
  • 网络neoclassical theories
  1. 在新古典理论的框架内,以最新的协整理论和误差修正模型建立中国的消费函数模型。

    This paper , within a frame of neoclassical theories , builds China 's consumption function by applying the latest cointegration theory and error-correction model .

  2. 接着本文给出了新古典理论框架、交易费用框架、合约理论、专业化理论、不确定性理论及其他相关的分析范式中的企业与企业成长的有关概念、内容和分析。

    Then I 've represented theoretical framework of neoclassical theories , transaction cost , contract theory , specialization theory , uncertainty theory and other conceptions and analysis related to firm and its growth in relevant paradigm of research .

  3. 新古典理论、X效率理论与企业效率

    New Classical Theory , X-Efficiency Theory and Enterprise Efficiency

  4. 通过对新古典理论、X效率理论的对比分析,文章得出的主要结论是:企业效率应是企业资源配置效率和企业组织效率的综合效率;

    By making a comparison and analysis of the new classical theory and the X efficiency theory , the essay comes to a series of conclusions .

  5. 企业投资决定问题主要包括两个分支:关注企业内部决策的新古典理论和关注资本市场评价的托宾Q理论。

    There are two main branches in corporate investment decision theory : neoclassical theory , which focuses the corporate internal decision , and Tobin 's Q-theory , which focuses the capital markets .

  6. 并利用Agosin和Mayer在新古典理论的框架下构建的国内投资的投资方程,和基于此理论推导的回归方程对FDI对广东省投资的挤入挤出效应进行了分析。

    And making use of inner investment equation constructed by Agosin and Mayer under the neoclassic theory frame , the paper analyses the Crowding in and out Effect of FDI to investment in Guangdong with the regression equation deduced by above theory .

  7. 本文的研究思路是从对新古典理论的反思开始的。新古典经济理论是现代经济学研究的一个基本框架;

    The neoclassical economic theory is a basic frame in modern economics research .

  8. 基于新古典理论的土地要素与经济增长的关系

    Economic growth with land factors in New-Classical Theory

  9. 人力资本积累与黄山市旅游经济增长的关系研究&一个基于新古典理论的分析框架

    Human Capital Accumulation and Huangshan Tourism-Related Economic Growth : A Relation Study Based on a Neo-classical Analytical Framework

  10. 我国上市公司的投资行为研究:基于新古典理论的检验

    A Study on the Investment Behavior of China 's Listed Companies : : A Test Based on Neoclassical Framework

  11. 市场可能是以古典和新古典理论所描述的方式运转的,但并非必须如此。

    Markets could behave in ways described by the classical and new classical theories , but they need not .

  12. 第一章论述企业并购的定义、分类;阐述三种重要的企业理论,即新古典理论、交易成本理论和委托-代理理论;

    The first part ( Chapter One ) elaborates the important corporate theories , the M A ' theories , and the definition and classification ofM A.

  13. 在市场经济条件下,劳动市场并非像新古典理论所描述的那样统一完整,而是处于分割的状态。

    Under the market economic system , the labor market isnt a united one as said by the neo classical theory , but was segregated into some parts .

  14. 虽然其后的理论发展引入了公司所得税、破产成本和个人所得税等因素,但仍然没有超越新古典理论的范畴。

    Although incorporating elements like the corporate income tax , bankruptcy costs and individual income tax , further theory development has failed to breakthrough the new classical theory .

  15. 新古典理论以生产函数和效用函数为基础,建立了技术关系的稀缺资源有效配置理论,其核心是表明商品和要素稀缺性的相对价格。

    Based on product and utility functions , Neo-classic theory consists of effective allocation for scarce resources , with the relative price of commodity and factors as its focus .

  16. 交易成本经济学和契约经济学在弥补新古典理论缺陷的同时,为考察企业的定义和存在问题提供了一个新的视角,但它并没有给企业的定义与存在提供一个合理的答案。

    Cost exchange economics and contract economics provides a new perspective for the definition and existence of enterprise , but it does not give a reasonable solution to the issues .

  17. 本文介绍了西方三种地区经济增长理论,即新古典理论、经济开放理论和累积因果理论。

    The thesis has introduced respectively three western theories of regional economic growth : the neo classical theory , the economy open theory and the cumulative cause and effect theory .

