
àn bān
  • Dark spot;macula
暗斑[àn bān]
  1. 提出了CCD孔径检测中抗暗斑干扰的电路设计,利用计算机误差修正技术提高了仪器精度。

    A circuit design with the ability of anti macula interference in testing aperture with CCD is proposed and the intrument accuracy is improved by correcting errors with computer .

  2. Al-Mg-Si系铝合金型材表面暗斑成因分析

    Analysis on the Forming Cause of Surface Spot for Al-Mg-Si System Alloy

  3. 在锁定的头发的中部添加暗斑。

    Dark blobs added in the middle of each lock of hair .

  4. 液体表面光场环状暗斑效应及折射率测量

    Light field circular blur effect on liquid surface and refraction index measurement

  5. 往往是阴暗的领域有暗斑将消失与清洗。

    Often the shady areas have dark stains that will disappear with washing .

  6. 拜拜了,细纹、痤疮、皱纹和暗斑。

    See ya , fine lines , acne , wrinkles , and dark spots .

  7. 你可以使用我们的自然清楚,以消除暗斑,甚至皮肤口气和皮肤变色。

    You can use our NATU-CLEAR to remove dark spots , even skin tone and skin discoloration .

  8. 重新认识光的半波损失及牛顿环中心暗斑

    The Half - wave Lose of Light and the Central Dark Spots of the Newton 's Ring

  9. 提出了一种产生在各个方向被光均匀包围的三维暗斑的新方法。

    A new method is proposed to generate a3D dark spot surrounded by uniform light at all directions .

  10. 多数专业摄影师都会对照片进行某些润饰,用电脑去除暗斑和支楞的头发,提亮眼睛和牙齿的颜色。

    Most pros offer some retouching to digitally erase blemishes and wayward hairs and brighten eyes and teeth .

  11. 牛顿环中心暗斑大小对测量结果影响的研究

    A study of the effects of the size of the Newton rings center dark spot on the measuring results

  12. 当观察被反射的光时,中心形成暗斑,就像薄肥皂膜一样。

    When viewed by reflected light , the center of the pattern is black , as is a thin soap film .

  13. 光液体厚度一定时,折射率越大,暗斑半径越小。

    If the thickness of the liquid was fixed , the greater the liquid refraction index , the littler the circular blur radius .

  14. 发现此时中心暗斑的背景光明显减弱,在近场区域可获得较为理想的暗中空光束。

    We found that the background light in the dark spot became evidently weaker and a cleaner dark hollow beam was acquired in the near field .

  15. 进而建立了环状暗斑半径与液体折射率之间的关系,提出了一种测量液体折射率的新方法。

    The relationship between the circular blur radius with the liquid refraction index is established . A new means to measure the liquid refraction index is proposed .

  16. 这轮橘色明月的暗斑和怪异形状,让摄影者联想成异星生物俯视过往船只的景像。

    The orange Moon 's dark markings and odd shape put the photographer in mind of an alien creature 's face staring down at the passing ship .

  17. 本文分析了牛顿环中心暗斑大小对测量结果的影响,并给出了解决方法。

    The effect of the size of the central dark spot in Newton 's ring pattern on measuring results has been analyzed , and a solution is given .

  18. 当两个光束具有适当的强度比时,复合光束聚焦后可以产生一个被均匀光墙包围的三维暗斑。

    When two component beams of the composite beam have a proper intensity ratio , a3D dark spot with high uniform light wall can be generated by focusing the composite beam .

  19. 多种形式的节理网在花岗石抛光面上形成低反射率的暗线、暗斑、暗区,降低花岗石的平均光泽度,影响光泽度的均一性和石加工品的质量。

    The joints compose multiple patterns , and hence from numerous dark lines and spots on the polished surfaces of the rock , which reduce the average polishing glossiness and uniformity .

  20. 详细阐述了原子势阱的分辨率,最大失谐量,势阱的暗斑因子,系综平均自发光子辐射率之间的关系。

    The dependence of corresponding atom trap resolution , the maximum possible detuning , the trap darkness factor and ensemble-averaged spontaneous photon scattering rate on the beam parameters are analyzed in detail .

  21. 实验中,实现了空心激光束空心暗斑尺寸、光环宽度和光束宽度的变化。

    In the experiment , it realized the control of size of hollow macula , the width of aureole and the internal and outer diameter of aureole . Resultingly , there is no optical system aim at the hollow laser beams .

  22. 激光衍射测量的应用多局限于夫琅和费衍射,因为夫琅和费衍射暗斑间距与衍射体尺寸之间具有很简单的函数关系,而菲涅尔衍射光强分布非常复杂,缺乏解析的计算方法。

    As well known , modern laser diffraction has widely used in engineering measurement but it mostly limited in Fraunhofer diffraction because there is simple function between the size to be measured and space of diffraction dark spots and there are no analytic algorithm for Fresnel diffraction .

  23. 通过对菲涅耳反射系数的讨论,重新认识光的半波损失,指出一些大学物理教科书中在光的半波损失认识上的误区,重新解释了牛顿环中心暗斑的半波损失现象。

    Under the discussion of the Fresnel 's coefficient of reflect , some misunderstandings on the half-wave lose of light have been pointed out , at the same time the phenomenon of the half-wave lose of central dark spots of the Newton 's ring will be explained once more .

  24. 实验证明该方法能有效地去除相干噪声、随机噪声、椒盐噪声、由于光照不均匀引起的较大面积的亮斑或暗斑等噪声,能较好地提高载波傅里叶分析法的精度和重复性。

    The experimental results show that the median spin filter is suitable for the interferogram with all kinds of noises , especially for random noise , Salt & pepper and large bright and black spots . It is certified that this method can improve the accuracy of Fourier fringe analysis .