
  • 网络intelligent dispatching;Intelligent Scheduling
  1. GPS智能调度监控系统在煤炭运输中的应用

    Application of GPS intelligent scheduling monitor system in coal transport

  2. 各类蚂蚁agents通过信息素互相配合,协同运作,共同实现半导体生产线的动态智能调度。

    The coordination and cooperation between ant agents through pheromone make it possible to realize dynamic intelligent scheduling for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities .

  3. 多Agent地区电网智能调度系统研究

    Study on multi-agent regional electric power intelligent dispatching system

  4. 多Agent技术在电网智能调度系统中的应用

    The Application of Multi-agent technology in Power Control System

  5. 基于Agent的同类机智能调度算法

    Agent-based Intelligent Algorithm for Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem

  6. 基于QoS优化的短消息服务中心多维智能调度策略研究

    Research of Multi-dimensional Enhanced Schedule Technology in SMSC Based on QoS

  7. 本课题的背景环境是基于GIS的智能调度系统的开发。

    The background of this article is an intelligent distribution system project which is based on GIS .

  8. 基于Multi-agent的机电设备群控智能调度系统

    Intelligent Dispatching System of Mechatronic Equipment Group Control Using Multi-agent

  9. 基于LBS和GIS的出租车智能调度系统的研究

    Research on the taxi intelligent dispatch system based on LBS and GIS

  10. 本文结合电网调度和Agent技术的特点,提出了基于多Agent的电力系统智能调度的理念。

    In this thesis , the intelligent dispatching system based on multi-agent is proposed according to the characteristics of grid dispatching and agent technology .

  11. 基于RUP的车辆智能调度系统开发研究

    Development of A RUP-Based Vehicle Intelligent Dispatch System

  12. 分布式FMS智能调度和控制系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of an Intelligent Scheduling and Control System for Distributed FMS

  13. 基于EMS的智能调度操作票系统

    Intelligent Operation Ticket Expert System Based on EMS

  14. 同时分析了GPS应用于昆明公交智能调度系统管理存在的问题,并提出了相应的意见和建议。

    At the same time , analysis of GPS application in Kunming public transport intelligent dispatching system management problems , and puts forward some opinions and suggestions .

  15. 应用统一建模语言(UML)技术和RationalROSE建模工具对自动化立体仓库智能调度系统进行了UML建模,从而形成了自动化立体仓库智能调度软件的软件体系结构模型;

    The architecture of AS / RS intelligence scheduling system software has been designed with Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) modeling technique and Rational Rose .

  16. 基于Bagging算法的水库水沙联合智能调度

    Intelligent Regulation of Reservoir Based on Bagging Algorithm

  17. 最后文章以张家口煤矿机械有限公司煤为研究对象,根据以上理论开发了智能调度系统软件,本系统采用Access数据库,VISUALBASIC语言,在windows2000的平台下开发。

    Lastly , base on the study on Zhangjiakou colliery machine Co. Ltd. , develop the artificial intelligent scheduling system software on the flat of Windows 2000 . The database is Access and the advanced language is Visual Basic .

  18. 路径优化是物流配送中智能调度系统的核心问题,其中最典型的问题模型就是旅行商问题即TSP问题。

    As an essential question of the intelligent distribution system , route optimization has many problem-solving models , the most typical one is Traveling Salesman Problem ( short for TSP ) .

  19. 搭建了由串口模块,基于GIS的车辆监控系统以及公交车辆智能调度系统三个功能模块组成的信息平台,初步实现了数据的融合处理及发布。

    Setting up a serial module , based on Vehicle Monitoring and Managing System of GIS and Bus Intelligent Arranging System module , these three functional modules make up of Information Platform , and it realize processing and publicizing data and information .

  20. 在分析蚁群生态系统自组织行为的基础上,构建了基于信息素的实现半导体生产线动态智能调度的MAS系统,并给出了相应的算法。

    On the basis of analysis on self-organizing behaviors of ant colony system , pheromone-based multi-agent-system ( MAS ) for dynamic scheduling for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities is presented , and the algorithm is proposed .

  21. 本系统包含数据采集、数据处理、数据展示等几个部分,分别为智能调度管理模块、GPS动态监控管理模块、基础资料配置模块,数据采集模块、数据通讯模块、数据库。

    The system includes data acquisition , data processing , data display , and several other parts , namely , intelligent scheduling management module , GPS module dynamic monitoring and management , basic data configuration module , data acquisition module , data communication module , the database .

  22. 为保持智能调度的独立性,方便今后对GA部分的改进,本文将算法核心部分分层设计,降低各部分之间的耦合。(4)实现了一个数据独立的中药制药生产调度原型系统。

    To keep maintaining of the system easily and make the intelligent scheduling part independent , this paper design the main algorithm part well to reduce the coupling of different module . ( 4 ) Implements a data independent prototype system of TCM pharmaceutical production scheduling .

  23. 介绍了分布式FMS智能调度和控制系统的研究与开发情况:提出了一种新的适合于分布式系统建模的网络计时Petri网NTPN;

    An intelligent scheduling and control system for distributed FMS is introduced . This system has following distinguishing features : ( 1 ) a new type Petri nets called networked timed Petri nets ( NTPN ) for the modeling of distributed systems is proposed ;

  24. 半导体生产线群体智能调度模型研究

    Research on Swarm Intelligence Based Scheduling Model for Semiconductor Wafer Fab

  25. 基于车辆定位的北京公交智能调度指挥系统

    Intelligent Dispatch System for Beijing Public Transport Based on Vehicular Location

  26. 考虑乘客混杂度的电梯群控智能调度算法

    Intelligent Dispatching Algorithm Considering Passenger Intermix-Degree for Elevator Group Control System

  27. 公交智能调度系统的体系框架和关键技术研究

    Intelligent Bus Dispatch System Architecture and The Research of Key Technologies

  28. 多模成像跟踪器的算法智能调度方法

    The Intelligent Dispatching Method of the Algorithms for Multi-Mode Imaging Tracker

  29. 考虑批量和辅助时间等生产工况的智能调度方法

    Intelligent scheduling algorithm for problems with batch and non cutting time

  30. 地区电网智能调度中故障信息系统的研究

    The Research on Fault Information System in Local Grid Intelligent Dispatch