首页 / 词典 / good

  • dark;dim;dull;hidden
  • secretly;in the dark
  • 不亮,没有光,与“明”相对:黑~。~淡(a.不光明;b.喻景象悲惨)。阴~。~无天日。

  • 不公开的,隐藏不露的:~藏。~号。~杀。~娼。~沟。~含(做事、说话包含某种意思而未明白说出)。~流(a.流动的地下水;b.喻潜伏的思想倾向或社会动态)。明察~访。

  • 愚昧,糊涂:~昧。~弱(愚昧软弱)。兼听则明,偏信则~。


(光线不足; 黑暗; 暗淡) dark; dim; dull:

  • 暗绿

    dark green;

  • 暗紫色

    dull purple;

  • 灯光很暗。

    The light is rather dim.

  • 天色渐暗。

    It's getting dark.


(不显露的; 秘密的) hidden; secret:

  • 明人不做暗事。

    A person who is aboveboard does nothing underhand.


[书] (糊涂; 不明了的) unclear; hazy; vague:

  • 对情况若明若暗

    have only a vague idea of the situation


(地下的) underground:

  • 暗沟

    underground [closed, blind] drainage


(私下地进行) secretly:

  • 暗杀

    kill secretly


(黑暗) in the dark:

  • 他在暗中摸索着找门把手。

    He groped for the door handle in the dark.

  1. 天空骤然转暗,随即下起雨来。

    The sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain .

  2. 这种葡萄酒色泽深暗悦目,是中等浓郁至浓香型的。

    With a nice dark colour , the wine is medium to full bodied

  3. 幕布升起,剧场内的灯光暗了下来。

    The lights in the theatre dimmed as the curtain rose .

  4. 这光线太暗,看不了书。

    This light is too dim to read by .

  5. 她在渐暗的暮色中看不清楚汽车的型号。

    She could not distinguish the make of the car in the fading light .

  6. 乔治看见屏幕变暗,接着出现了几个字。

    George saw the monitor black out and then a few words faded in .

  7. 他把灯光调得暗了一些。

    He turned the lights down low .

  8. 天色渐暗。

    The light was beginning to fail .

  9. 这书桌有一个暗格。

    The desk has a secret compartment .

  10. 天空由通透的湛蓝色变成了暗灰色。

    The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey .

  11. 观众席的灯光暗了下来,闪了几下,然后就熄灭了。

    The house lights dimmed , flickered and went out .

  12. 走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。

    The gaslights in the passage would be on , turned low .

  13. 天色暗下来了,我们进去吧。

    It 's getting dark . Let 's go inside

  14. 天色渐暗,街灯亮了。

    As the day darkened the streetlights came on .

  15. 光线很暗时他们视力不佳。

    Their eyesight is poor in low light .

  16. 里面太暗,看不太清。

    It was too dark inside to see much

  17. 光线渐渐暗了下去,西顿躺在床上,凝视着天花板。

    Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded

  18. 袖珍相机所拍的照片往往比较暗,因为存在轻微的曝光不足。

    Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they 're slightly underexposed .

  19. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。

    Kelly swore quietly , looking at the deep cut on his left hand .

  20. 树叶颜色深暗,颇有光泽。

    The leaves were dark and glossy .

  21. 可以调节百叶窗使光线亮一些,也可以暗一些。

    You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade

  22. 屋外的天色很快就暗下来。

    Outside , the light was fading rapidly

  23. 他穿着暗绿色的裤子。

    He was dressed in khaki trousers .

  24. 买一个调光开关,把灯光调暗,或者干脆把灯关掉。

    Buy a dimmer switch and keep the light on low , or switch it off altogether

  25. 在1991年苍蝇座中的暗星其实是一个黑洞而非中子星。

    The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star

  26. 她穿着一身暗黄绿色的衣裤套装。

    She wore a lime-green trouser suit

  27. 把灯光调暗一些——躺着时眼前灯光太强很不舒服。

    Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes

  28. 天突然暗了下来。

    The sky darkened abruptly

  29. 观众席的灯暗了下来。

    The houselights dimmed .

  30. 暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。

    Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter .