- Kong Shangren

[Kong Shangren] (1648-1718) 清戏曲作家。字聘之、季重,号东塘、岸堂、云亭山人,山东曲阜县人,孔子六十四代孙。早年隐居石门山,康熙帝于二十四年(公元1685年)南巡至曲阜,被召讲经,受到赏识,破格授国子监博士,累迁户部主事、员外郎等职。著作有《桃花扇》
The New Exploration on the Development And Change of Kong Shangren 's Thought of The Confucianism
The second section analyses the poetry creation of Kong Shangren from three aspects : theory of poetry , content of poetry , art characteristics of poetry .
The Disillusion of Confucian Ideal
Kong Shang-ren hates the Qing Dynasty , because the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty slaughter the people crazily in the Shandong Province .
There are three reasons : the fact that the Sacred Family of the Confucian Mansion in Qufu liked and valued operas had a great influence on him ;
In Peach Blossom Fan , such men of letters as Hou Chaozong , Yang Longyou and Ruan Dacheng as a group were whom Kong Shangren tried to rethink .
The four years living time in Huaiyin not only made Kong Shangren recognize the society deeply , but also was the important period of his writing Peach Blossom Fan .
Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities , prostitutes and actors . An Analysis of the Relationship Between Female Characters and the Imagery of Water in Songs of the City States
To Kong Shangren of " Peach Blossom Fan " legendary finalized soon had a strong social repercussions on the Qing Dynasty , people on the " Peach Blossom Fan " of acceptance can be divided into the field to accept and desk accept two ways .