
  • 网络iso;img;GHO;image file;image
  1. 利用OFD工具创建DSP启动镜像文件

    Creation of a DSP Boot Image File with OFD Tool

  2. 开发者如果需要编写Rails代码,仅需下载这样定制好的镜像文件,并通过虚拟机工具来加载镜像及启动上面的系统。

    A developer writing Rails code , can simply download such an image file , point the Virtualization software at it and boot it .

  3. 基于WINDOWSCE的嵌入式系统镜像文件移植的研究

    Research of Transplanting Embedded System Lmage Document Based on Windows CE

  4. 我在展望将来会出现一系列分别用于Web、应用和数据库服务器的功能完善的工具镜像文件。

    I 'm envisioning something like a set of complete images for web , app , and db servers respectively .

  5. 有DB2产品镜像文件可用。

    The DB2 product image is available .

  6. QEMU主站点包含若干现成的QEMU磁盘镜像文件。

    The main QEMU site includes several ready-made QEMU disk image files .

  7. 对于第二个guest,我想将Dom0中的镜像文件作为虚拟磁盘映射到这个guest。

    For the second guest , I want to map image files in Dom0 as virtual disks to the guest .

  8. 移植NFS应用程序使系统实现NFS服务器端功能,然后将系统的镜像文件烧写到FLASH芯片中。

    The migration of NFS application program enables the system to execute functions of NFS server , after which system image file is written to FLASH chip .

  9. 当见到本错误码时,请检查下载的ROM镜像文件是否和RUU刷机程序存放在同一个目录。

    When this error message appears , check whether the downloaded image is placed in the directory of RUU .

  10. 结合rsync有效安全地备份、复制和镜像文件到一个本地或远程主机

    In combination with rsync to back up , copy , and mirror files efficiently and securely to a local or remote host

  11. 然后,我将这个文件系统挂载到默认的Xen镜像文件位置,即/var/lib/xen/images。

    Then I mount the filesystem to the default Xen image file location at / var / lib / xen / images .

  12. 本文介绍了光盘镜像文件和虚拟光驱,并详述了在虚拟光驱DAEMON下光盘镜像文件自动加载的方法。

    This essay introduces the mirror document of CD and virtual CD , and specifies the methods of auto-load of the mirror document of CD under the circumstances of virtual CD DAEMON .

  13. 标记tap:aio用于表示基于镜像文件的一个逻辑磁盘,而标记phy表示一个物理磁盘。

    The tag tap : aio is used to represent a logical disk based on the image file , while the tag phy represents a physical disk .

  14. 它必须有一个PReP引导类型(类型41),且必须大到足以容纳一个压缩的Linux内核镜像文件(zImage);5-10MB就足够了。

    It must have type PReP boot ( type 41 ) and must be large enough to hold a compressed Linux kernel image ( zImage ); 5-10 MB is enough .

  15. 为指定硬盘,使用-hda、-hdb、-hdc和-hdd来引用ParallelATA(PATA)硬盘,-cdrom指定CD或DVD镜像文件或设备。

    To specify hard disks , use-hda , - hdb , - hdc , and-hdd to refer to Parallel ATA ( PATA ) hard disks , and-cdrom to identify a CD or DVD image file or device .

  16. 本课题所研制的灾难恢复系统支持设备包括IDE、SCSI、SATA接口硬盘、存储卡、镜像文件、以及MBR磁盘和GPT磁盘的灾难恢复。

    The system also designed some support equipments , including IDE , SCSI , SATA interface hard drive , memory card , image files and the disaster recovery of MBR disk and GPT disk .

  17. 以模块化研华工业控制计算机MIC-2000系列为例,详细介绍了在CPU卡上移植操作系统镜像文件(NK.BIN)的主要方法。

    As an example , we discuss how to transplanting operating system image document ( NK . BIN ) to the CPU Card for the PC-based Modular MIC-2000 Industrial computer series .

  18. RVA是将某一项加载到内存之后的地址,减去镜像文件的基地址得到的值(也就是从文件加载到内存之后的基地址开始的偏移量)。

    An RVA is the address of an item once loaded into memory , with the base address of the image file subtracted from it ( i.e. , the offset from the base address where the file is loaded ) .

  19. 用镜像文件和隐藏分区简化操作系统的安装

    Easier reinstallation of operating systems using image files and hidden partitions

  20. 如果镜像文件已经存在,则将覆盖。

    If images already exist here , they will be over-written .

  21. 文件或镜像文件所在的路径。

    The path where a file or mirrored file is located .

  22. 你必须对输出的镜像文件指定一个游戏区域。

    You must specify a region for the output file .

  23. (但是,拓扑编辑器不能对虚拟镜像文件作出更改)。

    The topology editor cannot make changes to the virtual image files , though .

  24. 将代码与镜像文件进行同步。

    Synchronize code with mirror files .

  25. 这块芯片能够通过主菜单或烧录的备份盘片引导来读取镜像文件。

    The chip will be able to boot images via a menu or burnt backup discs .

  26. 因此,文中提出利用镜像文件和隐藏分区的办法来解决这一问题。

    In this article , we propose a method utilizing image files and hidden partitions to solve this problem .

  27. 由于这种方式只与拷贝镜像文件有关,同时也使得创建特殊的系统配置更为简单。

    It also makes it easy to deploy a particular system configuration , since it only involves copying the image file .

  28. 在系统启动时,在内存中架设临时根文件系统,并加载系统镜像文件。

    In system startup , the temporary root filesystem will be erected in memory and the system image files will be loaded when the system starts up .

  29. 目前,镜像文件管理工具必须通过中断虚拟机服务,手动扫描虚拟磁盘或记录文件,才能回收废弃数据。

    Presently , image management tools , which collect the garbage of VM images , need to interrupt guest VM service and scan the virtual disks and records .

  30. 当IOS镜像源文件处于启动模式下时,哪两个位置可以进行配置?(选两项)

    Which two locations can be configured as a source for the IOS image in the boot system command ?( Choose two . )