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  • 网络Mandrake;mandragora;Mandragora officinarum
  1. 哈利觉得它们没什么特别的,他根本不知道赫敏说的曼德拉草的“哭声”是什么意思。

    They looked quite unremarkable to Harry , who didn 't have the slightest idea what Hermione meant by the " cry " of the Mandrake .

  2. 茄科包括的一系列植物有很多你们是不会食用的,如曼德拉草、颠茄甚至烟草等。

    The Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes many that you wouldn 't want to eat , like mandrake , belladonna , and even tobacco .

  3. 他们重新戴上了耳套,而且得集中精力对付曼德拉草。

    Their earmuffs were back on and they needed to concentrate on the Mandrakes .

  4. 曼德拉草不愿意被人从土里拔出来,可是好像也不愿意回去。

    The Mandrakes didn 't like coming out of the earth , but didn 't seem to want to go back into it either .

  5. 斯普劳特教授从桌子底下拿出一只大花盆,把曼德拉草娃娃塞了进去,用潮湿的深色堆肥把他埋住,最后只有丛生的叶子露在外面。

    Professor sprout took a large plant pot from under the table and plunged the Mandrake into it , burying him in dark , damp compost until only the tufted leaves were visible .