
  • 网络maximum operating current;Rated Current;Loaded Current;Maximum Power Current
  1. 各种方案的实验对比表明,采用适当的线圈设计参数和散热方案,能有效提高激励线圈的电磁转换效率,增加换能器的最大工作电流,从而充分利用大功率换能器中GMM的潜在性能空间。

    Contrast of the experimental results from these schemes illustrates proper solenoid design parameters and heat dissipate schemes can improve the electric-magnetic transfer efficiency , and increases the maximum driving current , consequently can fully utilize the giant magnetostrictive property of high power actuator .

  2. 计算结果表明该模型能很好地描述在任意预紧力和最大工作电流等工作条件下的磁滞特性。

    The calculation results show that the model can describe hysteresis characteristics under arbitrary pre-tightening force and maximum working current well .

  3. 利用最小二乘曲线拟合、线性回归等数学方法得出了刀架在最大工作电流下,预压力与磁致伸缩量之间的拟合曲线及函数多项式,并确立了最佳工作预压力。

    The fitting curve and the function expression between the prestress and magnetostriction under the maximum current is achieved with the method of curve fitting and linear regressing , and the optimal working prestress is confirmed .

  4. 最大允许连续工作电流

    Max allowable continuous working current