
chú zá
  • Impurity removal;edulcoration
除杂[chú zá]
  1. B,高能球磨混料-真空焙烧-酸洗除杂。

    B.high energy ball mill mixing - vacuum , roasting-acid pickling for impurity removal .

  2. P(204)-HCl体系捞钕除杂工业实验

    Industrial Experiments of Extracting Neodymium and Removing Impurities in P_ ( 204 ) - HCl System

  3. 除杂装置的喷阀控制由可编程逻辑芯片FPGA来完成。

    The programmable logic chip FPGA was used to control the nozzle .

  4. 分别以25℃的蒸馏水及浓度为20%的乙醇水溶液清洗除杂后,在60℃下,以1.04BV/h的流速对大豆乳清中的异黄酮进行洗脱,其得率为96.81%。

    Then eluting it with 20 % aqueous alcohol to remove the impurity at 25 ℃ .

  5. 讨论了pH值、溶液起始浓度、溶液浓缩密度和过滤速度对除杂的影响。

    The effect of solution pH value , initial concentration , concentrated density and filtration rate on removing process is investigated .

  6. 复杂MeSO4体系初步除杂和深度净化

    Primary and Deep Purification of Complex System of MeSO_4

  7. 因此,异型晶须也应是分选产物SiC晶须的一部分,在提纯除杂后,最终分选产物中SiC晶须品位达85%。

    This peculiar whisker is a part of SiC whisker , so SiC whisker grade of final product will reach 85 % upwards after being purifying .

  8. 氯化物溶解液经过除杂,可以得到满足氯碱工艺初盐水纯度要求的NaCl溶液,用于溶解原盐,回用于氯碱生产。

    The chloride solution through be depurated , get NaCl saline solution which can meet the Chlor-alkali process purity requirements , for dissolved salt in production of chlor-alkali .

  9. 它是将木质浆粕溶解于氧化胺(NMMO,N-甲基吗啉-N-氧化物)溶剂中,经除杂直接仿丝而成。

    It is produced by dissolving wood pulp in NMMO solvent , then spinning directly .

  10. 添加Al2O3可明显改善结晶过程中的除杂效果,且Al2O3经化学改性处理后,活性增强,除杂效果更好;

    It was also found that the addition of aluminum oxide can improve the process and better results can be obtained when Al 2O 3 was activated by chemical method .

  11. 首先从理论上分析了采用硫化&真空蒸馏法处理铜砷锑多元合金除杂富集Cu的可行性,并通过实验考察了加硫量、蒸馏温度、蒸馏时间对蒸馏效果的影响。

    Feasibility of processing Cu-As-Sb multi-component alloy to remove impurity and enrich valuable metal Cu by sulfuration-vacuum distillation was theoretically analyzed . The effects of addition of sulphur , distillation temperature and distillation time on the distillation effect were studied .

  12. 除杂最佳条件是将酵母蛋白液pH值调至2.5,离心(3000r/min)5min,此时,核酸去除率为13.59%。

    The removal rate of nucleic acid was 13.59 % at optimal condition for extraction : pH at 2.5 and centrifugation at 3000 r / min for 5 min.

  13. 研究了酸浸温度、pH值对锌浸出率的影响,考察了净化工艺中的除杂问题,并用DTA分析了活性氧化锌制备过程中焙烧工艺的影响。

    Effects of acid-leaching temperature and pH value on zinc leaching rate are studied . The impurities removal in the purification process and the effect of calcination process on preparation of activated zinc oxide are also examined .

  14. 针对攀钢实际,首次采用钒渣浸出钒液为原料,经除杂、水解沉淀和高温煅烧后制得VO2粉末。

    Based on the actual state of PZH steel , VO_2 powder was prepared using the leach solution of vanadium-bearing slag as raw material for the first time .

  15. 催化剂以NaHSO4代替H2SO4,以少量硅胶除杂,通过浓缩-石油醚结晶(R构型),母液再反应的方法,使S构型逐步转化为R构型。

    The catalyst H_2SO_4 is replaced by NaHSO_4 ; silica gel is applied to impurity removal ; S-formation is transformed to R-formation by the method of " condensation , petroleum ether crystallization ( R-formation ) and second mother liquor reaction " .

  16. 本课题背景源于工业现场监测的图像采集系统,如广泛应用于烟草除杂,棉花检测,食品除杂,布匹检测,大米色选等领域的线阵CCD相机系统。

    The background of the subject derives from the industrial on-site monitoring of the image acquisition system , such as linear CCD camera system widely used in removal of tobacco impurity , cotton testing , food cleaning , fabric testing , rice color sorter and so on .

