过程包括扩散和表面反应两方面。

    It was concluded that the crystal growth was size-dependent and controlled by diffusion and surface reaction .

  22. 在10~20℃内,丙烯酰胺的成核-生长动力学级数为430。动力学级数对温度敏感性较小,不能通过调节晶浆密度来控制晶体产品的主粒度。

    The kinetic coefficient of acrylamide crystallization is 4 30 , and is not sensitive to temperature , thus it is not possible to control the main crystal size by means of adjusting the concentration of suspension .

  23. 根据堆积理论,晶体的堆积密度与晶体的形状和粒度大小及其分布有关。

    Based on the packing theory , the bulk density is controlled by the crystal shape , and size distribution .