
  • 网络intelligent software;intelligence software;smart software;knowledgeware
  1. 智能软件:由面向对象到面向Agent

    Intelligent Software : from Object - Oriented to Agent - Oriented

  2. 基于Agent技术的智能软件协同开发研究

    Study on the Cooperation Intelligent Software Development Based on Agent Components

  3. 智能软件Agent在分布式信息管理中的应用

    Intelligent Software Agent for Application in Distributed Information Management

  4. 并且得出结论&用Matlab工具软件可以开发出多种智能软件。

    Moreover a conclusion that is drawn a variety of intelligent software can be developed with Matlab .

  5. 然后重点对SET认证的领域模型进行了研究与分析,提出SET认证的领域框架,阐述了与层次模型相适应的智能软件构架设计思想;

    Second , emphases were put on SET authentication research , an architecture of SET authentication was proposed to expound the Intelligent Architecture Design Theory fitting with layered model .

  6. SCADA系统智能软件的研究&遥控操作分析

    Study on the Intelligent Software of SCADA & Analysis for Telequipment Operation

  7. 在这里,我将把PHP与名为反向代理(reverseproxy)的智能软件结合使用来缓存页面和节省服务器。

    Here , I combine PHP with smart software called a reverse proxy to cache pages and save servers .

  8. G2实时智能软件是一种在线专家系统开发工具。

    The G2 real-time intelligence software is a developing tool for on-line expert system .

  9. 通过对基于PLC语句表程序控制设备的故障产生机理的剖析,论证了诊断规则自动生成的可能性和故障定位的准确性,并对如何编制相关的人工智能软件作了一些说明。

    This paper , through analyzing the reason of PLC control system trouble , demonstrates the possibility and accuracy of trouble locating and gives some explanation on writing the relevant artificial intellegence software .

  10. MEX文件在人工智能软件中的应用

    Application of mex file in artificial intelligence software

  11. 本文用dbaseⅢ数据库管理系统与高级语言程序相结合,在微机上建立了ICP-AES信息处理的的智能软件系统。

    An intelligent software for ICP-AES is established with the use of Dbase - ⅲ database management system and BASIC programs . The software includes information system and intelligence system .

  12. 最后,对数据库中的数据,分析了剔除奇异值和数据平滑两种预处理过程及相关算法,并利用COGNOS商业智能软件进行了相应的处理。

    Finally , towards the data in database , two preliminary process algorithms of abnormal value elimination and smoothly data process were introduced together with the application of COGNOS business intelligence software .

  13. 通过收集某炼油厂对原油卸船、输送、储存过程进行调度的方法、经验、规则及推理策略等知识,利用G2实时智能软件,开发出原油罐调度实时智能应用知识库的原型系统。

    Through collecting the dispatching experience and rules with reasoning strategy of the procedures in crude transportation and tank storage of a refinery , an intelligent application system has been developed on the basis of G2 development environment .

  14. 和CVQ-3500多流型摄像机装有智能软件技术,该技术自动监测和分析视频信息过程。

    The CoVi CVQ-2500 and CVQ-3500 Multi-Stream cameras feature intelligent software technology that automates the process of monitoring and analyzing video information .

  15. 基于PCI总线通用接口卡(PCI-7483)构建出一个开放式数控系统平台,介绍了硬件配置及端口分配,根据智能软件芯片的理念设计出系统软件架构。

    Based on PCI bus general interface card ( PCI-7483 ), it builds an open CNC system platform . It introduces the hardware configuration , port assignation , the software structure developed by VC + + 6.0 and the thought of the Intelligent Chip ( IC ) .

  16. 然而,更重要的是智能软件。

    More important , however , is the software of intelligence .

  17. 带刚性域箱涵结构分析智能软件的实现

    Realization of Structural Analysis Software for Box Culvert with Rigid Zone

  18. 基于智能软件的着舰飞行/推力控制系统

    Carrier Landing Flight / Thrust Control System Based on Intelligent Design Software

  19. IT行业通常称之为商业智能软件。

    The IT industry typically calls it business intelligence software .

  20. 基于智能软件代理的分布式医学图像协作研究

    Medical Image Distributed Cooperation Implementing Based on Intelligent Software Agent

  21. 智能软件狗加密设计与实现

    Realization and Design of Intelligent Software Dog for Encryption

  22. 复数教学智能软件系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Instruction Software System on Complex Number Instruction

  23. 智能软件的对象模型与感知

    Object Representation and Sensing in Intelligent Software

  24. 主流商务智能软件分析

    An Analysis of Mainstream Business Intelligence Software

  25. 智能软件的开发技术

    The development technique of AI software

  26. 基于杆组人工识别的机构分析智能软件的功能设计

    The Fuction Design of Knowledgeware for Plane Mechanism Analysis Based on Manual Discernment of the Linkage Group

  27. 减少纸板或填充设计的“智能软件包”公司可以节省钱。

    Reducing the amount of cardboard or filler by designing " smart packages " can save companies money .

  28. 搭建一个神经网络即人工智能软件的主要结构也需要许多不同的进程同时运行。

    To build a neural network the primary architecture of AI software also requires many different processes to take place simultaneously .

  29. 约会网站的用户被鼓励举报可疑行为,有些网站采用智能软件来标出虚假个人信息。

    Users of dating sites are typically encouraged to report suspicious behaviour and some sites employ sophisticated software designed to flag bogus profiles .

  30. 搭建一个神经网络——即人工智能软件的主要结构——也需要许多不同的进程同时运行。

    To build a neural network - the primary architecture of AI software - also requires many different processes to take place simultaneously .