  17. 实验证明,甘油蒸馏残渣经过化学处理除杂后,通过离子交换,可以回收得到色泽(Hazen)100以下的甘油质;

    Experiment have proved that the glycerol of hazen ≤ 100can be re ˉ claimed via ion exchange and chemistry disposal of glycerol distilled residue ;

  18. 采用钕铁硼废料处理废渣、铁屑等为原料,通过H2SO4浸出、除杂后得净化液。

    Using waste from recycling the NdFeB scrap and iron scale as raw materials , immersing it by H2SO4 and purifying , the purified liquid of Fe2 + was obtained .

  19. 得到如下结论:(1)首次以钒渣浸出液为原料,经除杂净化、水解沉淀和高温煅烧后制得VO2粉体材料。

    The major results are listed below : ( 1 ) first time with the vanadium-bearing slag immerses a liquid for raw material , through seperated , decontaminated , hydrolytic settled , calcinated , get VO_2 powder material .

  20. 结果:优化除杂工艺为:水提液浓缩比例1∶3,3%的澄清剂B,絮凝150min。

    Results : Aqueous extract concentrated to 1 ∶ 3 and 3 % clarifying agent B was added to the aqueous extract , the time needed for flocculate was 150 minutes was turned out to be the optimal method .

  21. 再经过除杂等工艺过程制得硫酸亚铁,并用NH4HCO3使之转化为FeCO3,最后与柠檬酸在80℃反应1h,可以制备出高纯、超细柠檬酸亚铁粉体。

    The FeSO_4 is prepared by purification and then reacted with NH_4 HCO_3 to form FeCO_3 , finally , reacted with citric acid at 80 ℃ for 1 h , the ultrafine and high purity ferrous citrate powder with purity of 99.7 % can be obtained .

  22. 样品农药残留经丙酮提取,凝结液除杂,石油醚萃取,弗罗里硅土柱净化,OV101大口径毛细管柱分离,电子捕获检测器(ECD)检测。

    Then it was extracted with the petroleum ether and through the column of Florisil acidic siliceous earth in series , and determinated by wide bore capillary ( OV 101 30m 0.53 mm ) gas chromatography with electron capture detector .

  23. 进一步将浸出的锰除杂、净化、结晶、制成硫酸锰,其质量达到GB1622-86标准的要求。

    Further treatment purification and crystallization are taken to fabricate manganese sulphate , The quality of manganese sulphate reaches the level of national standard ( GB1622-86 ) .

  24. 还原后得到的硫酸亚铁经过净化除杂,滴加到含有适量有机添加剂的沉淀剂NH4OH-NH4HCO3中,沉淀洗涤干燥后900℃煅烧2h,煅烧产品再用稀硝酸和氢氟酸洗涤,得到高纯球形-αFe2O3。

    The FeSO_4 obtained by reduction is purified , adding to NH_4OH-NH_4HCO_3 solution containing organic additives , precipitated and finally washed and then calcined at 900 ℃ for 2 hours . The calcined product is washed using dilute nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid , obtaining high-purity α - Fe_2O_3 .

  25. 介绍了X-4032跳汰机在机体、风阀系统、排料系统、给料系统、除杂系统等方面的改进和改造后的使用效果。

    The improvement of X-4032 type jigger in organism , wind valve system , discharge system , feed system , impurity removed system and the improvement effect , are introduced .

  26. 根据离子阻滞法原理,应用YC-207树脂对腈纶溶剂硫氰酸钠溶液进行除杂脱色。

    The sodium thiocyanate ( NaSCN ) solution was subjected to impurity removal and decolourization with YC-207 resin according to ion retardant principle , which had the advantages of high recovery ratio , satisfied purification effect and low cost .

  27. 阐述了SSS-I型湿式双频双立环高梯度磁选机的工作原理,介绍了该磁选机在镜铁矿、褐铁矿选别及非金属矿除杂方面的应用。

    The working principle of SSS-I wet type double frequency pulsation double vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator is presented . The application of above separator in the separation of hematite , limonite as well as in the area of removing imparities from nonmetallic ore is introduced .

  28. 利用电解铜废液除杂制硫酸铜的研究

    Research on Eliminating Impurities in Copper Sulfate by Using Waste Electrolyte

  29. 目的:优选除杂工艺;

    OBJECTIVE : To choose the best process to clear impurity .

  30. 除杂效率高于同类机型。

    Cleaning efficiency is higher than the same type of machine .