
  • 网络kongque river;Konche-Daria
  1. 该区基本代表了塔里木河~孔雀河中下游地区的土壤气候特性。

    The soils and climate are representative in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River & Kongque River .

  2. 孔雀河地区位于塔里木盆地东北部,处于库鲁克塔格山前及满加尔凹陷间的狭长地带。

    Kongque River region locates in a narrow and long belt betweenKuluketage mountain and Manjiaer depression in northeast ofTarim basin .

  3. 基于3S技术的孔雀河流域平原研究区土地利用/覆盖变化及其生态服务价值的研究

    Study on the Land Use / Cover Changes and Ecosystem Services Value of the Study Area in the Plain of the Peacock River Basin

  4. 孔雀河中下游河水化学性质变化规律及其影响分析

    Chemistry Property and Variety Regulation and the Affects of the Peacock River

  5. 远在新石器时代,孔雀河流域就已有人类活动。

    In the Neolithic far , Kongquehe human activities have on the basin .

  6. 新疆孔雀河流域平原区土地利用/覆盖变化分析

    An Analysis of Land Use / Cover Changes of the Peacock River Basin in Xinjiang

  7. 新疆库鲁克塔格孔雀河地区震旦寒武奥陶系沉积相及生油岩特征

    Sedimentary facies and source rocks of the Sinian-Cambrian-Ordovician strata in the Kuruktag-Konqi region , Xinjiang

  8. 孔雀河流域绿洲生态支持系统调控模式研究

    A Preliminary Study On Regulation Mode Of Oasis Ecological System In Peacock River Valley Of Xinjiang

  9. 孔雀河地区油气源主要为早期古油藏裂解气。

    The hydrocarbon source mainly came from the early paleo-oil pools pyrolysis gas in the Kongquehe area .

  10. 新疆孔雀河表层沉积物中有机氯农药的分布及风险评价

    Distribution and risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in surface sediment from the Peacock River in xinjiang , china

  11. 孔雀河斜坡由于受多次构造运动作用,石油地质条件都受到构造演化的影响。

    Because of several tectonic moments , the petroleum geologic conditions in Kongquehe slope are effected by tectonic evolution .

  12. 深圳市孔雀河实业有限公司,是一家致力于国际贸易的多元化发展的进出口公司。

    Shenzhen Peacock River co. , ltd. , is an import and export company which dedicates to diversified development in international trade .

  13. 塔里木河孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌节水技术研究

    The research on stint drip irrigation underside film for cotton production in the middle-lower reach of the Tarim river and the Peacock river

  14. 楼兰古城建在古孔雀河下游河道上,孔雀河水是该城的唯一水源。

    The Loulan city was set up on the lower reaches of old kongqiu river , which was the unique water resource in the city .

  15. 塔里木河&孔雀河中下游是我国最干旱缺水的地区之一,该区水资源95%以上为农业灌溉用水,主要灌溉方式为大水漫灌,水分损失量严重。

    The mid-lower area of Tarim river and peacock river is one of the most dry regions , 95 % of the water consumption is the agricultural irrigation water .

  16. 西汉神爵年间,西域都护在今孔雀河三角洲筑有埒娄城,有军队驻守。

    Shenjue years of the Western Han Dynasty , the Western Regions Frontier Command in this building have Kongquehe Delta Lie Lou City , the armed forces stationed there .

  17. 博斯腾湖不仅对焉耆盆地和孔雀河流域环境具有调节作用,更为重要的是对当地的经济社会环境的可持续发展、对区域环境友好建设具有直接的影响。

    The Bosten Lake plays an important role in regulating environment and maintaining sustainable development of local economy , society and environment in the Yanqi Basin and Kongque River Basin .

  18. 塔里木盆地孔雀河低勘探区有效烃源岩的识别是在潜在烃源岩的基础上进行的。

    In Kongquehe area of the Tarim Basin , the identification of the effective source rocks is carried out on the basis of the existence of the potential source rocks .

  19. 在孔雀河斜坡的五个构造带中龙口背斜构造带最为有利,其中龙口5号断背斜构造是下一步勘探的有利目标。

    The Longkou anticlinal strip is the best one of five structure belt in the slope and the fifth trap of the Longkou strip is a favourable target for future explore .

  20. 根据天然气形成温度、天然气的碳同位素组成、天然气的轻烃组成分析认为,孔雀河斜坡及邻区的原油和天然气主要为原油裂解气成因。

    According to formation temperature , isotopic constitution and lighter hydrocarbon analysis of natural gas , it is believed that the crude oil and natural gas there derives from oil-cracked gases .

  21. 博斯腾湖是塔里木河流域4大源流-开都河的尾闾湖,孔雀河的源地。

    The Bosten Lake is the rump lake of the Kaidu River ( one of the4 main source streams of the Tarim River ) and the source of the Kongque River .

  22. 孔雀河斜坡圈闭类型以背斜和断背斜等构造圈闭为主,闭合面积幅度大,落实程度较高,而且圈闭形成期与排烃期相匹配,在现阶段圈闭条件不是影响成藏的主要因素。

    The main kind of trap is structure trap as anticlinal or fault anticlinal with high closure height and big area . So the trap is put into effect and its formation match the period of hydrocarbon runoff .

  23. 生态环境用水量的减少是孔雀河流域近50年来现代绿洲环境退化的主要原因,维持生态与社会经济的合理用水比例是绿洲系统持续发展的前提。

    Reduction of eco-environment water supply was one of the main reasons for oasis ecosystem degradation in the Peacock river valley of Xinjiang in recent 50 years . So maintaining rational ratio between soc-economic and eco-environment water supply was a essential prerequisite for sustainable development of oasis .