
  1. Nedergaard首先把这个研究作为暑假作业布置给自己16岁大的女儿NannaGoldman。

    Nedergaard first assigned the study as a summer project to her then-16-year-old daughter , Nanna Goldman .

  2. JVG坚持说姚明的暑假作业并没有限制他的成长。

    Jeff Van Gundy has insisted that Yao 's summer workload has not limited his growth .

  3. 当她回到家中之后,她首先做了暑假作业。

    When she came back , she did her summer exercise first .

  4. 跟往常一样,我女儿完成了两页的暑假作业。

    My daughter finished two pages of her holiday work as usual .

  5. 今天早上,我女儿先做了暑假作业。

    My daughter did her summer exercises first this morning .

  6. 昨天,她已经做完了所有的暑假作业。

    She finished all her summer exercises yesterday .

  7. 今天早上,我女儿做了暑假作业,并且教了我五道奥数题。

    My daughter did her summer homework and taught me five Olympian math problems this morning .

  8. 当我起来的时候,她已经完成了书法作业和暑假作业。

    When I got up , she has already finished her handwriting task and school assignment .

  9. 多亏我哥的帮助,我才完成了暑假作业。

    Thanks to my brother 's help , I finished my homework for the summer vacation .

  10. 这是我的暑假作业。

    It is my homework .

  11. 《暑假作业》于上周五在台湾首映,已在包括温哥华、伦敦和釜山的多个国际电影节上展映。

    ' A Time in Quchi , ' which opened Friday in Taiwan , has screened at several international festivals , including Vancouver , London and Busan .

  12. 第九,做好你们的暑假作业。这可以使得你们不必去上暑假班,而能按照自己的兴趣过暑假。

    This will ensure that you don 't have to go to summer school and you will be able to enjoy a summer of following your own interests .

  13. 写三篇文章制作两个模型飞机是学生们暑假的作业。

    Writing three articles and making two model planes are assignments for the students during the summer holidays .

  14. 我每天早上做英语,下午做数学和语文,几乎没有多少玩的时间,有时打打电脑但时间不多,也就查查资料,看看电影之类的。总之我的暑假大多都在作业中度过。

    I do every morning , afternoon math and English language , almost no time for play , how much time but sometimes play computer , also check the data , see a movie .