
shǔ tiān
  • hot summer days;dog days
暑天 [shǔ tiān]
  • (1) [hot summer days]∶炎夏的日子

  • (2) [dog days]∶伏天,七月初至九月初期间常出现夏天的酷热天气

暑天[shǔ tiān]
  1. 冰淇淋在暑天销路好。

    Ice-cream always goes well in hot weather .

  2. 在酷暑天考试的学生可能总是抱怨考不好是因为天太热。

    Students taking exams in a summer heatwave might have always complained that they were hampered by the sweltering weather .

  3. 又是一个酷暑天,又是密西西比河上无雨的一天。

    It 's another day of intense heat in the midwest United States , and another day without rain on the Mississippi river .

  4. 暑天的凉风吹到我身上的是怎样的愉快--当我吻你的脸使你微笑的时候。

    and what delight that is which the summer breeze brings to my body --- when I kiss you to make you smile .

  5. 如果在暑天里学校需要空调并且学校需要支付雇员的加班费,这可能耗资巨大。

    This can be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days and school employees need to be paid for the extra time .

  6. 绿豆芽所含的热量很低,但富含纤维,更是暑天餐桌上的常见菜。

    The mungbean sprouts are the most frequently seen ingredient in the dishes during the hot summer days , for they contain low heat but high fiber .