
  1. 敦煌曹氏族属与曹氏归义军政权

    The Cao Clan and the Guiyi Army Regime in Dunhuang

  2. 从审美角度来分析曹氏绘画中的传统美学特色。

    From the aesthetic point of view to analyze the characteristics of the the Tsao painting traditional aesthetics .

  3. 这与他自身经历有关,时代环境的因素更不可忽视,同时曹氏集团中众多人才的儒学倾向对曹操也有影响。

    Furthermore , the Confucian inclination of the talented people around him had a great impact on him .

  4. 第五章探讨鸿都门学与曹氏家风对文学的影响。

    The fifth chapter discourses upon the influence hi literature by Hong-Du Men Xue and Cao ' family tradition .

  5. 曹氏在汉宋之际的敦煌是著名的姓氏,对两汉与五代、宋朝敦煌地方政治影响极大。

    The well known Cao clan had a significant influence on the politics of Dunhuang during the period from the Western Han dynasty to the Song .

  6. 曹氏的灵感泉源,汲取自跨越时间和地域界限的各种璀璨文化和艺术形式中,并巧妙地将不同元素交织起来,形成不拘一格的风格。

    Drawing his inspiration from a dazzling spectrum of cultures and art forms spanning time and place , Tsao deftly interweaves diverse elements , forging a style that eludes categorization .

  7. 蜀汉战争的胜利也是推翻曹氏家族、开始司马家族统治的历史。

    So the final triumph of Wei over Shu-Han was also the occasion for the overthrow of the Cao " s family and replacement by the Jin Dynasty of Sima Yan .

  8. 比如曹氏家族热爱自家的女性,就让画师把她们画在石窟的墙壁上,这些肖像脸颊上抹着胭脂,戴着华丽的项链,穿着繁琐的礼服。

    The Cao family , for example , loved their women , and had them painted on the cave walls with rouged cheeks , layers of splendid necklaces and voluminous gowns .

  9. 本文以曹知白绘画作品为切入点,通过分析曹氏经典绘画作品来研究其艺术风格形成的原因以及艺术价值。

    Cao know the white paintings as the starting point , through the analysis of the the Cao classic paintings to study the formation of its artistic style and artistic value .

  10. 他们不仅与归义军最高统治者张氏家族和曹氏家族频繁通婚,还与敦煌其他世家大族缔结姻亲关系。

    They not only established a close relationship by marriage with Families Zhang and Cao , the ruling ones of the Return-to-Allegiance Army , but also with other powerful families at Dunhuang .

  11. 以历史性和图示分析的研究方法来探究曹氏绘画风格形成的原因,并对前后期不同的的绘画形式作出具体分析,揭示其绘画艺术价值。

    Historic and graphic analysis of research methods to explore the reasons for the formation of Cao painting style , and pre-and post different form of painting to make specific analysis reveals the value of the art of painting .

  12. 英雄气概的张扬&曹氏父子的游猎活动与文学创作所有前线的军队,不论陆军、空军和地方部队,都进行了英勇的抗战,表示了中华民族的英雄气概。

    On Manifestation of Heroism & Cao Father and Son 's Hunting and Literature Creation The troops at the front , whether the land and air forces or the local armed units , have all fought courageously and demonstrated the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation .