
  • 网络Subjective condition;subjective circumstances
  1. 文章从创业的主观条件与客观环境条件两个方面分析了农民工返乡创业可行性,在此基础上借助SWOT模型对农民工创业的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行总体分析。

    This paper analysis the feasibility of the migrant workers on the base of subjective and the objective environmental conditions and give overall analysis by the model SWOT which can show the peasants ' strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  2. 三,弱化或忽视无限防卫的主观条件。

    Weaken or ignore the subjective condition of unlimited defense .

  3. 把失败归咎于主观条件是无用的。

    It 's no use blaming the defeat on the subjective conditions .

  4. 主观条件与客观条件之间的识别与区分,对我们来说是极其重要的课题。

    It is a key issue to distinguish subjective condition from objective condition .

  5. 正当防卫主观条件几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Subjective Conditions for Justifiable Defense

  6. 第二部分主要阐述马克思主义批判精神形成的客观条件与主观条件。

    The second part mainly elaborates the objective and subjective conditions of Marxism critical spirit .

  7. 论成人学习的主观条件

    On the Subjective Conditions of Adult Learning

  8. 凡是修行完备之人,他们的主观条件是极其健全而隐固的。

    The subjective conditions of all men of perfect practice are very sane and steady .

  9. 实践基础上的理论创新需要有主观条件。

    It requires one 's subjective conditions in his theoretical creation based on social practice .

  10. 主流经济法学说的确立构成了经济法部门形成的主观条件。

    The establishment of the principal theory of the economic law branch was the subjective conditions .

  11. 主观条件是指投保人或被保险人未告知或不实告知重要事实时主观上存在故意或过失。

    Subjective conditions mean that the insurance applicant or the insurant has the intention or negligence .

  12. 思想政治课教学进行创新所需要的主观条件主要指教师和学生。

    Needing subjective condition carrying out innovation on thought-politics courses teaching mainly depend on teachers and students .

  13. 站在主观条件上看它们,想着它们,它们就存在。

    In the viewpoint of subjective conditions , you think the objective conditions , so they do exist .

  14. 从人与事物的关系上讲,我们将犯罪条件分为主观条件和客观条件;

    We divide condition of crime into subjective and objective ones by the relationship between man and things .

  15. 胜人是客观条件许可下主观条件力量的延伸,自胜是内在主观条件的加强及提升。

    Winning other people is in the field of objective condition ; winning self is work of subjective condition .

  16. 素质教育背景下的考试改革有其存在发展的主观条件和客观依据。

    There are subjective and objective arguments for the occurrence and development of examination under conditions of quality education .

  17. 在正当防卫理论大厦的构建过程中,正当防卫成立所需的主观条件问题显然是不容回避的。

    While we are constructing the theory mansion of justifiable defense , the subjective condition can 't be avoided .

  18. 修行的人专注在个人的主观条件上,与客观条件保持距离,以避免受到干扰。

    The man of practice focuses on personal subjective conditions , keeping objective conditions at arm length from distracting .

  19. 至于个人主观条件上面的营造、培养、储存则完全有赖自己了。

    As well as the subjective condition , it all depends on how we cultivate and store by ourselves .

  20. 各类艺术形态,在发展过程中,必然会受到社会客观条件与主观条件的影响。

    Various art forms , in the development process , will certainly be the social objective and subjective conditions .

  21. 在主观条件上,他是一个平凡无用的傻老头;

    In the viewpoint of the subjective conditions , he is a common , useless , silly and old man .

  22. 并分析了系资料员向学科馆员角色转换的客观条件和主观条件。

    Subjective conditions and objective conditions which affect the role changing of the department librarians into subject librarians are analysed .

  23. 从理论上探讨了体育的美学特征和审美鉴赏的主观条件。

    And in theory , the composition discusses the characteristics of sports and the subjective conditions of the esthetic appreciation .

  24. 本文导出了随机矢量场在特定的主观条件下的信息量的一般公式。

    In this paper , a general formula for information content of random vector field under certain subjective condition is derived .

  25. 不同译者的多元认知结构是复译产生和存在的主观条件,不同读者群所拥有多元认知结构是复译产生和存在的客观条件。

    The diverse cognitive structure of different translators is the subjective elements , while that of different readers the objective elements .

  26. 我们都知道,在世间发生的所有事务,无一不是由主观条件与客观条件在互动之下而产生的。

    We know well about that all world affairs are happened due to the interaction between subjective condition and objective condition .

  27. 在主观条件中建立起坚强的堡垒,与客观条件保持距离,并且不存妄念。

    A castle based on the subjective conditions is built soundly and kept away from the objective conditions without any deluded thought .

  28. 就我看,真正的道理不在柔弱,而在于坚守主观条件的领域。

    In my opinion , the key point lies on adherence to the subjective conditions , instead of to the soft or gentleness .

  29. 第六章本文指出信仰多元性合理状态的实现条件,包括社会历史条件和个人主观条件。

    This paper points out that the sixth chapter reasonable pluralism of state religion , including social historical conditions and individual subjective conditions .

  30. 本文探讨、阐述了实施模糊教学的客观基础,主观条件和基本策略。

    This article is aiming at exploring and illustrating the objective basis , subjective conditions and essential strategies for carrying out ambiguity teaching .