
  • 网络thin-client;Thin Client
  1. 基于iPC系统的瘦客户机应用分析

    Analysis on application of thin-client based on the iPC system

  2. 加载完代码后,所以处理和操作都将在DB2瘦客户机或DB2Thin-Connect工作站中本地执行。

    Once the code is loaded , all processing and activity is locally handled on the DB2 Thin-Client or DB2 Thin-Connect workstation .

  3. 其中Web应用程序客户机和Java应用程序瘦客户机是最常用的。

    The Web application client and Java application thin client are the most commonly used .

  4. 与瘦客户机相比,传统的PC需要更多的电力和更强的冷却系统,寿命更短。

    Traditional PCs require more power and cooling than thin clients and have a shorter lifespan .

  5. NC的驱动力是采用瘦客户机的客户机/服务器体系结构。

    What is driving the NC is the attraction of a client-server architecture with thin clients .

  6. 随着具有多任务、多用户的应用系统的不断成熟,瘦客户机已向着Windows终端发展。

    With the advancement of multipurpose and multiuser operation systems , windows terminals have been used for thin client .

  7. 完成一些初始配置后,这个机器就变成了DB2瘦客户机代码服务器。

    After some initial configuration , this machine is known as a DB2 Thin-Client code server .

  8. 许多小型、轻量级Linux发行版都满足需求,包括一些专门为瘦客户机设计的发行版。

    Many small , lightweight Linux distributions fit the bill , including several designed specifically for thin clients .

  9. 云计算和使用基于Linux的瘦客户机都可以带来环保效益。

    There are environmental benefits to both cloud computing and the use of thin clients based on Linux .

  10. 瘦客户机不提供对本地设备的写访问,例如它们可能只提供Web应用程序,所以不需要备份。

    Thin clients that do not offer any write access on local devices , for example offering only Web applications , do not require a backup .

  11. 用户希望他们从基于Web的应用程序获得与从台式机获得的相同的功能和支持,而且最好是用瘦客户机接口打包。

    Users want the same functionality and support from Web-based applications as they get from those on their desktop , preferably packed with a thin-client interface .

  12. 它确有吸引力,但紧要的问题是,NC或瘦客户机能否最终取代PC机。

    Attractive as it is , the burning question is whether NCs or thin clients will eventually replace PCs.

  13. 针对多种数据库并存的环境,用J2EE架构实现Web界面的瘦客户机数据访问模式,可以方便地访问各种类型的数据库。

    In multi-type database environment , using thin-client data access model with Web interface based on J2EE architecture can access various types of database .

  14. 对于嵌入式Linux工程师和爱好者,云计算的一个令人兴奋的方面就是它在瘦客户机上的应用。

    For embedded Linux engineers and aficionados , one exciting aspect of cloud computing is the sudden interest in thin Linux clients .

  15. Puppy最适合充当瘦客户机的独立系统。

    Puppy is best suited for stand-alone systems used as thin clients .

  16. 事实上,在不久的未来,对于大部分人来说,瘦客户机将成为访问Internet的主要手段。

    In fact , thin clients are expected to be the primary method of accessing the Internet for a majority of people in the world within the next few years .

  17. 远程身份验证方案(例如Ajax登录页面或运行服务器托管的X会话的瘦客户机)需要进行特殊考虑。

    Remote authentication schemes , such as Ajax login pages or thin clients running server-hosted X sessions , require special consideration .

  18. 红色的箭头表示从相应的代码服务器中加载到DB2瘦客户机上的代码。

    The red filled arrows represent the code that is being loaded on the DB2 Thin-Client from a respective code server .

  19. WINDOWSCE设备驱动程序的研究及瘦客户机USB-Expander的设计

    Research of Windows CE Device Driver and Realization of USB-Expander of Thin-Client

  20. 这些工具需要利用AJAX等瘦客户机技术,通过门户网站使之有效。

    These tools need to be made available through portals , taking advantage of thin client technology such as AJAX .

  21. 而实际上不应该这样做,我只在讨论驱动程序时使用driver这个词,而在讨论这种架构时使用瘦客户机这个词。

    It shouldn 't be in this manner , and I specifically use the word driver when talking about drivers and Thin-Client when talking about this architecture .

  22. 在20世纪90年代中期,图形化瘦客户机风靡一时,但是由于无法满足带宽需求,它们的应用在很大程度上仍然限制在LAN中。

    When graphical thin clients became popular in the mid-1990s , their use was still largely limited to LANs because of bandwidth requirements .

  23. 无论是会话bean与JMS的组合,还是MDB,两者都需要一个J2EE应用服务器,这使得两种选择都不适合瘦客户机实现。

    Both the session bean-JMS combination and MDBs require a J2EE application server , making neither choice suitable for thin-client implementations .

  24. 嵌入式Linux网络计算机是一个集成嵌入式Linux客户机和Windows终端服务器的终端/服务器模式的瘦客户机系统设计方案。

    Embedded Linux Network Computer ( ELNC ) is terminal / sever based thin-client solution which integrates embedded Linux in the client and Windows terminal server in the server .

  25. 它是一种标准的办公式笔记本电脑,提供了一个有趣的特性:基于Linux的瘦客户机被直接构建在硬件中,共享键盘、屏幕和网络连接。

    It is a standard office laptop with an interesting twist : a thin Linux-based client built directly into the hardware that shares the keyboard , screen , and network connection .

  26. 通过综合功能有限的客户机,云计算在很大程度上类似于借助LAN的客户机-服务器计算,使用了哑(dumb)终端或曾经十分流行的瘦客户机。

    Combined with clients of limited capability , cloud computing becomes broadly similar to client-server computing over a LAN using dumb terminals or once-vogue thin clients .

  27. Netbooks被设计为作为瘦客户机使用,并且大部分都不具备风扇或磁盘驱动。

    Netbooks are designed to be used as thin clients , and many have no fans or disk drives .

  28. 本文讨论如何使用Linux操作系统为较旧但功能正常的计算机系统赋予新的活力,让其充当服务器、媒体播放器或瘦客户机。

    This article describes how to use the Linux operating system to repurpose an older but functional computer system , giving it a new life as a server , a media player , or a thin client .

  29. 但是,对于媒体播放器或瘦客户机,您可以从CD、UFE或者通过网络启动。

    For media players or thin clients , however , you could boot from a CD , from a UFD , or over the network .

  30. 本课题采用了ETOS操作系统、Windows终端服务器的终端/服务器模式的瘦客户机系统设计方案。

    The paper , used ETOS operating system and Windows Terminal Server , adoptes Terminal / Server model of thin-client system design solution .