
  • 网络maximum precipitation
  1. 一日最大降水量在山东半岛和雷州半岛增长趋势明显,北京地区和福建南部减小幅度非常大。

    One-day maximum precipitation tends to increase in area of Shandong Peninsula and Leizhou Peninsula , but decrease to a great extent in Beijing area and the south of Fujian Provence .

  2. 结果表明:CLIGEN很好地再现了年和日降水量的均值和降水日数,但对降水极值的模拟精度不高,年和日最大降水量的平均相对偏差均大于均值的平均相对偏差。

    Results showed that the means of annual and daily precipitation amount and days of precipitation were all well generated by CLIGEN , whereas extremes of precipitation were not adequately preserved .

  3. 结果表明:沿87E处估算的降水分布与实测值相当吻合,并存在两个最大降水量高度,一个位于1000&1500m之间,年降水量为2800mm;

    There are two maximums of preciptation along the longitude on the southern slope of the mountain : one situating at the heights between 1 000 to 1 500 m above sea level , with yearly rainfall of about 2 800 mm ;

  4. 日最大降水量服从极值分布的一个例证

    An Example of Extremum Distribution of Daily Mazimum Precipitation

  5. 洞庭湖及周边地区日最大降水量较同纬度地区偏少。

    In The Dongting Lake and surrounding areas , the maximum daily precipitation is lesser than in the same latitude .

  6. 日最大降水量与时最大降水量于台湾地区频率分析适用性之研究

    Maximum Rainfall in One Day and Maximum Rainfall in One Hour for the Applicability of Frequency Analysis Research in Taiwan Area

  7. 在只有凋落物覆盖的情况下,不出现水分下渗和地表径流时的最大降水量及最大降水强度各种林分是不同的。

    When there is litter form covering soil only and there is no water infiltration and no water running off from ground surface , the maximum rainfall amount and the maximum rainfall intensity in different forest stands different .

  8. 10天、20天内最大日降水量≥10mm、≥25mm、≥50mm的可能性沿海大于内陆,且在皖赣地区和四川盆地夏季降大暴雨的可能性最大。

    Probability of most precipitation of rain day of ≥ 10mm 、≥ 25mm 、≥ 50mm on inshore areas is bigger than inland 's , Probability of big rainstorm on Anhui province and Jiangxi province is most .

  9. 利用最大年降水量与最小年降水量比值来分析降水量的年际变化特徵。

    The inter-annual change of precipitation was analyzed through the ratio of maximum and minimum precipitation .

  10. 广西6、7月份若干日内最大日降水量的概率分布

    Probability distribution of the maximum amount of daily precipitation in certain days in June and July for Guangxi

  11. 1至20天内随着日数增加,最大日降水量概率密度大值区向降水量大的一侧偏移,且分布变平坦,处在不同区间内的概率差异变小。

    With adding days big value of Probability distributing deflect to bigger precipitation , and it becomes smoothness , difference between different interzone becomes small .

  12. 北海和钦州10、20日内最大日降水量达100毫米以上的概率明显大于其它站。

    The probabilities at which the maximum amount of daily precipitation in 10 , 20 days in the stations of Beihai and Qinzhou are more than 100 mm are evidently more than those in other stations .

  13. 年际变化大,年降水量在300~650mm之间波动,最大年降水量一般为多年平均降水量的1.3~2.3倍,为最小年降水量的2.0~6.5倍。

    The annual precipitation is between 300 ~ 400mm . The precipitation on Loess Plateau exhibits a great inter-annual variability . The maximum annual precipitation is about 1.3 ~ 2.3 times as the average annual precipitation , and is about 2 ~ 6.5 times as the minimum annual precipitation .

  14. 北京中心城区和南部城区的雷暴是最大的,平均降水量为9毫米。

    The thunderstorm was heaviest in Beijing 's central and southern districts , which saw an average of9 millimeters of rain .