
  • 网络Biggest dinosaur
  1. 萨利,那曾经是最大的恐龙之一。

    That is one of the biggest dinosaurs ever , Sally .

  2. 最大的恐龙脑子大约有一公斤重。

    The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram .

  3. 还有机会成为史上最大的恐龙现场演出免费门票的获得者!

    Win the biggest stage show " Walking with Dinosaurs " ticket free !

  4. 阿根廷古生物学家认为他们发现了世界上最大的恐龙化石。

    Argentinean palaeontologists believe they have discovered dinosaur bones from the largest creature ever on earth .

  5. 古吉拉特邦是世界上最大的恐龙化石收集地。

    India 's Gujarat state is home to one of the world 's largest collections of dinosaur remains .

  6. 他发现鲸鱼大得很,以至最大的恐龙的体重也只及一条蓝色母鲸的一半。

    So large , he discovered , that the largest dinosaur weighed only half as much as the female blue whale .

  7. 科沃斯说,拉丁美洲发现了目前已知的最大的恐龙,这只新发现的西班牙恐龙创造了新的欧洲记录。

    The largest known dinosaurs have been found in Latin America and the new Spanish dinosaur claims the record for Europe , Cobos said .

  8. 霸王龙是令人闻之丧胆的掠食者,身长最长可达40英尺,可能是陆地体积最大的恐龙之一。

    A fearsome predator , a Tyrannosaurus rex could be around 40 feet long , and was probably one of the largest land carnivores of all time .

  9. 比较起来,最大的恐龙(根据遗骸的分散情况)可能最大身长为200英尺,身高60英尺。

    In comparison the largest dinosaurs ( based on a scattering of remains ) would have attained a maximum length of200 feet and a height of60 feet .

  10. 尽管天宇的藏品数量没有官方明确的记录,但几位中国的古生物学家都声称天宇有着世界上最大的恐龙化石收藏。

    Though no official records of the collection 's number exist , several Chinese paleontologists echo Zheng 's claim that Tianyu houses the world 's largest collection of dinosaur fossils .

  11. 最大的肉食性恐龙是霸王龙。

    The largest carnivorous dinosaur was the tyrannosaurus rex .

  12. 对寻找化石的人来说,恐龙是终极猎物。而这些恐龙又是迄今为止发现的最大的食草恐龙。

    Dinosaurs are the big game to fossil hunters , and these were some of the biggest plant-eating dinosaurs ever found .

  13. “华丽羽王龙”生存在大约距今一亿两千五百万年的白垩纪早期,成年时体长约9米,重达约1.4吨,比此前已知最大的带羽毛恐龙“意外北票龙”要大40倍。

    The Yutyrannus is believed to have lived during the Early Cretaceous period around 125 million years ago . The researchers estimate that an adult Yutyrannus would have been about 9 meters long and weighed about 1400 kilograms .

  14. 科学家在辽西发现了一种新的暴龙类恐龙——华丽羽王龙,是迄今发现的体型最大的带羽毛恐龙。这批化石标本发现于朝阳市北票上园镇四合屯村,至少包括3个相当完整的个体。

    Fossils previously discovered in the province have indicated that some small dinosaurs had bird-like feathers , whereas three fossil specimens of the new tyrannosauroid from the same region show that at least one much larger dinosaur had a feathery coat as well .

  15. 这个恐龙坑是目前已知的最大、保存最好的恐龙沉积物。

    This dinosaur pit is the largest and best preserved deposit of dinosaurs known today .