
qīn rù
  • intrusion;invade;intrude into;make incursions into
侵入 [qīn rù]
  • [invade;intrude into] 强行进入;闯进;非法进入

  • 侵入领海

侵入[qīn rù]
  1. 病菌会侵入机体。

    Germs invade the organism .

  2. 他命令军队拂晓侵入该国。

    He ordered the army to invade the country at dawn .

  3. 乌鸫交配时会保护自己的地盘,不允许外来者侵入。

    Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders .

  4. 很多野生动物园都时常遭到偷猎之徒的侵入。

    Many wildlife parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game .

  5. 警察局局长对侵入其辖区的行为深恶痛绝。

    The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor

  6. 随着她不断侵入我的个人空间,我感觉全身都不由自主地紧绷起来。

    I felt my body involuntarily stiffen against her invasion of my personal space .

  7. 你这是非法侵入!

    You 're trespassing !

  8. 一架飞机飞越*地区,侵入中国上空进行侦察。

    An aircraft intruded China 's airspace over * area for reconnaissance .

  9. 禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅。

    Unlawful search of , or intrusion into , a citizen 's home is prohibited .

  10. 非法侵入严究不贷。

    Trespassers will be prosecuted .

  11. 禁止侵入。

    No trespassing .

  12. 不同的地质环境为喷出岩或侵入岩。

    A variety of geological environments are extrusive or intrusive rocks .

  13. 他经常试图私自侵入别人的计算机。

    He often tries to hack into other 's computer .

  14. 外部的寒冷已不知不觉地侵入车内。

    The exterior cold had stolen into the car .

  15. 病菌已侵入肺部。

    Germs have invaded the lungs .

  16. 2013年,美国国家安全局前承包商爱德华·J·斯诺登披露了美国政府拉拢某些技术公司,并侵入其他技术公司以获取大规模的私人数据,此后,技术行业巨头开始形成把美国政府视为敌对方的认知。

    After revelations by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden in 2013 that the government both cozied up to certain tech companies and hacked into others to gain access to private data on an enormous scale , tech giants began to recognize the United States government as a hostile actor .

  17. 然而,随着海水侵入淡水湿地,不断增加的盐分正在妨害稻米产量。

    As the sea creeps into these freshwater marshes , however , rising salinity is hampering rice production .

  18. 渔船因非法侵入受限制水域而被扣押。

    The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters .

  19. 在撒丁岛,小鹿侵入一个高尔夫球场,随后在会所的游泳池里畅游。

    Fallow deer invade a golf course on Sardinia and take a dip in the clubhouse swimming pool .

  20. 他们考虑来自外部的感染公司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中

    They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults .

  21. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  22. 建议该处存在有稠密的侵入的岩浆体,延伸到20千米左右的深度,该区附近有低速的P波速度。

    This region is surrounded by lower P wave velocities .

  23. 此工具使用一个非侵入式的黑盒方法来测试Web服务实现。

    This tool tests Web service implementations using a non-intrusive , black-box approach .

  24. 浅层气藏储层异常演化特征与泥底辟活动及热流体上侵有关,热流体侵入促使浅部储层提前进入晚成岩阶段B期(或A期)。

    Influenced by the upward movement of hot fluid , shallow reservoirs have shown the characters of late diagenetic stage B ( or A ) .

  25. 孕妇感染HIV的早期侵入性诊断:多中心病例系列研究

    Early invasive diagnostic techniques in pregnant women who are infected with the HIV : A multicenter case series

  26. 非侵入性影像学方法诊断梗阻性黄疸(US,CT和MRCP)的meta分析

    Diagnosis of obstructive jaundice disease by noninvasive imaging methods ( US , CT , MRCP ): a meta analysis

  27. 而侵入岩中的N2含量和氮同位素组成更多地反映了地壳中含氮物质浓度及同位素组成特征。

    But for the intrusive rocks , the nitrogen content and isotope compositions better reflect the content and isotope compositions of nitrogen-bearing matter in the crust .

  28. 线路侧避雷器应布置在侵入波前沿,与架空进线呈V形或一字形连接的重要措施;

    The line lateral lightning arrestor should be installed at the flout of intrusive waves to form a V-shape or I-shape with incoming lines .

  29. 试验表明,CT作为一个强有力的无损伤和无侵入的观察工具,可以研究一般情况下无法观察到的土体内部结构的变化过程,是地理和地质分析方面一个十分先进的研究手段。

    The test results are presented and discussed . It has been demonstrated that CT is a powerful non destructive and non invasive tool for geographical and geological analyses .

  30. 另外,干扰信号也可能经PLC的电源侵入PLC,造成PLC损坏,给安全生产构成了极大的威胁。

    In addition , the inductive signal may pass through the PLC power supply to damage the controller , thus bring harm to the safety production .