
ài mèi
  • ambiguous;dubious;equivocal;obscure;fuzzy;dark;shady;dim
暧昧 [ài mèi]
  • (1) [dark;dim]∶昏暗;幽深

  • (2) [blured;fuzzy]∶模糊;不清晰

  • (3) [ambiguous;equivocal;dubious;obscure]∶态度不明朗或行为不可告人

  • 暧昧态度

暧昧[ài mèi]
  1. 暧昧的感觉也会有那么恐怖吗?

    Can ambiguous feeling also have so horrible ?

  2. 沵能不能为了涐,远离所有暧昧。

    You can for me , far away from all the ambiguous .

  3. 大家议论纷纷说他们之间关系暧昧。

    It was common gossip that they were having an affair .

  4. 他们是非常要好的朋友,却没有任何暧昧关系。

    They were very good friends but there was no romantic involvement

  5. 他看她的眼神总是那么暧昧。

    His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her .

  6. 他的答复非常暧昧。

    His reply was full of ambiguities .

  7. 迈克觉得他的妻子和汤姆有暧昧关系。

    Mike thinks his wife is trying to get off with tom .

  8. “备胎”就是一个人留在身边备用以防上一段感情快要结束的暧昧男或暧昧女。

    Rebound guy / girl is a guy / girl used on the sideline by an individual if he / she thinks his / her relationship is going to end .

  9. 过着一种道德观暧昧的生活(b阿纳托尔布鲁瓦亚尔)

    Leading a life of alleged moral ambiguity ( bAnatole Broyard )

  10. 暧昧空间MINIClub室内设计

    Interior Design of MINI Club

  11. Goldstein因他与电视明星NicoleRichie和演员MandyMoore之间的暧昧关系而为人所知。

    Goldstein is well known for his relationships with reality television star Nicole Richie and actress Mandy Moore .

  12. 亚历山大·汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)和托马斯·杰斐逊都曾因有暧昧关系而受到报纸文章的恶言恶语,但他们谁都没有想用压制报纸声音来解决问题。

    Both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson found their amorous affairs the subject of vicious press articles , yet neither one thought that the answer lay in muzzling the press .

  13. 超模卡拉·迪瓦伊(CaraDelevingne)坚持自己的双性恋不是阶段性的,而女演员艾梅柏·希尔德(AmberHeard)在与约翰尼·德普(JohnnyDepp)结婚之前,和一位女摄影师有过长时间的暧昧关系。

    Supermodel Cara Delevingne has insisted her bisexuality is not a phase and actress Amber Heard had a long-term relationship with a female photographer before marrying Johnny Depp .

  14. 现在,维多利亚公开自己和丈夫是如何演绎永不放弃的。小贝夫妇俩一起为12月的巴黎版Vogue杂志拍摄暧昧时尚大片。

    And now Victoria Beckham has opened up about just what has made her and David go the distance , as the pair posed for a series of smouldering shots for the December issue of Paris Vogue magazine .

  15. 虽然这部剧集因再现医疗界真实状况而闻名(香港医院管理局为剧组拍摄提供了医疗设施),但观众似乎更钟情于主角间复杂的情爱以及暧昧关系,这些主角全部由TVB当家花旦和小生来出演。

    Though the series is noted for its realism in depicting medical situations ( the Hong Kong Hospital Authority loaned hospital equipment and facilities for filming ) , audiences seem to be more attracted to the complicated loves and dubious relationships among the main characters , who are all popular TVB television station 's actors and actresses .

  16. 那两人最近关系好像有点暧昧,是吗?

    Looks like those two are up to something , huh ?

  17. 你能接受同性之间的暧昧关系吗?

    Deal with it , swallow it , get over it .

  18. 据说他与她有暧昧关系。

    It 's said that he is having affairs with her .

  19. 那些道听途说的话不可尽信.大家都说他们之间关系暧昧.

    It 's common gossip that they 're having an affair .

  20. 在暧昧的语言世界中死亡就是“结束生命”

    In the world of doublespeak dying is " terminal living "

  21. 你以为跟很多女人玩暧昧就赢了吗?

    You think you win because women are expandable to you ?

  22. 最终形成了一个相当暧昧的宣言。

    It was rather a vague statement that they finally made .

  23. 另外他们为什么都穿上那些暧昧的军装?

    And why are they wearing all those vaguely military jackets ?

  24. 时空必须要有某种颗粒性来驯服暧昧的无限红移。

    Spacetime must be somehow granular to tame the dubious infinite redshift .

  25. 那么为什么美国的反应还如此暧昧呢?

    So why the present ambiguity about the US response ?

  26. 风传他们之间有暧昧关系。

    There are stories going around that they are having an affair .

  27. 强尼和市长一定关系暧昧。

    Johnny and the mayor must have been very tight .

  28. 在此之前,为何不享受这种暧昧的谈话呢?

    Until then , why not enjoy the saucy talk ?

  29. 有人说她与几个男人关系暧昧。

    She was accused of being intimate with several men .

  30. 他暧昧的唱着那有挑逗性的歌词的时候,眼睛得意地往上看着。

    He rolled his eyes as his tongue caressed the obscene lyrics .