
  • 网络Mirror inscription;bronze inscriptions
  1. 两汉镜铭文字研究

    Research on the Mirror Inscription of Han Dynasty

  2. 本文通过对各个时期的铭文进行静态、客观的文字结构描写和形体分析,试着从字体和结构特征两方面找出各个不同时期镜铭文字的不同特点。

    By static and objectively describing structure and analyzing script of all periods , This paper try to find out different characteristics of the mirror inscription , including two respects of style of calligraphy and structure characteristic , in different periods ;

  3. 这些丰富多样的镜铭书体一方面表现为深受隶变的影响,充分反映了汉字由篆向隶演变的隶变过程,另一方面又表现了镜铭文字刻意追求的装饰美。

    These rich and varied mirror inscription , on one hand , show the deep influence in the course of script change and reflect the develop course from the seal character to the official script , on the other hand , they fully display ornament beauty of pursuing sedulously .