
  • 网络Alternative Host;intermediary host
  1. 加上蓝藻的大规模培养具有经济和洁净等特点,因此可将蓝藻作为大肠杆菌重组DNA产品生产的替代宿主。

    Cyanobacteria can be utilized as an alternative host for the recombinant DNA products .

  2. 替代宿主增殖松毛虫质型多角体病毒的比较研究

    Comparison of Producing Dendrolimus punctatus Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus in Substitutive Host Insect

  3. 这很有趣,因为仅仅在10年前我们还不知道蝙蝠是一些最严重的人类疾病的替代宿主,例如埃博拉出血热。

    It is interesting because only ten years ago we had no idea that bats were an alternative host of some of the most serious human diseases , such as Ebola .

  4. 结果a组和b组4周开始形成骨痂,12周骨痂最丰富,24周复合材料与宿主骨边缘模糊,边缘部分的异体脱钙骨基质颗粒被新生骨替代,并与宿主骨融合。

    Results In group a and group b , the callus was found at the 4th week postoperatively , abundant callus was found at the 12th week .