
  • Kong Shangren
孔尚任 [kǒng shàng rèn]
  • [Kong Shangren] (1648-1718) 清戏曲作家。字聘之、季重,号东塘、岸堂、云亭山人,山东曲阜县人,孔子六十四代孙。早年隐居石门山,康熙帝于二十四年(公元1685年)南巡至曲阜,被召讲经,受到赏识,破格授国子监博士,累迁户部主事、员外郎等职。著作有《桃花扇》

  1. 孔尚任儒家思想发展变化新探

    The New Exploration on the Development And Change of Kong Shangren 's Thought of The Confucianism

  2. 第二节从诗歌理论、诗歌内容、诗歌艺术特色三个方面分析了孔尚任的诗歌创作。

    The second section analyses the poetry creation of Kong Shangren from three aspects : theory of poetry , content of poetry , art characteristics of poetry .

  3. 儒家理想的幻灭&从《桃花扇》结局看孔尚任的缺乏性创作动机

    The Disillusion of Confucian Ideal

  4. 清兵在山东的杀戮在幼年孔尚任心中留下了阴影;孔的父亲的言传身教、族兄所讲的血染诗扇的故事唤起了他的民族情感;

    Kong Shang-ren hates the Qing Dynasty , because the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty slaughter the people crazily in the Shandong Province .

  5. 笔者认为有三个原因:因为曲阜孔府衍圣公家爱好和重视戏曲,对孔尚任有较大影响;

    There are three reasons : the fact that the Sacred Family of the Confucian Mansion in Qufu liked and valued operas had a great influence on him ;

  6. 《桃花扇》中,侯朝宗、杨龙友和阮大铖等文人作为一个整体都是孔尚任的反思对象。

    In Peach Blossom Fan , such men of letters as Hou Chaozong , Yang Longyou and Ruan Dacheng as a group were whom Kong Shangren tried to rethink .

  7. 淮阴四年生涯不仅是孔尚任对现实认识的深化时期,更是其创作成稿《桃花扇》之最重要时期。

    The four years living time in Huaiyin not only made Kong Shangren recognize the society deeply , but also was the important period of his writing Peach Blossom Fan .

  8. 孔尚任通过清流名士、秦淮名妓、清客艺人三种文化意象,来咀嚼旧国昔年的文化诗意。《诗经·国风》女性形象与水文化意象关系之探微

    Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities , prostitutes and actors . An Analysis of the Relationship Between Female Characters and the Imagery of Water in Songs of the City States

  9. 孔尚任的《桃花扇》传奇脱稿之后,旋即产生了强烈的社会反响,就清一代,人们对《桃花扇》的接受,可以分为场上接受和案头接受两种方式。

    To Kong Shangren of " Peach Blossom Fan " legendary finalized soon had a strong social repercussions on the Qing Dynasty , people on the " Peach Blossom Fan " of acceptance can be divided into the field to accept and desk accept two ways .