
  1. 当我第一次见到你,我暗恋你!

    When I first met you , I crush you !

  2. 我已暗恋你很久,但你总给我错误的感觉。

    I want you so long , but on and on you get me wrong .

  3. 这是我高中时暗恋你的原因之一。

    It 's one of the reasons I had a crush on you in high school .

  4. 当你沉睡时/二见钟情/暗恋你,暗恋你。

    While You Were Sleeping .

  5. 对,这真是很明显的暗示,“我暗恋你,室友的女朋友!”

    Yeah , and what a great way to say , " I secretly love you , roommate 's girlfriend ! "

  6. 如果你喜欢山间的新鲜空气,恰好那位暗恋你许久的男生邀请你去登山滑冰,岂不是正中下怀?

    If you love the fresh mountain air , then dating a guy who enjoys hiking or skiing might be just up your alley .

  7. 好的。(他们分了饼干)你可能不知道,在高中时,我曾暗恋你。

    Ross : Okay . ( They split it . ) You know you probably didn 't know this , but back in high school , I had a , um , major crush on you .

  8. 你暗恋过你最好朋友的情人吗?

    Did you have a crush on your best friend 's sweet heart ?

  9. 因为一个你的暗恋者你可能会感到一丝兴奋。

    You may feel a special dose of excitement today over a secret admirer .

  10. 他正暗恋着你呢。

    He is crushing on you .

  11. 或许没个人心中都有或有过一个暗恋对象,你会因为她高兴而高兴因为她不高兴想去安慰她,当她和别的男生过于接近时会心痛,但她又跟自己没关系。

    The girl I love have a boy friend now . I don 't want to bless them happy all life , but I will not influence them too . I know I have no relation with them and I am the " out man " .