
  • 网络RePlace
  1. 替换设备上的项目?1?替换服务器上的项目?2

    Replace item on device ? 1 ? Replace item on server ? 2

  2. 在引入新设备的同时,充分利旧被替换设备或板卡,保护了已有投资。

    In introducing a new equipment and adequately is replaced the old equipment or boards , to protect the existing investment .

  3. 用桌面计算机上的项替换移动设备上的项。

    Replace the mobile device item with the desktop computer item .

  4. 修理的或替换的设备保证期应从买方验收后重新起算。

    The warranty period for the repaired or substitute equipment shall be recalculated upon acceptance by the buyer .

  5. 这么长的使用时间显得绰绰有余:医学发展的速度意味着等到设备的电量用光就到了用一个更先进的型号来替换整个设备的时候。

    That is more than enough : the speed of medical progress is such that by the time the battery has run down it is generally time to replace the whole device with a newer model in any case .

  6. 在更好的时期,公司通常会在第三季度期间开始替换过时的设备。

    In better times , companies would usually begin to replace outdated equipment during the third quarter .

  7. 网络内各个设备符合统一通信标准,可以方便地任意新增或替换无线监控设备,从而使船舶监控系统的经济性,易用性以及可扩展性大大改善。

    Each device within the network is in line with the unified communications standard . Technical staff can easily add or replace the wireless monitoring equipment . And the economy , ease of use , as well as scalability of the vessel monitoring system are greatly improved .

  8. 卖方负担费用重新替换缺陷的合同设备或错误的技术文件或补充缺漏的合同设备或技术文件

    Replace the defective Contract Equipment or Technical Documentation in error with new one or supplement the omitted Contract Equipment or Technical Documentation at the Seller 's expenses

  9. 在人死后,乳房植入物,臀部替换物等惰性设备一般不会被移出体外,很大原因在于没有硬性要求一定要移除这些增加物,而且它们对环境不会造成太大威胁。

    Inert devices such as breast implants and replacement hips tend not to be removed after death , largely because there 's no compelling reason to do so , and they pose little threat to the environment .

  10. 除非个人获得或能借到替换所需要的存款和资本积累,个人(或是社会主义政府)是无法替换设备和工厂的。

    Plants and equipment cannot be replaced by an individual ( or a socialist government ) unless he or it has acquired or can acquire the savings , the capital accumulation , to make the replacement .