
  1. 建设工程施工合同(简称施工合同)是承包单位在工程施工过程中的最高行为准则。

    The construction project contracts ( constructive contracts for short ) are by far the action rules of constructive corporation in the construction course .

  2. 语言是人类思想交流最重要的载体,而法律作为最高行为准则维系社会的运转、更替、发展。

    Language is the most important thinking carrier for human communication . However , law is regarded as the supreme rule to keep the society functioning , subrogating and developing .

  3. 公司章程不仅是公司有效设立的必要条件,而且是公司的最高行为准则,其作用贯穿于公司设立、经营和终止的全过程。

    Not only is the company effective articles , and a necessary condition of the company is the highest behavior standard , through the establishment of company , the whole process of operation and termination .

  4. 它以公共事业为出发点,慈善目的为最高行为准则,保障民生为核心使命,在促进社会公平正义,缓和社会矛盾方面起着十分重要的作用。

    It takes public service as a starting point , charity as the highest code of conduct and ensuring livelihood as the core mission . The foundation plays an important role in promoting social equality and justice and mediating social contradiction .