
  • 网络Intelligent Design
  1. 法规并没有改变学校的课程,也没有明确地为创世说或智慧设计论进行游说。

    It changes no curriculum and does not expressly lobby for creationism or intelligent design .

  2. 智慧设计论能成为进化论的替代理论吗何况智慧设计论也不会因此变得更合理。

    May Intelligent Design Replace Evolution ? Moreover , it does not make one intelligent-design theory more reasonable than another .

  3. 何况智慧设计论也不会因此变得更合理。

    Moreover , it does not make one intelligent-design theory more reasonable than another .

  4. 倡导智慧设计论的人曾声称,化石记录的证据表明突变是更高效率创造新物种(的手段)。

    Intelligent design advocates have said sudden shifts in the fossil record are evidence of a higher power creating new animal forms .

  5. 目前有争议的是,这份听似无伤大雅法案是否真的为教师在讲授科学课程时向学生灌输创世说和智慧设计论开了后门。

    At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms .

  6. 这些法案中的大部分,包括田纳西州的,都有一个共同起源:由探索研究所撰写并发布的《关于进化论的学术自由法规范》。探索研究所这个立场保守的智囊长久以来都是宣扬智慧设计论的。

    Many such bills , including Tennessee 's , share a common parent : a " Model Academic Freedom Statute on Evolution " written and posted by the Discovery Institute , a conservative think-tank that has long advocated intelligent design .

  7. 之前许多州法庭和联邦法庭的判例不但禁止在公立学校中讲授创世说和智慧设计论,还不允许教师违反学区课程规定讲述任何反对进化论的观点。

    Many state and federal court cases have not only prohibited the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public-school classrooms , but have also restrained teachers from introducing arguments against evolution in contravention of a school district 's curriculum .