
jìng zhì zǔ
  • vitrinite
镜质组[jìng zhì zǔ]
  1. 从回归结果可以找出影响煤表面的主要因素,结果表明镜质组和煤阶对煤和煤焦表面积影响最大。

    According to the regression result we can find the key factors that affect coal morphology . The results indicate that vitrinite and coal rank has great influence on the morphology of both coals and the corresponding coal chars .

  2. 因此,还原程度对镜质组及惰质组的表面结构均产生影响,主要表现在CC或CH质量分数的差异上。

    The results indicate that the reducibility of coal influences the surface structure of vitrinite and inertinite , whose representation is the different content of C C or C H.

  3. 总的来看,煤中的惰质组含量高,有利于煤焦的气化反应,当煤中的镜质组含量处在某一范围内,煤焦的C仇反应性很差。

    The higher the content of inertinite in coal samples , the higher the CO2-reactivity of gasification .

  4. 考察了神木煤镜质组和丝质组在热解和气化过程中存在的差别,包括不同压力下热解和气化的挥发分收率,生成半焦的C含量,半焦的表面形态和燃烧反应性。

    The differences between pyrolysis and gasification property of vitrinite and fusinite , including volatile yields , carbon content , SEM characteristic and combustion reactivity of residual chars under different pressure , were systematically investigated using TGA .

  5. 其镜质组反射率Ro、孢子体荧光参数和矿物沥青基质荧光强度变化均是良好的成熟度指标;

    Vitrinite reflectance . the fluorescence parameters of sporinite and the alteration of fluorescence intensity of mineral-bitumen groundmass are all good maturity indexes .

  6. 变形煤EPR参数的演化与镜质组反射率的变化密切相关,并且具有较好的规律性。

    Evolution of EPR parameters of deformed coals has a direct bearing on varying of vitrinite reflectance and , there are good regularity between them .

  7. 镜质组和惰质组不同的SO2逸出说明镜质组含有较高的脂肪硫和芳香硫,极少的黄铁矿硫,而惰质组则含有较少脂肪硫和芳香硫,很高的黄铁矿硫。

    The different evolution behaviors of SO_2 between vitrinite and inertinite suggest that vitrinite has higher content of aliphatic sulfur and aromatic sulfur , lower pyretic-sulfur content than inertinite .

  8. 研究了有机包裹体及其均一温度的特征,分析了镜质组反射率(Ro)与地质演化史的关系。

    Characteristics of organic inclusions and their homogenization temperature were studied . The relationship between vitrinite reflectance ( R o ) and history of geological evolution was analyzed .

  9. 并进而以牙形刺色变指标(CAI)为纽带,分别建立它们与镜质组反射率之间的良好对应关系,提出它们的成熟度划分标准,为它们的实际应用奠定基础。

    Furthermore , the correlations between them and vitrinite reflectances are established respectively by using conodont CAI as a link , therefore , the criteria of their maturity are given , which has laid the foundations for their actual application .

  10. 显微荧光分析表明,镜质组反射率Ro在约0.7%左右时,次生荧光大量出现,并随成熟度增加而逐渐增加,标志着大量生油的开始。

    Micro fluorescence analysis of the coals shows that large amount of secondary fluorescence occurs when vitrinite reflectance is about 0.7 % , moreover , its intensity increases with the increase of maturity .

  11. 煤镜质组反射率光性组构反映了区域上NNE-SSW向近水平的挤压应力作用;

    The feature of vitrinite reflectance optical fabric reflects the action of NNE SSW regional compressive force that is nearly horizontal .

  12. 焦炭微晶结构与炼焦煤的煤化度关系密切,致密度和单元大小在煤岩镜质组反射率Rr为1.2%左右达到最大值。

    The crystallite structure of coke has a close relationship with the coal rank of coking coal . The density and unit size of crystallite are up to a maximum at coal vitrinite reflectance Rr about 1.2 % .

  13. 通过高温高压模拟实验,在20℃/h和2℃/h两种升温速率条件下,对沁水盆地山西组和太原组煤岩以及现代泥炭模拟固体产物镜质组反射率Ro演化特征进行了分析和研究。

    The evolution of vitrinite reflectance of coals and peat in Shanxi formation and Taiyuan formation from Qinshui basin were studied by means of thermal simulation under high temperature and pressure with two heating rates of 20 ℃ / h and 2 ℃ / h.

  14. 进而结合牙形刺CAI与镜质组反射率(Ro)的对应关系,对上述各系的有机质成熟度进行了评价,对本区海相中、古生界油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。

    The organic maturities of Cambrian through Triassic are evaluated according to the correlation of conodont CAI with vitrinite reflectance ( Ro ) . The significance of this study is that it will benefit oil and gas exploration from marine facies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Units in this area .

  15. 研究了Ni2O3、Fe2O3等金属化合物对太西无烟煤和大同烟煤分离富集镜质组、丝质组所制活性炭吸附性能的影响。

    The effect of metal oxides ( Ni_2O_3 , Fe_2O_3 etc. ) on the porous structure and adsorption capacity of activated carbons from Taixi anthracite and Datong bituminous macerals has been investigated .

  16. 目前盆地模拟中重建烃类成熟度史时,一般只制作单一TTI(时间温度指数)Ro(镜质组反射率)公式,不仅使成熟度史的误差较大,还有明显的概念错误。

    When the hydrocarbon maturity history is rebuilt in present basin modeling , usually the single TTI ( time temperature index ) R o ( vitrinite reflectance ) formula is only used , which may cause the bigger error of R o history and obvious wrong concept .

  17. 炼焦煤镜质组反射率及其分布可加性的研究

    Research of mean max reflectance and distribution curve of coking coals

  18. 显微镜光度计测定煤镜质组反射率的研究

    Study on the Measurement of Coal Vitrinite Reflectance with Microscope Photometer

  19. 镜质组反射率的抑制效应及富氢镜质体的形成模式

    Suppression of Vitrinite Reflectance and Origin Model for Perhydrous Vitrinite

  20. 镜质组反射率测试及其所反映的构造应力场

    Tests on vitrinite reflectance of coal and analysis of tectonic stress field

  21. 烟煤镜质组平均最大反射率与煤种之间的关系

    Correspondence between mean maximum reflectance of vitrinite and classification of bituminous coals

  22. 中国西北地区两种镜质组结构及生烃特征

    Chemical Structure and Hydrocarbon Generation Character of Vitrinites in Northwest China Area

  23. 浅谈煤岩镜质组反射率测定的作用

    Discussion on Effect of the Measures of the Vitrinite Reflectance of Coal Petrography

  24. 用镜质组反射率分布控制水钢焦炭质量的研究

    Controlling coke quality of Shuicheng Steel Based on reflectance distribution of coal vitrinite

  25. 用镜质组反射率分布图监控生产来煤

    Production Coal Monitored with Distribution Diagram of Vitrinite Reflectance

  26. 碳、氢含量由镜质组至丝质组呈单方向变化。

    Carbon and hydrogen contents of vitrinite to fusinite vary in one direction .

  27. 室温对镜质组反射率测定的影响

    Effect of the room temperature on vitrinite reflectivity measurement

  28. 吐哈盆地侏罗系煤镜质组荧光性质及成烃意义

    Fluorescence characteristics and hydrocarbon-forming significance of vitrinite in Jurassic coal , turpan-hami Basin

  29. 煤组分组定量与镜质组反射率测定的自动化测试

    The Automated Coal Petrology in Determining Maceral Group Composition and the Reflectance of Vitrinite

  30. 腐殖煤镜质组的基本类型

    The basic types of vitrinite in humic coal