
àn hào
  • secret signal;countersign;cipher;code signal;password;signal
暗号 [àn hào]
  • [password;countersign;cipher] 某一社团、学会或一组织成员之间约定的互相致意、问候或相认时所用的语言或动作

暗号[àn hào]
  1. 他们的暗号是使眼色;秘密通讯。

    Their a secret signal was a wink ; secret messages .

  2. 他轻轻地叩打我家房门三下,这是我们定的暗号!

    He lightly tapped three times on my door , our secret signal .

  3. 他们使用了复杂的暗号,比如用树的名称代表字母。

    They used elaborate secret codes , as when the names of trees stood for letters

  4. 我多次向你使眼色,又给你递暗号,别人都明白了,你却没有反应。

    I 've tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times , but before you took the hint others had already noticed .

  5. 她一咳嗽,就是给我暗号出场。

    When she coughs , it 's my cue to come onto the stage .

  6. 政府使用密码或暗号。

    A government uses a cryptogram or secret code .

  7. 这就是共享密钥(sharedkey)加密的一个例子,因为你们俩都有相同的暗号。

    This is an example of shared key encryption , because you both have the same code .

  8. 影片《别告诉她》(TheFarewell)一开始,主角们就在撒谎,谎言从他们口中流畅而有意地涌出,就好像他们在用暗号说话。

    From the moment " The Farewell " opens , its main characters tell lies that flow from their mouths smoothly and deliberately , as if they are speaking in code .

  9. 除了人类和一些灵长类动物,海豚,年夜象,喜鹊和一只叫Alex的驰誉的非洲灰鹦鹉也都能够经由过程使用镜子找到方针物可能撤除它们身上的暗号。

    In addition to humans and some primates , dolphins , elephants , magpies and a famous African grey parrot named Alex have all been known to retrieve objects or remove marks on their body using a mirror .

  10. 然后他们互相说了“我爱你”。玛丽亚咯咯地笑着说了他们的暗号“KKLB”,但没有做解释。

    They then exchanged I love yous and as well as their secret code KKLB , which a giggling Mariah left unexplained .

  11. 在采访中,他的父母很自责,因为他们没有告诉搜索队他们家有个“BYU”的安全暗号,只要说了“BYU”,布伦兰就知道这些陌生人是可以信任的了。

    During an interview , the parents blame themselves for not instructing the search party to use their safe word , " BYU , " so that he knew to trust the strangers .

  12. 我是认真的,宝贝,那是我们的暗号。

    I 'm serious . baby , that 's our cue .

  13. 在这种情况下暗号也是很有用的。

    The code word can also be helpful in this situation .

  14. 约翰这世上充满了暗号和密码

    The world 's run on codes and ciphers , John .

  15. 求援的暗号就是连发五枪。

    The signal for assistance was five shots in quick succession .

  16. 孩子们可以在不同情况下使用暗号。

    Children can then use the code word in different situations .

  17. 内定联系暗号,掀盗货物的专业化;

    Make a secret sign , rob the freight professionally ;

  18. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。

    She made a sign for me to approach her .

  19. “我没事,我没叛变”的暗号是这个

    Our signal for " a-okay , I 'm with you . "

  20. 好主意,这个作暗号怎么样?

    Good idea . how 's this for a signal ?

  21. 一种应用于椭圆曲线暗号系的曲线高速生成法

    A Rapid Procedure of Creating Elliptic Curves Applying to Cryptography

  22. 有个暗号在很多情况下都很有用。

    Having a code word is useful for a variety of situations .

  23. 这倒像个接头暗号分成了两半。

    It was like the two halves of a countersign .

  24. 回来的时侯别忘了我们的暗号。

    Don 't forget the code when you come back .

  25. “造访者”是他们组织内的暗号。

    " Visitor " is a code word used within the cell .

  26. 他好像得到了暗号一样,马上比划着做出拉小提琴的样子。

    As if on cue he began to play an imaginary violin .

  27. 真紧张啊,甘看了看捕手的暗号。

    Looking nervous , gam watches the catcher 's signs .

  28. 到时候挥舞一下报纸就是给瑟奇发暗号。

    Waving the newspaper would give the signal to serge .

  29. 放我进去吧,我知道暗号。

    Let me through , I know the pass code .

  30. 对,搞定了,可以“结束”了[暗号双关语]

    Yeah . I 'm done . We 're golden .