
  • 网络Final;final version;final edition;Ultimate Edition
  1. 他引用了《全球目录》最终版的封底上的文字“求知若饥,虚心若愚”对这些建议进行了强调。

    His advice was emphasized by the words on the back of the final edition of The Whole Earth Catalog , which he quoted Stay hungry . Stay foolish .

  2. XML编程入门到精通(最终版)让你快速熟悉XML。

    XML programming entry to the master ( final ) allows you to quickly familiar with XML .

  3. 开放SOA服务组件架构规范包含了最终版规范,也包含了代表最新版本的规范草案。

    Open SOA Service Component Architecture Specifications includes final specifications and also draft specifications representing the latest versions .

  4. 最终版的SDK将在下个月发布。

    A final version of the SDK is expected to be ready next month .

  5. SnailBait最终版在游戏开始时给玩家提供了3次生命。

    The final version of Snail Bait gives players three lives at the beginning of the game .

  6. beta版没有最终版中的一些功能,但是beta很稳定,质量也很好。

    The beta lacks some features that will make it into the final version , but it 's stable and high quality .

  7. 生产细节,最终版的手稿及其规格说明,或相类似。使用专门的电脑软件(CAD)制作设计说明书,包括部件列单和成本计算。

    Producing detailed , final hand drawings and specifications or , more likely , using dedicated computer software ( CAD ) to produce design specifications , including parts lists and costings ;

  8. 信中他们提供与前Sun相同的产品级别:基本版,银版,白金版和最终版,只是服务和软件有所不同。

    The letter offers similar product levels as Sun before the Oracle takeover : Basic , Silver , Platinum and Unlimited , it 's in support services and software the offerings differ .

  9. 这在一定程度上反映了MathML的年头,因为所有最初的设计都早于最终版的XML标准。

    Partly this showed the age of MathML , since all of the initial design predated the final version of the XML standard .

  10. 至于Web2.0服务总是处于“Beta”发行版的问题,在很多情况下可以认为这些工具与最终版是等同的。

    As for the issue with Web2.0 services being " Beta " releases , in many cases these tools can be considered equivalent to final releases .

  11. 我使用预先发布版的Windows7已经有9个月了,最后这个月在很多不同机器上对最终版软件进行了大量测试,我相信这是微软所推出最好的Windows版本。

    After using pre-release versions of Windows 7 for nine months , and intensively testing the final version for the past month on many different machines , I believe it is the best version of Windows Microsoft has produced .

  12. 最终版的议案最早将于明日在众议院再次表决,但共和党人已表示,除非剔除imf资金,否则将投票反对整项议案。

    The final version of the bill will be voted on again in the house as soon as tomorrow , but Republicans have said they will vote against the whole bill unless the IMF money is stripped out .

  13. 不过,吉吉通过Instagram发表了一份声明,她解释道,她对最终版的照片没有控制权,她承认时尚行业存在差异化的问题。

    But Gigi has explained she had no control over the final image and she acknowledges there are issues regarding diversity in the fashion industry in a statement posted on Instagram .

  14. 我使用预先发布版的Windows7已经有9个月了,最后这个月在很多不同机器上对最终版软件进行了大量测试,我相信这是微软所推出最好的Windows版本。Windows7提高了生产力,操作令人愉快。

    After using pre-release versions of Windows 7 for nine months , and intensively testing the final version for the past month on many different machines , I believe it is the best version of Windows Microsoft has produced . It 's a boost to productivity and a pleasure to use .

  15. 我们有理由期待最终版将于今年3月发布,这正是OSGiDevCon和EclipseCon举办的时间。

    It is expected that the final version will be released in time for OSGi DevCon , co-hosted with EclipseCon , in March this year .

  16. 6月份汇丰银行制造业PMI指数的最终版读数为49.4,低于此前经济学家49.6的预期,表示制造业处于收缩之中。

    HSBC 's final manufacturing purchasing managers ' index reading for June was 49.4 , less than the original reading of 49.6 which economists had expected to be confirmed today . Any reading below 50 indicates contraction in the sector .

  17. 根据微软程序经理DenisVnukov所述,工具的最终版将会支持存储过程、函数、触发器以及视图。

    According to Denis Vnukov , Microsoft Program Manager , support for stored procedures , functions , triggers and views will be included in final version .

  18. 1991年,该书的第二编辑米尔亚姆·普莱斯勒(MirjamPressler)修改、编辑了安妮·弗兰克的日记,并增添了25%的新素材,因此这个版本被称为“最终版”。

    A second editor , Mirjam Pressler , revised , edited and added 25 percent more material from Anne Frank 's diary for what was called a " definitive edition " in 1991 .

  19. 最终版的发布日期尚未宣布。

    A date for the final release has not yet been announced .

  20. 高等教育的支持者表示,这个最终版的法案做得还不够。

    Supporters in higher education said the final bill did not go far enough .

  21. 最终版的报告现在仍在准备中,随后还会有同行评审的论文发表。

    A final report is in preparation , to be followed by peer reviewed publications .

  22. 虽然早期草案已经发布了,但此次则为最终版。

    Although early drafts of it have been made available , this is the final release version .

  23. 这三款机器人最终版的原型机正站在工作台上,每一款看起来都相当独特。

    Sitting on the workbench , each of the final prototypes for the three robots looks quite distinct .

  24. 九月,斯维尼提交最终版账目请法院核准,这是对遗产的精密计算。

    In September , Mr. Sweeney submitted a final accounting , the hard math of the estate , for court approval .

  25. 该规范已经发布公共预览版,但在撰写本文之际,还没有最终版。

    The specification has been released for public review , but has not been finalized as of the time of this writing .

  26. 我计划在2.0最终版发布的时候发布一篇官方正式版本,目前只是一个公开的注释和技术回顾。

    I plan on finalizing and " officially " publishing it for the2.0 final release , but it is open now for public comment and technical review .

  27. 北京方面预期将在下月有关新疆的会议上出台最终版的新政策,这是首次专门针对新疆的会议。

    Beijing is expected to come up with the final new policies at a conference on Xinjiang next month the first such meeting held on this region .

  28. 首先,最终版的浏览器操作系统将在明年年底才开发完成,正好赶上假日购物的季节。

    First off , a final version of the Chrome OS won 't be available until near the end of next year , in time for the holiday shopping season .

  29. 一月底,微软发布了Windows10的技术预览版。这一未完成的版本允许微软的企业伙伴在最终版发布之前提前体验并提供反馈。

    At the end of January , Microsoft released the Technical Preview of Windows 10 , which is an unfinished build that Microsoft lets its enterprise partners try out ahead of the final release so that they can provide feedback .

  30. Guice团队向我保证:这里讨论的功能在最终发行版和当前beta版中都是一样的。

    The Guice team has assured me that the features I cover won 't change between the current beta and final release .