
  • 网络Hagrid;Hager;Haig;Higer
  1. 对,不过至少海格没被开除。

    Yeah , but at least Hagrid didn 't get fired .

  2. 只有海格一个人给他写过信。

    Hagrid was the only one who ever sent him letters .

  3. 海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。

    Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics

  4. 海格继续解释他个人的战争原则。

    Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war

  5. 由于此ALE系统是为海格通信公司短波电台设计的一个模块,实际方案根据公司电台的实际要求作了优化与改进。

    ALE module is optimized and mended in its application , because it is a module of automatic radio of the company .

  6. 三星电子上月展开的最新调查是对非政府组织ChildLaborWatch一份报告的回应。报告称,该组织在6月和7月共对海格国利进行了三次调查,结果发现该工厂存在雇佣童工现象。

    The latest audits were conducted last month in response to a report by a non-governmental organization Child Labor Watch that three investigations it conducted during June and July found child labor in use at the factory in southern China .

  7. 三星电子在一份声明中说,今年8月对其代工厂海格国利电子(惠州)有限公司(HEGElectronics(Huizhou)Co.,简称:海格国利)的调查发现,该工厂存在管理不善和潜在不安全操作等若干问题。

    Audits conducted in August at the manufacturing facility of subcontractor HEG Electronics ( Huizhou ) Co. found ' several instances of inadequate management and potentially unsafe practices , ' Samsung said in a statement .

  8. 中国劳工观察还指控,另一家供应商海格国利电子(heg)频繁雇佣童工,但三星表示,没有发现任何雇佣童工的证据。

    CLW also alleged repeated use of child labour at HEG , another supplier , but Samsung says it has found no evidence of this .

  9. 全球咨询公司美世(Mercer)董事海格•纳班提恩表示,公司并不会很快就放弃传统的海外派遣,因为这种方式可以帮助公司快速解决世界不同地区人才匮乏问题。

    Still , companies are not likely to abandon traditional overseas assignments any time soon as it allows companies to quickly address talent shortages in different parts of the world , says Haig nalbantian , a director at Mercer , the global consulting firm .

  10. 他把海格的笛子放到嘴边,吹了起来。

    He put Hagrid 's flute to his lips and blew .

  11. 不可能,海格说,他的声音微微发颤,

    Can 't have , Hagrid said , his voice shaking .

  12. 走出药房,海格又把哈利的单子检查了一遍。

    Outside the Apothecary , Hagrid checked Harry 's list again .

  13. “那么海格到底想做什么呢?”赫敏说。

    So what on earths Hagrid up to ? said Hermione .

  14. “不想。”“我们干吗不下去看看海格呢?”

    No. Why don 't we go down and visit Hagrid ?

  15. 阿不思邓不利多:没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?

    Albus dumbledore : no problems , I trust , hagrid ?

  16. “太棒了!”罗恩说,“怎么样,海格?”

    Brilliant ! said Ron . How about it , Hagrid ?

  17. 真不知道哈利想做什么。海格嘟嚷着。

    Dunno what Harry thinks he 's doing , Hagrid mumbled .

  18. 海格帮哈利装一些钱到袋子里。

    Hagrid helped Harry pile some of it into a bag .

  19. 龙是不能被驯养的,不管海格说什么。

    Dragons can 't be domesticated , no matter what Hagrid thinks .

  20. 哈利,你现在正在海格的小屋里。

    Harry , you 're in hagrid 's hut now .

  21. 但是,海格,这一定弄错了。

    But , Hagrid , there must be a mistake .

  22. 海格退缩在药剂大师的语气愤怒。

    Hagrid flinched at the fury in the Potion Master 's tone .

  23. 你知道的,海格,你一定知道。

    You know , Hagrid . I know you do .

  24. 它咬了我以后,海格还不许我吓唬它。

    When it bit me he told me off for frightening it .

  25. 海格碰到的不是陌生人,对吧?

    That was no stranger Hagrid have met , isn 't it ?

  26. “我什么也不会说的。”海格干巴巴地说。

    I 'm sayin ' nothin , said Hagrid flatly .

  27. “海格送的,姨妈姨父送的……那么这些是谁送的呢?”

    Hagrid and my aunt and uncle - so who sent these ?

  28. 海格的胡子抖动起来,他们看出他在笑呢。

    Hagrid 's beard twitched and they could tell he was smiling .

  29. “海格,别忘了你住在木头房子里。”她说。

    Hagrid , you live in a wooden house , she said .

  30. 那一整段时间内,哈利与海格在哪里?

    Where were Harry and Hagrid for all that time ?