
  • 网络intelligence factor;intelligence;intellective factors;intellectual factor
  1. 智力因素依靠教育来开发;

    Second , the intelligence factors need to be exploited by education .

  2. 校园文化与大学生非智力因素培养探析

    The Campus Culture and the Training of Non intelligence Factors for College Students

  3. 结果:酒中毒患者与正常人CISA各量表分、智商、各种智力因素商比较,具有显著或极显著差异。

    Results : Compared with the normal controls , the patients with alcoholic intoxication showed statistically significant differences on CISA 's sub scale scores , IQ ( intelligence quotient ) and intelligence factors'quotient , as well as WMS 's sub scale scores and memory quotient .

  4. 非智力因素的培养:家庭教育的题中要义

    The Cultivation of Non-intelligent Factors : The Key of Family Education

  5. 浅谈大学生非智力因素教育

    Brief Talk about the Education for College Students ' Non-intelligent Factors

  6. 论大学体育教学中的非智力因素培养

    On the cultivation of the non-intellectual factors in college PE teaching

  7. 略论幼专生非智力因素与数学学习

    On non-intelligence factors and mathematics study of college students in children

  8. 语文教育中非智力因素的作用与培养

    On the function and fosterage of non-intelligent factor in Chinese education

  9. 论非智力因素对远程学习的制约关系

    The Restriction of Unintellective Factors on the Distance and Open Education

  10. 论儿童非智力因素的培养

    A Brief Consideration of the Cultivation of Children 's Non-intellectual factors

  11. 非智力因素对女大学生成才的影响

    The Influence of Non-intelligent Factors on Female College Students ' Growth

  12. 中职护理教学中调动学生非智力因素的策略

    Strategies to arouse non-intellectual factors of nursing students in technical school

  13. 数学学习中非智力因素的研究综述及思考

    A Survey of the Study of Non-intellectual Factors in Mathematics Learning

  14. 对学生体育非智力因素培养的初探

    The Cultivation of Non - Intellectual for the Students in University

  15. 非智力因素是影响当前英语教育的一个重要因素。

    Non-intelligent factor is an important factor which affects current English education .

  16. 非智力因素与竞技体操运动员取得优异成绩的关系

    The Relationship Between Non-intellective Factors and Athletic Gymnasts ' Achievement

  17. 体育教学中对非智力因素的发展具有独特作用。

    Physical education has a special effect on students'non-intelligential factors .

  18. 但智力因素在其中也起了重要作用。

    But the intelligent aspects also play an important part .

  19. 语文教师的非智力因素在阅读教学中的意义

    Significance of Non-intellectual Factors of Chinese Teachers in Reading Teaching

  20. 谈数学教学中学生的非智力因素培养

    Pay Close Attention to Training Students ' Non-intelligence Element in Mathematics Teaching

  21. 论动机和兴趣在非智力因素教育中的作用

    On the Role of the Motive and Interest in the Non-Inteligence Education

  22. 普通心理学研究了影响学习的智力因素和非智力因素,行为主义学习理论推出了程序教学。

    General psychology studies the intellectual and unintellectual factors that influence study .

  23. 非智力因素与高中语文学业成就关系研究

    On the Relationship between Non-intellectual Factors and High School Students ' Schoolwork

  24. 以非智力因素促进学生智力和能力的发展

    To Develop Students ' Intelligence and Ability with Unintelligent factors

  25. 物理实验教学要注重学生非智力因素的培养

    Paying adequate attention to non-intelligence factors in physical experimental teaching

  26. 论非智力因素与研究生创造力的培养

    On the Non-Intelligent Factors and the Cultivation of Graduate Students ′ Creativity

  27. 浅议现代教育技术在非智力因素培养中的作用

    On Modern Education Technology Affects Non - intellectual Factor Training

  28. 重视非智力因素的培养深化体育教学改革

    Stress Training of the Elements of Non intelligence and Deepen Teaching Reform

  29. 关于非智力因素在《教育学》教材中的科学表述

    Scientific Expression of Non-intellect Factors in the Textbook of Pedagogics

  30. 试论在大学体操教学中对学生非智力因素的培养

    Cultivation of College students ' Non-intellectual Faculties in Gymnastics Teaching