  18. 而通过本章的论证,认为目前国民收入核算体系中的所有由货币量值表示的统计变量是由社会关系或特定的货币金融体系决定的,与新古典理论中生产函数的技术分析并无关系。

    We conclude that all of the statistic variables in the system of national accounts are determined by the social relations and monetary system . It have no relation to producer function .

  19. 演化经济学侧重于被新古典理论作为背景因素的过程分析,其理性基础是程序理性。

    Evolution Economics , which puts a particular emphasis on the process analysis that is hold as a background factor by the neoclassical theory , however , takes procedure rationality as its rationality basis .

  20. 而古典和新古典理论认为,利率是由资本的供求关系决定的,因而主张利率市场化,由市场供求来决定利率。

    While the classical and neo-classical interest rate theory argue that the interest rate is determined by the supply and demand of the capital in the market , and the interest rate liberalization as a result .

  21. 为什么当代的以新古典理论为指导的,集中在激励体系特别是薪酬体系设计的人力资本的管理不能达到管理者期望的效果?

    Why does the present human resource management , built under the principles of Neoclassic Economics and focusing on the design of motivating systems especially the salary system , fail to work efficiently as managers has ever expected ?

  22. 本章首先总结出资产重组绩效的理论研究框架,并在此基础上,分别对新古典理论、交易成本理论、委托&代理理论以及协同效应理论分别作了理论和应用分析。

    The first section summarizes the theoretical research abstract of asset-restructuring performance . Other sections introduce the explanation about asset restructuring of neoclassic theory , transaction cost theory , coordinated effect theory and the theory of principal and agent .

  23. 在完全竞争、规模报酬不变和不存在运输成本的假定条件下,古典理论或新古典理论认为,不管最初的差异如何,万能的市场将最终带来区域的趋同。

    In assumption condition of perfect competition , the same pay scale and no transportation costs , the classical theory or new classical theory hold that no matter how the initial differences , omnipotent regional market will eventually bring about convergence .

  24. 文章认为:①企业迁移研究的理论和方法出现融合发展趋势,在新古典理论框架的基础上采取制度和行为的方法逐渐成为主流;

    According to the article , there are a trends of integration between enterprise migration theory and research methods at first , and it must gradually become mainstream to take a method of system and practices in the framework of the New & classical theory .

  25. 本论文在对古典、新古典理论、马克思主义、凯恩斯主义、发展经济学理论等理论流派关于储蓄向投资转化问题的理论综述之后,从理论上探讨并阐述了储蓄向投资转化的四个一般阶段。

    After summarizing the explanation of transferring from savings to investment from the schools such as classicalism , neo - classicalism , Marxism , Keynesianism and development economics , this paper discusses in theory and explains the four ordinary stages of transferring from savings to investment .

  26. 依据新古典理论,政府增支或减税并不一定如凯恩斯主义预期增加居民消费,即财政政策对居民消费存在挤出抑或挤入效应之争。

    According to neoclassical theory , that the government increases expenditures or reduces taxation does not necessarily increase residents ' consumption like the Keynesian expectation . That is to say , there is the existence of battle about crowding-in or crowding-out effect of fiscal policy on residents ' consumption .

  27. 本文根据上海市大中型工业企业技术引进的实际情况,借助于新古典增长理论的分析框架,研究了技术贸易和FDI两种主要的技术引进方式的直接效应。

    This paper explores the direct growth effects of ownership and technology imports under the framework of neoclassical economic theory .

  28. 新古典增长理论认为FDI作为一种资本和外部的技术冲击只能在短期内促进经济增长;

    The new-classical growth theory only takes FDI as a kind of capital and external shock to promote growth for short-run .

  29. 新古典增长理论提出了趋同(Convergence)的概念:相比经济发达的领先地区,经济落后的跟随地区会具有更快的增长速度。

    Neoclassical growth theory raised the definition of convergence , which means that the growth rate of under developing regions is faster than that of the developed ones .

  30. 基于新古典兼容理论的案例分析&以音频CD网络与APE网络的兼容为例

    Case Analysis for a Theory of Compatibility in the Framework of Neoclassical Economics : Taking Networks of Music CD and APE as Examples