
  • 网络confucian poetics;confucius on the book of poetry
  1. 《孔子诗论》与《说苑》中引诗之比较

    The Compare between Confucian Poetics and poems in Shuo Yuan

  2. 上博简《孔子诗论》对儒家诗教学说的理论贡献体现在说诗体系与理论创造两个方面。

    Confucian Poetics contributed largely the system of poem remarking and theory creation to the Confucian theory of poetry education .

  3. 从《论语》和《孔子诗论》看孔子功利主义诗学观

    On Confucian utilitarianism poetry in Confucian Analects and Poetic Criticism by Confucius

  4. 《论语》与《孔子诗论》的学术联系与区别

    Academic Affiliations and Differences between Analects and Confucius ' on the book of Poetry

  5. 孔子诗论的价值取向&政治伦理

    The orientation of the values of Confucius ' views on the Book of Poetry-Political ethics

  6. 新发现的《孔子诗论》,是关于原始儒家《诗》教的直接的系统的材料。

    The newly found Poems Comments by Confucius is the direct and systematic material of the original confucian school poems .

  7. 《孔子诗论》突破了此前断章取义、借此证彼的说诗方法,说诗始终着眼于作品本身;

    Confucian Poetics insisted on remarking on the poem itself rather than on casually quoted lines or inferring one from another .

  8. 惟其学孔而不泥于孔,《孔子诗论》才能取得诗歌理论的巨大成就。

    Just because it emulates but not stubbornly sticks to Confucius ' thoughts , Confucius ' on the Book of Poetry has reaped great achievements in poetical theory .

  9. 自2001年11月《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书·孔子诗论》由上海古籍出版社出版以来,学术界对此进行了多方面的研究,取得了一系列的成果。

    Since the Poetry Discussions by Confucius of Bamboo Slips of Chu in Warring States Period Collected in the Shanghai Museum was published in 2001 years , academic circles have researched in many aspects and have gotten series of accomplishment .

  10. 孔子的诗论思想是汉儒诗教思想的发端,更是汉儒诗教的思想基础和理论核心。

    The theory of poetry is not only the origin of poetry education thought of confucians in Han Dynasty , but also the basis and theoretical core of it .

  11. 孔子的诗论认为,诗能提高人的情操,培养人的德性,诗是处理人与自身、人与社会、人与自然之关系的最好的导师。

    On the other hand , Confucius argued that poetry can develop a lofty sentiment and nurture good morality . Poetry is a good teacher for us to deal with the relations between youth and self , man and society , and man and nature .

  12. 孔子思无邪的诗论思想对中国古代的诗论和文学创作产生了深远的影响。

    Confucius 's " Thinking nurely " had far-reaching influence on ancient Chinese theory on poetry and literary creation .

  13. 第五章讨论的是孔子与《孔子诗论》简的关系,本文认为,孔子论《诗》是《孔子诗论》的主体。

    Chapter 5 dwells on the connection of Confucius with the Confucius Poetics bamboo slips , holding that the principal part of Confucius Poetics consists in Confucius 's remarks upon Shi-jing .