
  • 网络clenbuterol;lean meat powder;Ractopamine;Clenbuterol hydrochloride;brown meat essence
  1. 瘦肉精及纳米过渡金属修饰电极的制备及应用研究

    Preparation and Application of Clenbuterol and Nano-transition-metal Modified Electrode

  2. 瘦肉精危害的实验研究

    Experimental research on hazardous of clenbuterol

  3. 第四步,用真实存在的XX肉制品企业应对瘦肉精事件的过程进行实证分析。

    The fourth step of the process with real enterprises to cope with events of meat XX company .

  4. 像瘦肉精这类食品添加剂对我们的健康是有害的。

    Additives like lean meat powder are really harmful to our health .

  5. 您认为“瘦肉精”对双汇有哪些方面的负面影响?

    What negative impacts do'Shuanghui'have after this issue happened in your opinion ?

  6. 猪饲料中加入这种“瘦肉精”能降低脂肪含量。

    The powder is added to pig feed to lower the fat content .

  7. 喂太多瘦肉精会导致猪死亡。

    If you feed pigs too much clenobuterol hydrochloride , they will die .

  8. 动物组织中盐酸克伦特罗(瘦肉精)的快速检测

    Rapid determination of clenbuterol hydrochloride in animal tissue

  9. 第三章介绍瘦肉精事件及其产生的原因。

    The third chapter introduces " lean meat essence " event and its causes .

  10. 动物性食品中盐酸克伦特罗(瘦肉精)残留危害及其检测方法研究进展

    Hazard of Clenbuterol Residual in Animal Food and Research Progress on Its Determination Method

  11. 动物性食品中抗生素及瘦肉精残留量基线调查研究

    A study on baseline of residues of antibiotics and lean meat-increasing reagents in animal foods

  12. 瘦肉精最初是作为一种药物在临床上用来治疗呼吸系统疾病的。

    CLE and RAC were used as medicines firstly to treat respiratory system diseases in clinical practice .

  13. 本文仅对瘦肉精与肉品质量安全及检测相关知识做一个简单介绍。

    This article only lean meat quality and safety and testing and knowledge to make a brief introduction .

  14. 本文立足于社会现实,结合瘦肉精事件,来探讨公共政策执行中的公众参与的困境与对策。

    This paper based on the social reality , combined with lean fine events discuss the implementation of the public policy .

  15. 结论:金标检测卡检测瘦肉精方便、快捷,适用于现场快速检测和筛选工作。

    Conclusion : The method of ELISA detecting clenbuterol is convenient and quick and ELISA is the same with spot quick detection .

  16. 最近的食品丑闻包括染色馒头和瘦肉精,这让购物者在超市购物更加担心。

    Recent food scandals involving dyed steamed buns and lean meat powder have given Chinese shoppers more cause for concern at the supermarket .

  17. 近些年来,苏丹红鸭蛋、瘦肉精中毒等多起有关畜产品安全事故频繁出现。

    In recent years , " Sudan " duck , clenbuterol poisoning and many other accidents from the safety of animal products frequently appeared .

  18. 三月时,一种相似的化学物质瘦肉精被发现在中国最大的肉产品生产商河南双汇的肉产品中。

    In March , a similar chemical , clenbuterol , was found in meat supplied to China 's largest meat processor , Henan-based Shuanghui Group .

  19. 中国最近曝出的食品丑闻,在很多方面与之前的丑闻密切相关,其中,联系最密切的可能要属2011年的瘦肉精事件。

    The latest scandal in China in many ways closely follows previous scandals there , maybe most closely with the pork powder incident in 2011 .

  20. 但记者调查发现,这种猪之所以健美,是因为喂了国家明令禁止的“瘦肉精”。

    But CCTV reporters have found the secret behind the product : the pigs have been fed with clenobuterol hydrochloride , a chemical which China prohibits .

  21. 中国最近曝出的食品丑闻,在很多方面与之前的丑闻密切相关,其中,联系最密切的可能要属2011年的“瘦肉精”事件。

    The latest scandal in China in many ways closely follows previous scandals there , maybe most closely with the " pork powder " incident in 2011 .

  22. 本论文由以下四部分构成:1.绪论(第一章)本章介绍了我国食品安全现状及形成原因,简单阐述了瘦肉精的相关概念及检测方法的研究进展。

    Chapter one : PrefaceThis chapter presents the present situation and the reasons of food safety in china , and simply expounds the related concepts and detection method of clenbuterol .

  23. 可是,随着“瘦肉精中毒”事件的发生,人们有必要对之有更深一步的认识:他们身上还肩负着一种社会责任&安全注意义务。

    But due to the " clenobuterol hydrochloride poison ", it 's necessary for people to have a further insight into this issue that they shoulder a social responsibility : security .

  24. 在此次西瓜爆裂事件之前,今年还爆出了另外几桩食品安全丑闻,从瘦肉精猪肉、地沟油,再到含有重金属的大米。

    The burst watermelons follow on the heels of several food safety scandals this year , from tainted pork , to recycled cooking oil , to rice laced with heavy metals .

  25. 受双汇“瘦肉精”事件的影响,大量含瘦肉精的肉品浮出水面,“食品安全”经历两会后再次成为焦点话题。

    The subject Shuanghui " lean " events , a lot of meat containing Clenbuterol surfaced ," food security " experience once again become a hot topic after the two sessions .

  26. 农业部周二派出一个督察组,对国内使用克仑特罗,也就是所谓的“瘦肉精”的违法行为进行调查。

    The Ministry of Agriculture dispatched an inspection group on Tuesday to look into the illegal use of clenbuterol , which is better known as " lean meat powder " in China .

  27. 他表示,继今年早些时候的“瘦肉精”猪肉丑闻之后,假冒绿色肉类可以提升销量。

    Following a scandal earlier this year involving a toxic additive fed to pigs in China , labelling a meat as organic would be a way of boosting sales , he said .

  28. 为测定食物中毒样品中克伦特罗含量,分别用瘦肉精快速检测卡、高效液相色谱法、气-质联用法3种方法测定猪肺汤、猪肺中克伦特罗残留量。

    The clenbuterol quick measure card , HPLC and GC MS method were used respectively to determine clenbuterol in samples of pork lung and pork lung soup from a case of food poisoning .

  29. 如三聚氰胺事件、瘦肉精事件、各类安全事故等造成严重的社会后果,极大地降低和削弱了政府的公信力。

    Such as the melamine incident , clenbuterol events , all kinds of accidents and other serious social consequences and so on , which greatly reduce and weaken the credibility of the Government .

  30. 近年来,食品安全问题屡屡曝光,从三聚氰胺到瘦肉精,从多宝鱼到苏丹红等多个事件层出不穷。

    In recent years , food safety problem many times , from " the melamine to Clenbuterol ", from " fish " to " tonyred " and many other events emerge in an endless stream .