
  • 网络center of curvature;curvature center;centre of curvature;curvature centre
  1. 曲率中心又可以作为曲线上邻近的两个点所作法线的交点的极限。

    The center of curvature can be defined as a limit point of intersection points of two normal line about the curve .

  2. 一般螺线曲率中心轨迹的曲率与挠率

    Generally Spiral Trajectory Curvature Center of Curvature and Torsion

  3. 几何作图法求取动点轨迹曲率中心

    Determination of Curvature Center of Kinetic Point Path Using Geometrical Construction

  4. 关于二次曲线曲率中心的图解法

    Concerning the graphic method the curvature central of quadratic curve

  5. 动态散斑用于确定高斯光束曲率中心位置

    The curvature center of the Gaussian beam located by using dynamic speckle

  6. 动点相对运动瞬时曲率中心的图解法

    Graphical solution of the instantaneous center curvature in relative motion of moving point

  7. 外圈滚道面的曲率中心与轴承中心一致,所以具有与自动调心球轴承同样的调心功能。

    Outer ring groove of curvature of the center and bearing center consistent , so with automatic self-aligning ball bearing the same tone heart function .

  8. 本文运用刚体几何运动学基本原理提出几种求取连杆平面上动点运动轨迹的曲率中心及曲率半径的作图方法。

    This paper brings forth several construction methods for determining the curvature center and radius of the kinetic point path on the plane of the linkage .

  9. 用法线模拟反射面代替主镜时,光源位于主镜顶点曲率中心,模拟面的系数由主镜参数决定。

    The light source is located at the center of vertex curvature of the primary , and the coefficients of dummy surface are deduced from primary mirror .

  10. 用四球面反射镜曲率中心光学自准方法,通过测量自准像位移来计算弯沉角,是一种高分辨率、准确、简单地测量方法。

    The paper describes a high resolution , high accuracy and simple method of measuring dymamic angle by means of optical self-collimating of concave mirror curvature center .

  11. 给出了三类圆锥曲线的渐屈线方程,介绍了圆锥曲线顶点处的曲率中心和曲率圆的规尺作图方法。

    The paper explains three types of evolute of cone curve , and introduces curvature center on top of cone curve and drawing way with compasses and ruler of curvature circle .

  12. 本文运用射影几何的概念,明显、直观地给出了拨杆机构接触点相对运动轨迹瞬时曲率中心的几何位置,并举例说明了其应用。

    The instantaneous curvature center in relative motion of contact point of the link mechanism is gained distinctly and directly by applying the concept of projective geometry . At the same time , an example is enumerated to illustrate the use of graphical solution .

  13. 曲率和曲率中心公式的一次性推导

    Derivation of the Formula of Curvature and Curvature Center in One step

  14. 目前广泛采用最大曲率方法实现指纹中心定位,但在指纹中心缺失情况下,该方法定位并不准确。

    To realize center point positioning of fingerprint , method of maximum curvature is widely used at present . But it is inaccurate when the center region of fingerprint has been lost or not clear .

  15. 滚子从动件凸轮机构在选取半径时,为保证运动不失真,其取值不大于轮廓曲线上最小曲率半径,文中介绍一种利用图解法求解曲率半径及曲率中心的方法。

    While selecting the roller 's radius of the roller cam , its size is not more than the minimum curvature radius of the outline curve , in order to guarantee the truly of the motion . This thesis introduces graphic method of finding out the curvature radius and centre .